I have two questions for you which tie into each other, really interested in your responses

I have two questions for you which tie into each other, really interested in your responses
are you an atheist? agnostic? "spiritual?" religious?
have you ever used psychedelic drugs?

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Agnostic, I believe in God, but I'm not sure what God exactly is or what does he want of us.
Never used psychedelic drugs.

op here
I'd identify as agnostic as well but more on the spiritual side. I'm not sure what god is
I've taken a good amount of psychedelics and the first time I took lsd a recurring thought was "god is love" which I still believe though I'm not sure exactly what it means

I am Catholic, more religious than spiritual though
I have not taken any psychedelic drugs, I believe drugs are a replacement for raw meat / organ diet

please explain the last part

OP theres something bigger but the verdict is out for me. I do alot of drugs but stay away from psychedelics I already have mental illness and cant imagine losing the little grip I have. I have seen shit drinking heavy on prozac and that was enough for me


in germany and europe in general we have many raw meat dishes, the reason why people feel miserable is because they have no access to dishes like “Mett“ and do not get the bacteria and undamaged vitamins from it, and also the lack of liver brain and other organs people usually always would have eaten in their diet. because of this lack they can not produce enough dopamines and other things in your body and need to resort to drugs to create it in another way.
watch this channel for more information youtube.com/user/sv3rige

I have a lot of experience with psychedelic drugs. Some of which include
>Misc. Research Chemicals

I'm an atheist.

smart man
I've kind of sworn off psychs after some really fucked experiences which loosened my grip on reality but I'm grateful for the experiences
is there anything specifically you saw that convinced you there is something bigger?
I was that way for a long time but something clicked in me for some reason
lol I'm good on sverige
psychedelic drugs are nothing like the drugs you are thinking about. it's not just about a dopamine hit

was there ever a time you weren't? I know it's hard to explain why you don't believe in god but are there any big reasons or experiences that influenced that?

Agnostic, but I rather believe. It’s a great motivator. I believe in him as being good, wanting you to be good. He lets life play out and doesn’t do favours he just expects you to be good. I don’t believe in the man made taboos and rituals made for gods tho. Also I don’t think you can 100% say he’s real. As for you can’t 100% deny he isn’t also. You can gather all the facts you think you have from both sides and you still can’t be 100% certain so it’s silly to admit you’re 100% certain. Then again, if you believe it, it’s true to you.

When I was younger I used to think that perhaps there was something to all of these paranormal claims. When I got older I realized that there doesn't seem to be a single bit of unbiased evidence to support the supernatural. I'm also trained in the sciences. I don't think it's good to believe in something unless there is some fairly rock solid evidence to support it.

This user needs 5 dried grams and to get his bitch ass off Prozac.

What a sad “trip report”
>Well at least I didn’t snip my balls off on PCP.
>You would bring that up you insufferable pest!
>I’ll fucking stab you nigger
>Just try it niggerino
>Tired of your shit

Atheist, and yes. Shrooms are god damn amazing

why does God have to be a he? or even an entity? not detracting from anything you said but do you ever think God could be something else entirely?
valid points
have you ever experienced anything "supernatural" though? I very much shared the same thoughts up until fairly recently

now consider myself an atheist but was raised in a super conservative christian household where church was almost a cult. Not done any, but more than willing to

Tho I did lose my faith in religion after i started smoking weed, made me think out of the box i was raised in

I've had some pretty crazy experiences on psychedelics. I don't think I would call it supernatural. Just circumstances that at the time I didn't have a rational explanation for.

Once I felt as if I could control my dogs dreams. On LSD I felt like I could control the intensity of the trip and every time I made the trip more intense he would start kicking his hind leg while sleeping. I understand correlation vs. causation, but I sat there for hours doing this. Most likely it was just a delusion.

Have tried lots of different psychs, kinda like this guy
I am atheist in a literal sense and have been since I was like 10. You might call me spiritual, though; I think of religion very highly generally, just don't believe it literally.

I have spent time thinking about God philosophically. (I started but haven't gotten around to finishing it yet in detail, though I've worked through other people's summaries) but I think Christopher Langan's CTMU might be onto something.

I DO believe in a sort of emergent God, but not of the sort of qualities one might normally demand from something to call it "God"
>WTF does that even mean?
If anyone actually gives a rat's ass I'll explain what I mean by that

I don't like the term god either because I feel that a lot of ambiguity comes along with it. God to a Christian means something very different than it does to a Hindu.

