Drawthread: bee edition

Drawthread: bee edition

Attached: Bee.jpg (333x333, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


mannn i wish i could draw and contribute to these threads :( oh bless you, art fags

bees are gay

First for if you're not gay you're a bigot

Attached: sai2_190816254.png (487x411, 51K)

what about bi

You good

Attached: sai2_191210790.png (324x353, 27K)

bi guys are pathetic. im bi, i would know

Requesting Takenouchi no Tarumi undressing and showing off her large tits in the process.

Her beta design may be easier to do this with, imgur.com/TXCK7jq

Attached: 1559032557301.png (1000x1600, 1.01M)

Bi shaming is gross
Bi erasure is gross

Attached: sai2_191210779.png (368x451, 39K)

Lewd of this moth girl?

Attached: 20191210_003044.png (1118x1538, 387K)

sounds like a personal problem to me

im not shaming, i just know from experience why ppl are bi. its because they usually cant get a date so they try for both sides to see what they can catch

ur valid and i love u

Attached: sai2_191208760.png (192x276, 20K)

>its because they usually
[citation needed]
Maybe they just like both tho idk weird random shot in the dark

Attached: sai2_191128714.png (475x354, 36K)


This pic got me banned from /aco/ for "posting loli outside of Sup Forums".
Was the mod a faggot?

Attached: doll.png (810x1772, 315K)

For the user asking a sfw transformation

Attached: oneofus.png (999x706, 102K)

looks like one of those fuckin bratz dolls that were around in the 2000's
and yes it looks like a loli

mini ducks are cute. thanks again, ducklord

I don't think it looks loli but I agree with >815906682
about the bratz doll thing lmao

Requesting Miyoi getting fucked by a landwhale

Attached: TLE_-_Miyoi_Okunoda.jpg (364x524, 59K)

nigga sex penis

you've robbed me of my (you). this act of evil shall not be forgotten

A true visionary.

I'm sorry, it was a typo

Attached: sai2_191126704.png (994x627, 73K)

If you're still free. Make your avatar breakdance. Hope to see you in another thread fren.

Considering the file name is literally doll.jpg I think that's on purpose. But she looks more like a Monster High/Ever After High girl, the Bratz had way wider heads and fish lips.

That's fair. The artist should be proud of the fact that that came across so well then.

Attached: sai2_191210774.png (317x370, 31K)

Requesting orc wife hugging her human husband

Attached: beeboob.png (428x303, 7K)

now draw her nude to apease bee user


Np buddy
Aw yeah, till next time my friend

Attached: skills.png (549x777, 33K)


such swag. imma head out man. hope to run into you some other time as well


Requesting cute drawfags piss in my mouth

Requesting a comic of this dormouse girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out

Snake vore references: imgbox.com/g/OWIeC0Xfko

Attached: dormouse00.jpg (850x1410, 252K)

Ok, working on this. Gimme an hour for a WIP

Scanty and Kneesocks with hyper tits and big fat asses.

Attached: 2871b1d5e03b5c27d769810c12f40529.png (1024x714, 771K)

Thanks fam! You're a real human bean!

Attached: 1476924601319.gif (300x220, 1.32M)

havent drawn nsfw before but i wanted to deliver so here

Attached: nudebee.png (432x410, 9K)

Very cute!

oh no, beefag gonna get off if he's lurking

Drawname friend?

>tfw beeanon never wants ghei

Attached: sai2_191210793.png (568x703, 58K)

ill have you know that I'm les, so uh...am homo?


Attached: sai2_191210794.png (532x547, 55K)

Yeah nice try but there aren’t any girls on the internet

Black Desert Online Mobile is nearly out!! You could go download it now and try to make yourself in the game!! BDO is known for its character customizing less for its tedious and grin heavy gameplay..(not sponsored)

Attached: EF4278EC-9FB6-4A05-89D6-D51FE2E275BB.jpg (333x333, 28K)

Go to sleep you dweeb it’s late

I've known enough fujoshi girls in my time on the internet to know you're wrong user

G O D I tried BDO but it was so grindy I just couldn't keep up with it. Korean MMOs are always like that and it's the worst.
(not to mention the stupid gender locked classes)

Attached: sai2_191210795.png (645x682, 71K)

Jonesy topping Thanos in amql sex

Attached: broholyfuckingshit.jpg (584x513, 61K)

Whoever the fuck started the headless meme needs to have their families literally drawn and quartered with fucking Chevy Silverados.

