Yo /b look at my nuts, they itch like a motherfucker

Yo /b look at my nuts, they itch like a motherfucker

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Thats not your nuts its your gooch

You either have a skin rash, or an STD. See a doctor.

I went been to the doctor, they told me it was jock itch

they itch cause you are scratching them a+b=c

How do I not scratch if they itch


Calamine lotion

I fucking would cut my shit off rather then suffer this itch

Sup Forums demands a livestream of this.

Your balls are too tiny, you need to castrate yourself

Sounds about right

You can buy and use pic related

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Would baby powder work?

Funny story, It was so fucking itchy at one point I but Benadryl on my balls, not my best idea

OP needs Clotrimazole

I've never had baby powder stop the itching...you could try it tho I guess

Are you the degenerate that made a thread about not showering last night?

Wash your fucking balls and that wouldn't happen you dirty fucker.

Might be the fabric of your underwear reacting to sweat or stress so it’s causing an itch. Try aloe Vera or a non scented lotion. Take a shower before you do and try not to put on underwear , just some pjs with a breathable material

Shower every night homie, been trying to get rid of this itch.

hydrocortizone, and wash your balls more than once a week faggot

Thank you for helpful.

soap and water once a day makes that awful itch go away

Hey mate, I had the exact same shit and was freaking out cause I had cheated on my girlfriend a few times and thought it was an std.

But turns out it’s just jock itch, I used a cream from the shops and it’s gone in just a few days, also don’t use soap cause irritates it more, just buy special soap for sensitivite skin.

i had a rash like that its because i didnt change my boxers in about 3 months

Thank you for being helpful :)

get nylon underwear and change them at least every two days.
I bet you have cotton now right?


nylon is non microbial and breaths well.
Mens nylon underwear is a bit expensive, but buy a pair and try them out, you'll most likely find them to be a huge upgrade.
They last a long time and dont stretch out over time.
They make them in all styles as well.

i get this shit on my nuts too man, sucks hard.

mine dry out real bad half the time and turn into swassy hell when it gets too warm. biggest thing for me was switching the soap i was using and turning down the tempt of my showers a lil.

GL though i still suffer from time to time

I get mine from duluth trading company (that angry beaver commercial)

Duluth gang

nylon underwear man, I used to get it all the time too till I made the switch from cotton.

My balls get incredibly itchy sometimes and I'm a khv so I'd say it's most likely jock itch ass well. But do any of you seem to get ball dandruff? Like, there's a white powder visible in your underwear?

Bruh I had the same ball inflammation, Epsom salt actually fixes it.

Yeah, I notice it whilst I'm on the toilet

Good to know, thank you for being helpful.

Rinse with cool/cold water in shower. Dry thoroughly.