So I don't know what's going on with this porn ban thing...

So I don't know what's going on with this porn ban thing, but the second some thread mentions that it may be a "rogue mod", I can already see like five porn threads at the top. Maybe porn really does need to be curved a little. Why the fuck do we need the top 50 posts on here to be about porn? Is this really the Sup Forums you guys want?

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Rogue mod was a lie made up by coomers

Why the fuck does it need 50 less? You aren't a prophet. Go to /bant/ /s4s/ /r9k/ if you want a close clone board to Sup Forums with no porn. Then explore all the different interest and hobby boards. Stop complaining, newfag.

Why am I not getting banned for this then?

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Only real newfags would call others newfags over this

Do you enjoy a Sup Forums that is 90% porn? Is that all you want from Sup Forums? Is that the board you've known and loved for all these years?

All you newfags and Sup Forums queers are getting annoying. This board has been a "post whatever you want" place since it was created. Moot created boards AROUND Sup Forums. So people could find niche interests and Sup Forums could remain whatever the fuck the users made of it. Stop being gay. OP is gay. OP is a fag.

Did anybody notice that during the fiasco the post numbers were coming up funny. Like it seemed like more OP and user was getting trips and quads miraculously

>literally never been here before 2016
>calls others newfag
No wonder Sup Forums got taken over by coomers.

I enjoy Sup Forums. As I have for the past 13 years.

I hope so, but it almost sounds too good to be true. The porn ban, I mean.


But Sup Forums was never this overrun by porn.

Fb/ig theads belong in /soc/ post you shouldn’t share belong in r9k,

There is literally a more appropriate board for all of this pornography.

What you are saying is that it’s okay to eat cereal off a plate just because it only kind of works.

Why does it matter? Sup Forums was created so people could post whatever they wanted.

Or you can go to other boards if you don't like how porn filled this one is. There are memes everywhere on this website.

I just want Sup Forums to return to being a little bit of porn and lots of random, silly and fucked up shit.

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So you're okay with ponies? Furries? Literal spam? Sup Forums has changed, it is overrun. Would you be okay with 50 pony threads being at the top?

Because the nature of Sup Forums at least how it used to be, was the incredible farce and crudeness. It was a board about being absurd or shocking or funny. That is it’s primary function just like Sup Forums is for film, or /k/ is for guns

Facebook pics and celebs aren’t random. It’s the same fucking stupid thread every 20 minutes. Do you ever get tired of this shit? There is literally a board for CELEBRITY WOMEN

I am okay with whatever anyone wants to post on Sup Forums. Sup Forums has always been shit.

Same, my friend.

Right spread the word to all the anti porn threads and sage all the super common porn

Why are you so wrapped up in nostalgia? Grow up, user. People are allowed to roll in whatever shit they want.

It would be awesome if the chat threads were 100% user created and not a continuous stream of predetermined content. I.E., I don't mind the porn, I don't like the lack of user control.

You want to complain about porn threads in Sup Forums. Complain about the people feeding them.

Sup Forums is not random, which is a failure.

Well then we'll have to agree to disagree on two things. I use to love Sup Forums half a decade ago, and I don't believe that the board should be allowed to go too far in any particular direction.

The porn ban allowed the pony posters back in. Now you have porn spam and pony threads and the board is collectively worse than before.
Way to fucking go faggots

Then why are you here? Do you enjoy mediocrity?

this. he's miserable, has other options; and is only here to make other anons miserable. he's literally the definition of traditional chan cancer.

You seem to like the "open boarders" approach to freedom. Sure, everything was fine and dandy back when porn didn't make up the bulk of Sup Forums, but like a wave of illegals, this board is now flooded with nothing but porn. What if tomorrow it's furries, or Trump supporters?

I'm here for the porn, faggot. Jokes on you.

Why are you fucking retarded is a better question. We cant get our dose of random shit if we cant find it between the incessant porn bs and there are literally boards for that


Porn ban?

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No one wants you here

Maybe the board didn't change. Maybe you did. Feel free to move on.

I've been here a long ass time and it's always been mostly porn
If you take away the right to post whatever you want the internet becomes a little less free


Nobody cares what you want. Post whatever you want.

I think you miss my point. Sup Forums, a supposedly random board, is anything but random. Preloaded content.

