What the fuck happened to Sup Forums im so confused

what the fuck happened to Sup Forums im so confused

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Other urls found in this thread:


Some years ago your parents had sex and now you're here, alive, and must pay taxes. We're all confused. Now fuck off.

Apparently some mods talked about banning porn, now Sup Forums is in a civil war between cumbrains and Redditor

>mod decides to wipe porn off the board
>every board + plebbit rejoice briefly and have a celebration on Sup Forums to toast the occasion
>mod eventually goes to bed
>promises this isnt over, and he'll continue his porn purge when he returns
>porn immediately resurfaces as mod leaves
>to be continued in Part 2

Imagine if reviewbruh dived into JoeysWorldTours asshole and gave it a decent review.
That'd be pretty sick

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>that timestamped image
...is that you, ricky...?

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Nothing happened. A few right wing newfags think they can ban porno if they sperg out enough. They’re too new to know Sup Forums is unchangeable. It’ll be here long after they switch to breitbart forums or some other place retirees go to post about Christ lmao

Look at those fucking hands. It would take a LOT longer than a minute to type that out.

>Sup Forums fags get triggered over Sup Forums having pics of naked women
>Sup Forums fags angry over fact they'll never encounter a naked woman in real life
>Sup Forums fags try to ban porn on Sup Forums
>everyone laughs at Sup Forums (as usual)
>Sup Forums fags cry and sulk back off to their containment zone


Worst part is pol seems to be the entry point for these boomers and boomers at heart. Idk why these snowflakes r trying to change b. Boomers apparently dont know that b is undefeated.


>Sup Forums gets sick of nothing but porn
>coomers seethe and call everyone who's sick of their shit Sup Forums fags
>Sup Forums is slightly better for a while

sorry, my wife's boyfriend made me type this, I am a porn obsessed subhuman, don't listen to me

Pretty much this. Sup Forums always has 3-4 threads up whenever they're organizing some yellow anti porn raid. Notice how many threads we have up about Sup Forums. Zero.

Ok boomer.

how many cocks do you see in a day ?

Stop spamming boomer. There’s porn on EVERY PAGE including the ads haha keep sperging tho it is entertainment. You can’t beat b. It’s not an option. Mods dont care about porn most actually join in on porn threads. Go back to pol or gab



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Scroll up. Now scroll down. You have now seen multiple cocks baked into Sup Forums it’s self. U can’t beat b. It’s all for naught.

Zoomers are upset their reposted daily porn pics are being removed.

One thread gets full and some retard creates a identical thread right away and fills it up with identical pictures and videos.

Zoomers ruined Sup Forums years ago.
b used to be porn free and great.

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NIGGERS and JEWS got a taste of whats to come, thats all

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GODMODS gave us a sip of the cure for the coomer plague, then quickly forsook us again.

It was beautiful. It was like freedom.

its like when the joker shot that jew live on tv. but its a mod shooting a cumbrain on Sup Forums

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>including the ads
Those are targeted ads and if you're seeing them it means you're part of the coomer menace.

Sup Forums briefly had a vision of what it could be like if porn wasn't the omnipresent force that it is now.

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Honestly the first time in over 5 years that I bothered staying on Sup Forums for more than a 30 second look to confirm that it was still coomer cancer. It made me nostalgic for pre-chanology Sup Forums

tbh how many porn threads do we have right now?
I have 17 threads hidden whereas it was 40 a few minutes ago.
I think we should not act as if it were a lost cause. We can still recreate Sup Forums in our image.

U speak for b do you? Why not just post a thread with one question on a poll? U kno everyone would vote for porn and u would get outed as being a handful of brietbart boomers

This post was made by an underageb&. Please ignore it.

this 100%, the coomers only win if our will dies. Sup Forums is our rightful place

MORE! The yellow fags are sleeping!

listen newfag this has been an anime and porno board for decades. It’s ads are ALL related to porn and anime. You are in the wrong place boomers.

Great argument. Dementia already setting in huh?