I was raised catholic and ate it up. stopped caring in my teens and totally rejected it when I took mushrooms at 17
after taking lsd at 25 I think I found god but in the right way
but was it a delusion? that's why these drugs are so interesting to me. I've had many inexplicable experiences as well and most of them I've shared with others which confirms what was actually happening
please explain! I'm very interested
I don't necessarily believe in god as an entity, more as a "source" like a concentration of pure love and energy

I'm atheist, yes I have.
I was atheist before, the experience only reinfoced my choice not to belive in an allmighty god.
What I like about all religions is that they are preaching about being humble and a good person, what I don't like about religion are the people who don't understand that.

Doesn’t have to be a he. It’s easier to imagine. It could be the light of the universe. That could be god. The pure light.

but what about a creator or god outside of religion? do you believe the big bang theory? logically how does that work?
please dont take this as sarcasm I genuinely want to know

God isn't real and if he is he's an asswipe so fuck em
Took lsd and had a real bad time.

brother that is exactly what lsd showed me
the pure light of love
the source
I get you though it's easier to speak in those terms

lol why'd you have a bad time?

I wager that it most likely was a delusion. If not then it should be repeatable under clinical settings. Of course, I can't say with absolute certainty. I would like to see more studies and clinical trials of psychedelic substances.

I'm a crumpetist

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Drugs are how I came to god.

Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?

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Probably because I also smoked half a joint. As the paranoia came on I was trying to look up a video to help calm paranoia and instead watched a video that induces paranoia (it was called "what paranoia feels like" or something if you wanna watch it). Anyway ended up having a like 4-5 hour long panic attack where I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack and die. Definitely 100% my fault but damn I have never felt worse in my life

When I took psychedelics I felt like I saw god in everything. However, by definition god is a deity with it's own volition.

I agree with you. until then it's impossible to say. everything is convincing on lsd and you are very suggestible. I want to believe though

I could have stopped at the first sentence and understood lol. i fucking hate smoking weed when I'm on any psychedelic. totally ruins it for me
if you can get your hands on some real legit tested lsd try it again on its own

Yeah I went full fucking retard. I don't know if I want to try it again, honestly I'm kind of afraid. Which makes me afraid that my fear will trip me out. I'm pretty much done with drugs I think.

Do you believe in an afterlife? I would love to believe that one day I'll be reunited with my loved ones. I can't though. I'm interested in the truth. Psychedelics have shown me a lot about how my mind operates though. I don't think I would be the person I am today without those experiences.

Regarting the creator theory I'm agnostic, I can't tell and certainly don't know enough about theoretical physicts that would allow me to create a strong opinion on that. If there's somthing like a creator, it's definetly some being on a higher dimension, not our pathetic three dimensional universe. But i'm sure even our universe is just a creation of a higher being. That higher being would have other things to do, than being obsessed about how i live my personal human life.
And thats the point where religion start to bother me. Giving people rules about how we as humanity interact in a civilized manner, is something nice, but people trying to tell me how to behave e.g. in my bedroom, fuck no. We only have one life, we should enjoy every minute of it, as long as we don't bother others with that.

I made that mistake many times lol weed always fucks up my trips
if you don't wanna do it then don't man, just know a good trip is heaven on earth whereas your experience was hell on earth. it can go both ways
I'm not sure if I do. more than anything I believe our energy returns to the source with no ego, no identity, we all become one as we are already. I'd love to believe it though absolutely and I'm terrified of the idea of hell. I agree with you, psychedelics have helped me to become who I am today more than any other influence and I like to think theyve been a positive influence despite some horrifying moments
so what I understand is you subscribe more to the clockmaker theory? that makes sense to me too
bringing dimensions into the discussion makes it much more interesting though I can't understand any of the technical details either
I think religion has its place and is valuable when viewed metaphorically but no religion should be followed literally. your last sentence sums up my philosophy on life :) pursue happiness but not at the expense of the happiness of others

The first part is 4 questions. These things are not equivalent.
I identify as Agnostic atheist because I reject the god claim but recognize it is unknowable
I'm not religious, but I am open to learning from religion. I don't believe in souls especially since everyone's defintion is different so I guess I'm not spiritual, but I do like the condition of oneness caused by basically all of what we are made of and are able to experience being stuck on earth. We are forced to share and reuse the same matter over and over. We are litterally made of our ancestors
Microdosed lsd once

So I'm not trying to be cryptic, I'm just not sure I've fully organized my thoughts on this yet into a form that translates into other people's understanding. Also, my thoughts on this are actually like so simple it almost sounds dumb, but anyway lemme try:

So first off, I've been thinking about how I use the word God, and my working definition I think is just: The totality of everything = God.

So I'm trying to summarize this quickly, 'cause I'm autistic and high and every thought I have here inspires like 10 million others that are tangentially related.