I don't care if the result is porn. Just let the content be real content created by users in that moment.

How about a weapon fired in your face ban then. Having your life essence drained to make you more extinctable was never ok.
Kamikaze the judaism that killed your woman this way.

Good. That's how it's always been. I don't care at all. I'll still post whatever I want here.

>mfw the board is called random so newfags think it's supposed to be random

Good on you, I suppose.

Mods on Sup Forums aren't bound by rules like other boards. If a mod doesn't like something he can literally just remove it, they can be as biased as they want to. Those are the rules on Sup Forums.

Ive been here since 04 and you dont know shit. We banned people all the time, had word filters, user names, rules of the internet. And when bitches took up too much of this board we created and sent them to soc. Now moots gone and all you fucking z nigger new fags are pony fucking this place in the ass. GTFO my B you little faggot fucks!

Literally when b started it was anime and porn

Well, that wasn't my experience. Porn was certainly less prevalent, that's for sure.

Who cares. Post what you want.

Well done 15 years and your still a retard

Then why are so many people up in arms over the porn ban?

It's the catch-all post whatever the fuck you want board. People like porn. They will post it. People like wojack and Pepes. They will post it. None of these things are good. None of them are bad. They're just posts. Nothing more.

>Why the fuck do we need the top 50 posts on here to be about porn? Is this really the Sup Forums you guys want?


I agree with this

Porn ban? There isn't a porn ban.

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Then leave. It's not going to change.

>Mods spread rumor of porn ban
>People come to site to see if they're enforcing porn ban
>Add revenue goes up

>Literally when b started it was anime and porn

Don't try to pretend you know fuck all about old Sup Forums. When it was first created it was Anime/Random, not Anime/Porn.

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You have stairs in your house?

>Don't try to pretend you know fuck all about old Sup Forums.
Likewise newfag

People are just bandwagoning faggots, the minute one asshole starts screeching a choir begins.

kys stupid newfag

Damn, and here I was thinking this shithole would improve. Oh well, time to fuck off then.

>Oldfags post hella porn threads to make polcels mad

You have stairs in your house?

Cancerous meme

There isn't a porn ban.

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Mutts are stupid af. If you look at any other imageboard in the world you'll literally see like 1% of porn and 99% of some discussions and interesting threads there, here on Sup Forums it's completely otherwise, 99% of stupid porn and 1% of interesting threads.

That's like assuming the gorilla raping you in the wild will cuddle after

Denial is the first step of grief

uh oh no

So use those boards

That means this is the only not porn thread on Sup Forums¿ Or are you just a dramatic faggot rofl

Ok I'm just waiting on the ban then. :)

Wrong answer newfag :*

I wish I knew why I was banned

Holy shit, stop crying.

Wtf I'm unbanned

I hope you get hit by a truck faggot

Holy shit eat a dick

I hope you get hit by a truck full of faggots

>baaaaaw me not see porn pwease


How about two sets of pages that prune at different rates, and start at a different index.

If you label your post as porn, it goes to the end half of the catalog but prunes slower.

If it isn’t porn, it behaves just as Sup Forums! Normally does. That way the entire first 3 pages isn’t traps creep images and fb/ig, but it is still there.

I'll need sauce on that

Well I've been here for 13 years. You gonna make me leave mmmmmmbigboy?

I like how you have to sift through the shit to find the gold, it was always more fun that way for me

ITT: Newfags who still haven't figured out how to explore other boards or use scripts to hide threads of no intrigue.

It was the first Google result for tits. And for good reason. XD

I want you here. :)

Alot of new traffic since green texts started being posted on Instagram and shit. Fucking kids these days

Agreed. Also the natural climate change denier threads are fun, so much rage kek

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And I want you crybaby faggots to start using more boards instead of trying to bend Sup Forums to your will. Fucking entitled faggots.

>implying climate change is real

>Implying climate is real

Give a Loli shota fur scat Gore trap trans board and we'll go there

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>26 posters
>90 replies
kys discord trannie vigilante

Climate change is real you doofus but there isn't any viable evidence or proof to show that climate change is man made, that's the debate.

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I think it's good. I've been browsing of and on since 2013 and I only quit when the porn started

same :(