I fell in love with a chinese escort, how pathetic am i? Ama

I fell in love with a chinese escort, how pathetic am i? Ama

Attached: hot-asian-escort-long-beach.jpg (500x666, 33K)

Is she in love with you?
What does she look like?
How was your day?

She is a spy and she hates you

She tells me she is, but it's hard to believe her, my instincts tell me this is real, but my brain tells me not to trust my instincts, we don't even speak the same language, Ive been using google translate to talk to her the entire relationship, even been studying mandarin since ive met her

She looks cute enough, shes in her early 30's and Im definitely aware of the wrinkles in her eyes, im 27

Cmon user, you know the answer.

Attached: index(4).jpg (183x275, 9K)

Have any pics?

I do not

holy shit you are dumb. If you are spending any amount of money, this has nothing to do with love.

Spent money when we first met, fucked her once after but didn't spend money, i think she was trying to prove it was real for her too, havent fucked her since she's always too tired from working, kissed her many times, emotionally invested, and even started planning my future with her, but today it was like she forgot sbout me...

Forgot to mention i did spend money on gifts for her, shoes and food

I feel you bro, once I was balls deep in an asian in a brothel in my country. She was so tiny and good looking and had the best sex with her. I would totally marry her

That first time it was the best sex of my life, the second time was even better and i even went raw, I hope I didnt catch anything

Kek, yeah it's love...

Been there , done that

Fortunately, I got lucky , she decided I wasn't rich enough for her , and dumped me for a man with more money.In retrospect,I was so fortunate,I really dodged a bullet there.
I bumped into her in the street once,a few weeks after she dumped me,tried to talk to her and she pretended she'd never met me and had no idea who I was.

Sometimes I look back and recoil with horror at the thought I could possibly have loved her , breathe with a sigh of relief that she found a better prospect and resolve to never be so stupid again.

Here in Sydney,Australia,asian escorts are common and for most it's just temporary work until they find their feet,it's just their stepping stone to a better life.

As things happen ,a year or two later, I met another Chinese escort who wanted a relationship,but this time I went in with my eys open and my emotions under control.

She left the sex industry and is now a successful businesswoman,but for many years she was an enthusiastic fuck buddy, would come to my house 2-3 times a week for sex, no money involved and then leave.Our relationship was just for 'fun' only but she is still,many years later,my best and most reliable friend

Hey, you're too invested in her. You are buying too much free gifts, it is better to treat her to a nice dinner sometimes instead.
Don't let your brain take over too much

And just to elaborate on my post, the second Chinese ho,the one who is still my friend, she was such a nympho she literally drained my balls.

Have you ever ejaculated and nothing comes out because you have no more semen left? It's painful,but a sweet sort of pain.

Now she works long hours 6-7 days a week in her business (Food/Restaurant related) so we rarely see each other but there's some good memories there.

She doesn't love you man, don't hurt yourself like that. You're wasting your time and money on a girl that only wants to use you. Don't let her deceive you. Delete everything related to her.
If you don't do it know you're going to regret it later.

>today it was like she forgot sbout me.
She must meet many men in her line of work, maybe she has found someone with more money and is deciding which guy or guys to keep.For Chinese,it's not about love,it's about family and financial security





Go for it man!
She totally loves you back!
Spend every dollar you have on her to show how much you love her or you will lose her!
Go into debt as much as possible if you have to!
Report back in a few months to let us k ow how it all goes, I love happy endings :)

Looks like Saori Hara