Why everyone have to hate me, I thought u guys liked bee waifu as wel

thank you friend!
just follow one of my twitter accounts for now and i'll update ya

okay last drawing for the night. she likes ketchup gn

Attached: ketchupbee.png (616x441, 16K)

Why do you want it so bad

Fine.. n-not becuz u told me too I just happen to be sleepy OK??
I just wanted it to the customizing lel
>Requesting that in nu Sup Forums
Uh oh watch out for a b&
This is the meme I don’t get

Attached: 3A0B7927-E6B6-48EB-9F1D-871917D10D0E.jpg (333x333, 15K)

1. I'm curious to see if I'd like it.
2. I like small dom big sub pairings.
3. I also like weird crossover porn and Fortnite's good for that since they've had a lot.
4. There isn't a 4th reaaon I just wanted to say I mispelled anal lol

Whoever made the bee oc meme needs to get fucking killed too. He literally over takes drawthreads on numerous boards. I religiously hate content creators that make him shit because he became a snowball that rolled down hill with that. At least he isn't scatty though.

Requesting Iris from Pokemon tied up and gagged with a cloth in this outfit. Position peference to the right.

Attached: F742FFDC-8DF7-401B-A9C0-D3F615246CF8.png (3200x1800, 1.28M)


Attached: handsom bee.png (880x767, 27K)

what was bee oc meme, i need a history class

yo, man, chill. what you got against the autist lol

Why would I get a b& for making a request in a drawthread?

Attached: 1575975147844.png (2000x2500, 131K)

sure sure whatever works just SLEEP

Porn was banned from Sup Forums for like two hours

Go back newfag

Oh... well I've been asleep for like the whole day so I missed that lol

make me

bees can be bretty good tho
as long as they have a penis

Attached: sai2_191210798.png (668x651, 72K)

I will bitch nigga.

hi, guy who drew ketchup bee here
if you followed the account i put follow this one instead

what u gonna do? tell your mummy?

You'll see.

so who was bee user? i need some backstory

lmao you pussy, do it already

Requesting any female character posted in this thread in a lewd situation with a male bee

How about the femal bee

Takes time gotta open up the coin jar.

you sure are a shit jar, cause you're full of it


knew you were full of shit, stay on reddit, kiddo

locinealy.com/13557667/ask-his-friend-to-bang-her-wife That one

Shonen Bat from Paranoia Agent drinking a Sprite Cranberry.

Coins are getting dropped on this nigga tonight. Just farmed a block time to cash out on some niggers.

oh really, aight then, tell me, where am i and what time you gonna get me

What did he mean by this

no idea, probs some 12 year old trying to sound cool


bee-mbo...get it?? aha...
ama go now

Attached: rider.png (668x1224, 273K)

That little squabble between anons above us; how do you think that's gonna go down?


Attached: rider.png (641x455, 156K)



Requesting a conjoinment of Emma Frost and Storm like in the reference.

Attached: SR15.png (1280x720, 928K)

>Entity is a rapist, has one testicle
>shadow fucked his dog and is now a wide sperg for his ego and "intellectual" mindset
>shitstain is some retarded faggot who thinks being nice will change a drawthread + circlejerking w/avatars
>vorefag is the king of drawthreads because you retards cant stop talking about him
>trinket the fat troon with a goblin female oc
>tang and their avatarfag shit who the fuck cares
>popopoka inabillity to keep a following because he likes to share pictures of himself and circlejerk
>andrew and their paint skills and no following
>YV Master pedophile who got btfo'd for being stupid
>Decaf, tranny lover who likes to start drama, was caught dating laitbunn when he was 15
>laitbunn, decaf's tranny german boyfriend who was underage when they dated and also went dick removing surgery
>Stickfag some nig who trolled a bunch of avatarfags, was a scapegoat for a while causing threads to sperg out
>Pin, Spic coalburner who did sexual shit with her kid with EHG
>EHG Blacky who talked Pin into doing sexual shit with their kid
>pupper some avatarfag, is a negro, cripple, and slut
>BB tracer faggot who couldn't obtain an audience
>Joshu Sperged out when he was called out for being BB
>Trigoat Furfag dude who's art never changed in about 5 years.
>9ball dick who comes here
>wurm see 9ball
>road Avatarfag whore who teased anons most of the time
>soren avatarfag
>Rider part avatarfag, part drawfag.
>roam Broke faggot who tried to make it big + depressed
>ponk see roam
>siegmund antiporn guy but draws porn LUL
>Debil Tranny who's very narcissistic.
>Bim some dude who was caught in crossfire
>Zander actual pedo who was rejected by every drawfag girl to the point he's entered a polyamarous relationship with two lesbians as the third wheel so that he doesn't try to commit suicide again
>Smiley avatarfag who samefagged to hell
>Lilly suicidal whore who confirmed she hated her life
>hero is a morbidly obese 35 year old fat man

Attached: 1507481056912.png (385x450, 107K)

>caring enough to learn all these names

Popopoka hasn't done much, neither has tang or rider

Requesting Jackeline and Scotswoman posing nude like in the right pic. Jackie with smaller breasts and looking a bit embarrassed and Scot of a similar size as the pic and looking more confident.

Attached: JackieScot.jpg (2856x2000, 1.5M)

Requesting Mizuki from One Punch Man getting a hole punched in her abdomen by Saitama.

Attached: F1E90443-71AB-41AF-BBAF-8F7753630164.png (547x586, 540K)