I mentioned emergence, and I'm gonna just assume you don't know what that is. Emergence is the phenomenon, Wikipedia: "when an entity is observed to have properties its parts do not have on their own". en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergence

This has all sorts of implications but the key ones to me are basically how something complex can emerge from simpler elements. Like, you don't look at an H2O molecule and intuitively think "this makes whirlpools." And yet, if you get a whole bunch of water molecules together then you'll get whirlpools, because of the inherent properties of the molecule.

>Still thinking, continue on next post:

Demanding sauce on where to get/make lsd, shrooms and ketamine

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atheist agnostic, use weed on the regular

I'm agnostic. I believe in the possibility of something we might consider a god, but I do not believe in worship/spirituality etc. I think the most likely scenario for a god is an alien creator of a simulation universe with questionable at best intentions.

you should do a full dose
I think you'd get a lot out of it based on your opinions as of now
I tend to agree that god is everything, the "universe"
first time I ate mush I realized "everything is everything" and while that still doesn't make total sense to me I understand the implications
I really like your water analogy. I've never thought of it that way and I will definitely remember it when I think about anything related to this topic
chemistry degree
growing mush is easy
extracting dmt is easy

I also tend to believe this as much as I don't want to. I had an insane experience on lsd that convinced me this is true but it could have just been a psychotic episode
very convenient to dismiss it as a psychotic episode though eh?

So now I'm gonna make an assumption. I'm not certain it's philosophically sound, I'm still thinking on it (I think, again this is actually what Langan's CTMU is about, at least some of the arguments in the beginning)

All of the complexity of reality is of an emergence nature. I'm assuming that reality started, the big bang whatever, but that initially reality (for whatever reason, again this is something CTMU addresses if I understand it correctly) has very simple properties, rules, whatever you wanna call them, and then through a sort of self-interaction these rules began to play out into creating complex phenomena emergently and eventually all of what you see in reality now. And if you follow that out it continues further into everything that ever will be.

I mean, that's kind of the premise of the evolving universe. The most recent DMT trip I had, reality came in layers and we have only examined some of the many layers of reality.

>are you an atheist? agnostic? "spiritual?" religious?
Agnostic atheist as the two aren't exclusive. I don't know everything and it is impossible to prove anything true, only false, and we have not yet proved theism false, so I cannot claim knpwledge (I.e. certainty, gnosis). But the entirety of the argument for theism seems to come from things that suffer under basic scrutiny (causing infinite regression problems or the like) and so I choose not to specifically believe in any of it (a- no, -theism belief in any god); as far as I can tell, the study of reality occasionally uncovers something that disproves one of more theist arguments, and I think it will continue to do so.

>have you ever used psychedelic drugs?
Yes. The sensation was enjoyable at the time but the realisation after the fact that I was not as in control of my actions during their use means I will not do so any more, same reasons I don't drink.

>it's not just about a dopamine hit
That's literally the only reason people continue using them. Feels good = do more. You are hijacking your reward system. To claim otherwise is just you trying to make excuses for your use of substances.

this makes sense but I've never looked at it that way
thank you for sharing. this is the kind of shit I wanted to hear, we all have different theories and they're all as valid as one another
I like the way you think
we are only able to examine certain layers of reality while experiencing "normal" reality
I've smoke dmt multiple times but purposely never broke through
it scares me, I'm scared of being in that state and encountering dark entities and losing myself
bodysnatching essentially
despite that it has helped me immensely and the euphoria from even one hit of it is amazing

do you understand how psychedelics work? have you used them?
it seems like you are pretty uneducated because these drugs are vastly different than the addicting drugs I believe you are thinking of
the experiences on psychedelics are often far from pleasant

So this emergent property is also very important because it means that all of the things like our emotions, our reason, these are also emergent.
So the insight here is that The Univese/God actually is at least as conscious as the totality of all consciosness it contains. By extension The Universe feels as well. The Universe literally experiences love and can suffer, because we experience love and can suffer and are the Universe. I think this is what the whole omnipotence thing is about. I think this is also one of the big things that Psychedelics tend to bring light to: the whole oneness and everything.