One mod can't fight the porn themselves. It has to be reportable and let the jannys remove as they see it. If they really want to clean up Sup Forums, they need to get rid of the very likely paid political provocateurs banned too. That shit is what Sup Forums is for.

Where’s the time stamp?

R u that new to Sup Forums? This place is the no go zone that u fear.

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THE PORN HERE SUCKS AND HAS ALWAYS SUCKED! It's low res blurry garbage! There are multiple other boards with good porn, use those! It's just endless spam here, 24/7. Why do you faggots cling to it so hard?

they are literally bots.

>This place is the no go zone that u fear.

Nobody fears vanilla porn. At least if it was gore, beastiality or CP there'd be something for newfags to 'fear' and you'd be terrifying Ledditors off the board.

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Learn to spell summerfag

wtf is b? You know it's a school night right?

Sup Forums is endless. Scream into the void all u want. There will just be a porn pic right underneath ur sperg shit. That’s literally what this site was built on

Everyone got mad at her locinealy.com/13557667/ask-his-friend-to-bang-her-wife

Oh no are you gonna call the internet police on us? Keep fighting b it always works out great

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Then why are newfags spamming “remove porn” like it’s the new kebab? Just normie tits pics gets them all worked up into a geriatric frenzy

I actually wouldn't doubt that one bit.

No it was not. This board created internet culture, now it's just an autism containment board full of angry shills.and depressed faggots.

Bots now? Just go away, you don’t even know that bots can’t post here bc of the captcha. Lol you obviously weren’t here for boxxxy you weren’t here for until breitbart led you to gab and then ultimately to Sup Forums bc you people are just sheep. We’ve been here since moot was here. You’re the newbie. Just admit it and then maybe we can talk. Until then you will get beaten by b no matter what you spam.

Coomers I want you to understand why we hate you.
We dont hate you because what you post is "NSFW". Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god you posted a pussy! This totally shocks my unenlightened puritan mind.
No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags, wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursecution" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.
Coomers are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single board on this site that doesnt regularly have off topic derails about ass or tits. Always with animebikini.jpg and ranting about how hot she is. It doesnt matter how off topic it is, coomers cant help but broadcast the fact that they are coomers.
What does the chest size of some instagram thot have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation about the randomness? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I AM SO HORNY! YOU SHOULD POST PORN!
TL;DR Coomers are just the same as furfags only their "fursecution" is called "SFW".
Prove. Me. Wrong.

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>Then why are newfags spamming “remove porn” like it’s the new kebab?

To make Sup Forums Sup Forums again.

>OP’s image looks like

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That golden age never existed. This site was BORN as a site for anime and weird hentai porn. You newfags need to do some research before u spout off about things that u are obviously new to. You have zero influence here boomer just like the rest of us

You're a shit tier troll. Trying way too hard.

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>Sup Forums is slightly better
>haha epic paypay and wojaks LOLE!
Nice revision.
This board died well before the porn plague hit.
The reason it died is everyone went to the boards that were made at the request of users.
moot generally made most of them, with some hesitation. He even made /his/.
The only use of this board, like it was since 2004, was the shitbin for topics that never had a board yet.
They do now. Go there or continue crying.

Oh yes those epic days
Let me go back
>stickam cam threads
>myspace whores
>emo / goth myspace whores
>lightspeed sorority spam
>that hooved horse looking ass porn chick
>still very active CP spammers
>Still very active Habbo Hotel raid kiddies
>Tom green faggotry
>Hal Turn faggotry
>shitty MS Paint comics
GG, would nostalgia again.
Oh, wait. Most of those are porn.

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The Fappening happened in mid-2014, causing a fuck load of retarded cumbrains to flood the site. After it was finished they never left and degenerated the board into a faggot cúckshit and tranny dick circlejerk.

Maybe go look up some history, you dumb fuck.
Unlike you, we were actually alive when this happened.

