Tell me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now?

Tell me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now?

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Sup Forums got rid of porn?

Because I want it.

My dog would be sad.

I have nothing. Please kill me

Please do.

sneed has my back

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No. Kill me.

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Have sex with your dog before you go

I'll come back and haunt you.
As a nigger.

I need to do the dishes.

Because I can't die.

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Do it faggot.

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You got dubs, now
You may never die

you will be killing a part of yourself. please user, hand me the gun so i can end my own shitty life sob.
>proceed to blast him

Pull the trigger you cunt, my edge levels are unsurpassable

dont be a faggot and pull the trigger

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I have a wife and child I need to abuse.

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I'm your father

because i am you

cuz youre a powerless faggot

Because you'd be doing me a favor