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Other urls found in this thread:

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Hey, this man has a gun.

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Bets on which one of the cuckdads molests the daughter first? My money's on far right

anybody else hears a rock song playing when they go to the Catalog on this board?

Attached: 1575762134293s.jpg (125x115, 3K)

What about old bread line sanders?

Fucking commie.

Attached: lol commies.jpg (960x688, 48K)

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Sup ForumsTV

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>6.4 dislikes
Fucking kek

Attached: make-tagain-when-you-don-know-what-socialism-is-so-49657210.png (500x532, 103K)

Commies love socialism, gives them more power.

Also, Sanders is a dirty commie socialist.

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Porn isnt banned. This thread is the joke. good one. I lost

im as based as the next guy but Sup Forums humor isnt funny outside of Sup Forums

better than old Sup Forums tho becasue we're all actually here

you came in here just to post that, admit it--you want to participate but you're probably a cuck or something.

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Never gonna happen. Sup Forums is a porn board. Always has been and always will be. You must be a newfag and not remember the pathetic 'yellow' movement (about four people spamming low effort yellow themed shitposts trying to ban porn on Sup Forums )

Shame you're a retard who doesn't know Marxism then.

Read Marx.

>Never gonna happen. Sup Forums is a porn board. Always has been and always will be. You must be a newfag and not remember the pathetic 'yellow' movement (about four people spamming low effort yellow themed shitposts trying to ban porn on Sup Forums )

Attached: b6xa2ujdr2d31.png (785x1000, 254K)

>Newfag calling someone newfag

That's not entirely true.
There WAS always porn, and a good amount of it. hell, the porn was fucking better than it is now. Now it's all traps, and the same 10 celebrities.
But Sup Forums was never a porn board. There was OC, and laughs to be had. Porn was a piece of a larger hole.
Now it is the redundant obsession of a second generation. Phonefags and soyboys without an original thought in their heads, with limited imagination, and limited taste in porn.
Sup Forums was never good, but it was better than this.

Attached: 1549802264490.png (500x350, 243K)

>Never gonna happen. Sup Forums is a porn board. Always has been and always will be. You must be a newfag and not remember the pathetic 'yellow' movement (about four people spamming low effort yellow themed shitposts trying to ban porn on Sup Forums )

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Marx didn't even write the manifesto. He was a delivery boy for the League of Just Men

Her older "brother" is not a dude.
One of the comments in that vid's comment section made me laugh.
>They're all special needs and she's collecting all their checks. How else could they sit around all day playing games?

>Pork chop sandwiches, OH FUCK!


Attached: Yellow.png (726x834, 95K)

So you're a Marxist huh?
So I'm supposing that you're a Boshlevist huh?

Doesn't matter.
The shit he stole or wrote himself is still stupid fucking shit


Very much so.
He was a lowlife piece of shit who helped the many become the servants to the few.

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Suck my dick.
i'll tell you were to go, boy. Not the other way around.

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Are you aware that taxation is theft, though?

Attached: No.jpg (385x385, 26K)

Does that mean I can't post this funny image I found?

Attached: download.jpg (222x227, 7K)

>>>ask allies to destroy the resource routes
>>>put to death your own people
>>>make propaganda

Ha ha, I really, really really like this image!

Attached: really really.jpg (240x320, 16K)

they look exactly like 99% of all cosplayers when there is a big Con in my area... the other 1% look like gods on the other hand... cosplay is really weird when it comes to appearance


Attached: 1573715660751.png (940x300, 41K)

Yeah, and now we have this shit instead
Thanks a lot

Because it's representative of the gaming community
>99% of actual gamers dressing up like in their favorite universe to avoid this pity excuse of a reality
>1% attention whores playing on twitch showing open vagene

When the fuck did porn get censored on Sup Forums?

For like an hour, some mod decided to go on a power trip. Now we have pony posters again, because these fags were so busy fighting cancer they allowed another to metastasize

I can hear the autism radiating off that image, it tastes purple

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At least it's not mlporn

yo dis honeky ass cracka ass bitch *igga be straigh boofin' deeese crenshaw mellons. eh yo, his dick look like a little baby carrot, haha, slam dat like button yo, and slam dat like butthole button

Wait, so is the grandma blaming the mom for spending $5 on porn?

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yo if my gamgam tried this shit with me, i'd fucking kiss her so good, right on the lips. I would tell her "you are my m'lady, i have sworn to protect ye with thine blade, i shall strike down any chads that try to penetrate thine doodyhole"

Porn is dead.

Attached: Dr.Peen.png (1080x422, 543K)

>Son ask hardnoised dad for 10
>dad gives 5
>seems antisemitic to me..

Attached: we_know._we_know._this_is_wong_on_so_many_levels._7865242981.jpg (600x460, 94K)

Thank god you cropped out that ifunny watermark


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Sage all porn niggers

He cant use his true form, Maduro is using it right now.

Equivalent exchange

Can I have your stuff, since you don’t believe in private property?

The US had bread lines during the depression

kek faggot doesn't know difference between personal and private property. reeees about marx, never read marx. state of the right

Kinda par for the course on anyone that criticizes far left wing politics and compares them to the classically centrist policies of having universal health care and other social policies that the rest of civilized nations have but you know, we gotta keep the poor out on the streets, right?

This isnt even a joke, just shitty propaganda, fuck off back to Sup Forums



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Only took 60 years of power before you could add Castro to that pic, guess you got the last laugh.

Amazing Ylyl Rip Sup Forums

rip cooming Sup Forumsastards

JFK was assassinated by castro and krushev but american don't want to admit it cause they failed over 100 times to assassinate Castro

Have fun all by yourself with your 9gags meme newfag


Your statement would contradict any anti-commi propaganda agenda. Believing that the Matryoshka actually did it means that you deliberately baffle the April 27th speech.

Find a hobby that is not masturbating you fucking moron.

good god this meme is older than most posters

Are we doing this again? How many times do we have to teach you fags this lesson. Porn is B and B is porn. Better fags, and in greater numbers then you will ever know have tried to change B. But B refuses. B changes you.

Oh well, at least ya’ll arent painting everything yellow this time

Attached: c43c5d24-5672-419b-b04b-290bf355bdb8.jpg (1080x1064, 653K)

kids want to fuck everything up

would you have lost sleep if there was a watermark ?

>2009 Sup Forums=40% porn
>2019 Sup Forums=90% porn

>b was always porn.
Part of it yes, not all of it.

Attached: The+first+three+posts+on+b+ever_32875d_4307155.jpg (617x768, 57K)

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>no oversized superweapons
>titans exist
Holy jesus if you make a shitty meme, get at least the context right

I've found that most of them are Asian or Hispanic. And are white supremacists. It's uncanny!

Hello dear Boshlevist. Have you considered helium as a viable gas solution?

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>Armenian Genocide
what even is that

The old “Numbers pulled from your ass” argument aye?

Not only are you stupid, but your a stupid idiot too. Very interesting.

Daily jailbait and goth girls threads back when I got here. I kinda miss a good gothgirl thread.

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Ben Dare & Dunn Dat

The old " lack of argument so I attack the personality of the poster" aye?

Not only you're subversive, but also a shilling faggot.. Interesting.