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Porn got banned
Oldfags and Sup Forumstards rejoiced, hailed the return of old Sup Forums, threads flowed, OC was in view, hivemind returned, it looked promising. Newfags started to learn about the porn boards. It was beautiful.
Then Schlomo Shecklestein reminded the mods that without porn, Sup Forums might start becoming productive again, and that would lead to anudda shoah. Mods wavered, and while off-balance the eternal jew reminded them how much work the moderation would involve, and tricked them into a reversal.
Now the jewish AI pornbots are once again running at full steam, and Sup Forums is back to the cesspool it was, while the last resistance of true Sup Forums hold on to the glimmer of hope they saw, and are trying to rally it back into existence. Jewbots in full force calling those who celebrated redditors, sewing division (surprise!) and causing a civil war.
Any questions?


Anyone that ever called themselves Sup Forumstard and hivemind were always the worst posters on this site.
Literally every other board laughed at you kids.
We requested the other boards to get away from you faggots and your shitty MS Paint tier memes.

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based and truthpilled

Go away schlomo

and yet here you are... so mr finkelstein, how'd you get stuck back on Sup Forums duty?

based, we shall win tho

>anyone that is against me is a jewish porn spammer
You guys are hilarious.
Fun fact, I hate porn.
What now, dumbfuck?
I can already hear the gears in your brain grind to a halt.

There's a big difference between 50% and 90%

been here since 2005, I agree

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>That golden age never existed

Yes it did. I lived through the afterglow.

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Getting rid of porn on Sup Forums was the cure for cancer that was in front of our noses the whole time

Long ago on a distant board
I, Schlomo Shecklestein, the shapeshifting master of darkness
Unleashed an unspeakable evil

They arent. I've been on a completely new computer and phone and it's still porn ads.

Sup Forums was cancer before the porn

Maybe if you stop masturbating.

It also allowed pony posters back in. You guys fucked this board even worse.

It all just nigger dicks and trannys now. Dread man, purely dread...

>moot generally made most of them, with some hesitation. He even made /his/.

He hated the idea of a /his/ board despite Anons asking for it for many years It was Hiroshimoot that made /his/.

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There is a difference between ragging on a stickam cam whore and making the same thread over and over and over and over again of the same content just to masturbate with everyone else in the thread like a gigantic faggot.

I posted a zoomer pic but I'm 31

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If you want an omelette you have to break a few eggs. Ponyfuckers are shit but have the tendency to scare off newfags.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums have always been the cancer on this site. Getting rid of porn won't change that.

a mod banned all porn posts yesterday but now hes been b& or some shit and all the coomers are posting porn again

also I basically only come to Sup Forums for porn and occasionally to see what russians/trumptards think about things

no different to the fuckload of shitty reposted memes like any other day on Sup Forums 2005.
This place literally only reposted memes made by other boards and sites.
The only content that came out this shithole were MS Paint comics and shitty MS Paint edited memes. Oh and EPIC image macros because that took a couple clicks.
The typical Sup Forums posters were too retarded to use Photoshop.
That's still true today.
If you don't have a competent image editor open 24/7 you are doin it rong

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Everyone who was 20-25 and generally makin b what is was has experienced a shift in lifestyle. Also a shift Probably in how they interact with 4 chan in they still do at all. I was 26 five years ago and would have never dreamed of talking to any of you niggers. I Imagine all the legendary posters who have disappeared have moved on to godly levels of degeneracy or just have better jobs or young kids with those whores they kept drugging and banging.

oh honey, Sup Forums was always cancer

I love how they are claiming this as some EPIC victory or some shit. Fucking lol
Sup Forums has had shit like this happen countless times over the years and fuck-all happened afterwards.
Remember Sup Forumsday where mods started to crack down on jailbait and raid threads?
That lasted a couple weeks at best.

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they took out the trash, just took out the trash is all

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Yellow posters never sleep.
>yellow post

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For but a brief moment Sup Forums was good.

I don't mind the porn on b, but for the love of god can we get rid of loli threads?

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Sup Forums was never good

Yes, look at all those non-porn posts.
Just like "classic Sup Forums"
Fuck off.
A bunch of reposts every cunt has seen a million times and frogposter scum.

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i guess i should start a LOLI THREAD

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The permasummer is freezing over