>this has serious philosophical implications, but no way i'll be able to get into all of it

>You might note that by the way I define things I can actually take a sort of agnostic sense, where even if Yahweh set everything in motion a la the Bible, it's still true that somehow because of God/The Universe's nature, all of the complexity we see around us has emerged

so would it be accurate to say that you believe we are just microcosms of the universe? oneness is really interesting to me as it is so prevalent in psychedelic experiences. so far you have provided the most compelling ideas itt so thank you for that. I apologize, I'd like to get more into detail but I'm drunk and it's getting late but I really appreciate your input

I've broken through on multiple occasions. For me the first hit is intense. The second hit things are really intense. I force myself to take a third hit. That's when I feel like my consciousness is segmented and I'm in some sort of void or vortex. Then everything comes together and makes sense. I used to think that people called it a "Breakthrough" because you break through into a different reality, and that it partly true, but it's also a life changing breakthrough experience. Like my most recent breakthrough experience/realization was that I was being too materialistic when I have more than I could ever ask for right here.

one of my best friends has as well and I'm so interested in the experience but too scared to actually do it
he also used 5meo two times and said it was the scariest shit ever but he described one of the experiences as basically shrinking to an atom and assimilating with a point of light which I imagine is the source or "god"
he says he will never do it again
first time I tried it I was talking with him on the phone and got to the second hit and it felt all wrong so I stopped. it was still one of the heaviest drug experiences I've ever had, really gave me some perspective
so would you say things almost disintegrate then reintegrate? like pixelize then come back as the full picture?
even though I never "broke throufh" I get what you mean, each time I used it I came out of it with some knowledge and inner peace

>sorry, I'm still trying to get my thoughts out

So the big thing finally, I think is about a sense of transcendent meaning meaning and purpose.
I'm still kind of stuck on precisely why certain things seem to be meaningful and why others are not, but what I have discovered is that I have a sort of sense about whether or not something is meaningful or not. And while I'm not certain precisely WHY certain things might be meaningful to me (like, videogames are not meaningful to me even though I enjoy them, but other pasttimes like music ARE transcendentally meaningful to me), but that means that somehow the Universe has a sense for meaning through me having a sense of meaning.

I've also discovered through living, recently, just how important it is to listen to and serve my sense of meaning (even though it's hard and sucks balls a lot). My sort of take on God is basically how i'm able to derive meaning from the Universe without necessarily having to understand it all, just like religions, but without necessarily belief in things described in formalized religions.
>I do actually think it's right. I'm still working on, again, if my assumptions are philosophically sound, but I THINK they are

Other implicaitions are that Good and Evil, while not something I'd claim to be able to identify correctly 100% of the time, I do believe are real.

I think a serious part of Langan's CTMU (by the way I keep mentioning this, y'all ever heard of this thing?) is that while i realize that consciousness exists as an ergent phenomenon, Christopher Langan, (I think, though I might be wrong on this) roughy argues that because consciousness eventually emerges from The Universe, and it does actually interact with all of the rest of reality, it's not quite right to think of consciousness as a thing localized to even the collection of our experiences,


but actually all of the universe as part of the thinking process, and to think what happened in stars millions of years ago as a sort of proto-consciousness????
(though I'm still hazy on langan's thing. and sorry, i know this was about what I think, but i've considered the CTMU as being highly influential, even thoughI don't think I udnerstand all of it)

yeah, I think that's correct. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts

Every time I do it it's always a bit different in some ways, but the same in others. The first time I tried it everything disintegrated and it was intense, but I didn't breakthrough. Once it wore off I couldn't stop laughing though because of how intense it was. The next time I tried it I was enveloped in a world of fractals for a while. Then another time I saw a lot of foreign looking hieroglyphic images.

In regards to 5meoDMT. Chemically, it's similar to DMT, but the experience seems very different. I've never tried 5meoDMT myself, but it seems as if everyone has a bad experience on it. I've never had a bad experience on DMT, just incredibly intense.

ohai uwu

I'm agnostic and have used psychedelics. I was agnostic before my first time trying them tho

And ugh... This probably isn't going to make sense. This one time I broke through and while my head was still swimming and I was coming out of my breakthrough I felt like I was sharing thoughts with people around the world. I felt like I was sharing thoughts with this one guy who was a police officer and in my mind I thought "I wonder if this guy smoked DMT and is having my thoughts right now." lol I know. It sounds absolutely ridiculous.

man I'd love to have a conversation with you in person
like I said I'm drunk and its 4am so I'm gonna check out right now but thank you for sharing your thoughts
I will not forget and I will look into ctmu
the nature of psychs
they're unpredictable but somehow predictable
thank you for sharing your experiences, I'm always interested to hear how these drugs affect different people

thank you for your responses brothers. I gotta get some sleep but I honestly and truly appreciate all your input. I'd have been asleep a lot sooner if it weren't for you guys making me think so much lol
keep spreading the love and knowledge :)

I fuckin love you all. we're all one. thank you so much for participating in this conversation. good night my friends

Take care buddy.