Just hear me out, shut up and hear me out

Just hear me out, shut up and hear me out.
Real talk for real Sup Forumstards, jannies lend ear too. There's an easy way to solve this.

There are two points to be stated as fact:
Sup Forums has no remain completely random, banning porn will go against the random nature of the board.
On the other hand, porn has ruined Sup Forums and there's no denying it, It's not so much about the content but about the people it attracts. People who come here for porn have no interest in content, they just come here to cum, spamming their shit and making Sup Forums posters fuck off in the process. I am laying blame mainly on the alien element that /mygf/ posters are.

The problem is, even when other porn boards exists they are not like Sup Forums.
1. They are subdivided into categories, what goes in /hc/ doesn't go on /s/ or /h/ or /d/.
2. The boards are also low traffic because of the subdivisions and also have archives. /mygf/ faggots don't want their shit to show up for long, a high traffic board is perfect for this.
3. Porn boards have archives, unlike Sup Forums (see point 2)

WHAT TO DO IN FACE OF THIS? Leave Sup Forums as is and create an experimental Sup Forums clone (/bp/), all porn would be allowed there, no archives, no enforcement, just a sibling Sup Forums board.
The board itself will bully those who are only after porn to /bp/, as they now have a high traffic pornspam ghetto to go to. Telling them to swap boards doesn't work for the listed above reasons.
This - would - actually - work.

Mods, for fuck's sake, take the dive and give it a shot. The goal is not to cleanse Sup Forums of porn completely but to take it down a notch or two so the porn doesn't strangle this shithole anymore, if the porn posting lowers 20-33% porn it would be a huge improvement.

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So traps aren't the problem? Just cucks? Yay!

The spam is the problem, it would be dumb to say there aren't "politically motivated" interests in using this shitty flamewar to take a jab at the other side, from both sides.
This is a compromise to make Sup Forums more like Sup Forums was.

Pornfags, of whatever degenerate stripe have no similar board to go to, you can 100% fix this by creating /bp/.

I like this idea very much.


Great idea, but mods are too busy fisting each other to the elbow while wearing fursuits to actually try doing things that make the site better. Sup Forums is a lost cause and has been so for years.

True, but maybe now that the rogue jannie did his thing and started a shitstorm they'll be curious enough to listen.

Or you can take note that you sound like a newfag. Sup Forums was created so anything and everything could be posted. Whatever the user wants to post, he can post. Boards were created around Sup Forums, not the other way around. There are plenty of safe for work boards on this website. Stop trying to force changes on one of the oldest ones on this website. It isn't going to work.


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we could make a board called /b2/

yeah you should. go make your own website and take every newfag and Sup Forums reject posting on my board with you

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stop being a child, this works for everyone

I agree. Stop having virgin eyes like a child and one of the oldest boards on Sup Forums won't offend you anymore.

Did you read that before posting? You majorly contradicted yourself

No one's suggesting you change, intervene or enforce anything on Sup Forums at all, read again.

“We” can’t do shit, that’s up to the mods. The same mods that are allowing pony threads here again.

If old Sup Forums was good, and other boards were created around /b, / then making a random porn board is still perfectly in line with your shit fume huffing opinion.


They might listen, maybe, slim chance.
I'm okay with them calling it whatever they want, I just want a Sup Forums like alternative to redirect people.
Think of /r/, there are still people who request things on Sup Forums and other boards, but if /r/ didn't exist the beggars would become insufferable.
/bp/ is the /r/ that doesn't yet exist

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Yeah go for it. As long as you yellow newfags go there and me and the Sup Forumsoys can chill here.

That board has porn as a specific interest, if your specific interest is random porn why not go there where everyone's specific interest is the same?
Sup Forums is any random, not just porn random as its become.
My suggestion is just create an alternative and see what happens, no moderation involved.

Sounds good to me! Mods create a /yellow/ board so these Sup Forums rejects and newfags have their own space and stop shitting up space that could be used for OC and more titties.

/yellow/ wouldn't be random, porn would still be unmoderated on Sup Forums. The only thing it changes is giving users the chance to redirect a big chunk of those who are only after coomies to the board specifically designed for it.

I have an idea. Go fuck yourself. B ca be anything including porn. Any one raiding a board attacking the freedom of the board should be banned permanently

Based and agreed

I've been here for over a decade, and my first home board was Sup Forums. Because of all the porn any sort of community or creativity that used to be here has been pushed out. If you think this is what Sup Forums should be like then I feel sorry for you for never having experienced what it was before.

Read the post before you reply, man, no one's saying we touch Sup Forums in any way

Oh no thanks. I already am comfortable with the boards I frequent. I get my porn/random bits from Sup Forums, more porn from /s/, interesting/goofy threads from /r9k/ and /bant/, and retardation from /s4s/. Every now and again I'll throw in some Sup Forums for video game cancer, and /vg/ for my more specific game interests. Sundays I hit up /tg/, and /biz/ occasionally to see if their is an interesting thread among the coin threads. I don't want to move my home board though so no thanks. I like the porn on Sup Forums. Another board isn't needed in the context you submit. At least not for me.

I have been here for 13 years. See:

You understand /bp/ = more porn on the catalog, right?
If you only care about Sup Forums porn, this should make you happy

Yeah I just don't need more porn. I have enough here on my Sup Forums alongside everything else it offers and all the other boards I mentioned above fill in the gaps. I do propose again that you get /yellow/ I'd love you guys to get a space that you could make your own since you hate Sup Forums so much.

Plus, /bp/ would be a slower board thus getting more good content for each topic per thread. Here you blink mid-fap and the thread is gone.

I actually like this idea.

t. pornfriend

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Wasn't this idea proposed during last summer with the whole yellow thing.

Wow, an actually good idea on/b/

good idea, bump

so random and random?
Again, the idea is to REDUCE porn, not to remove it.
If people were obsessing over cooking and 80% of threads were about it, would you be against the creation of /ck/?
You can still post food content here, mind you.
It's the same thing, more options is always a good thing.

It wouldn't be when enough people go there. High traffic is more appealing than not anyway

this needs a bump

Yeah gl "bullying" me to another board. Tell me how that's been going over the past 5 months when the yellow newfags and Sup Forums idiots started insulting us and spamming our board. You are out of your mind if you think I'd abandon my board because you want me to stop posting less of the things you don't like. Fuck off. I spit on you, fag.

Wasn't formatted exactly like this, at least as I recall.
The proposition was to force pornfags out, I'm suggesting a mild approach where things develop in an organic way.

inb4 mods pull a /fur/ again and permaban everyone who posted on the new board after a few days

>yellow newfags and Sup Forums idiots started insulting us and spamming our board

Waaaaaaaaah. Pathetic.

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That's okay, you can stay, others who are only interested in porn will get more volume over there. It's all about options

ohai uwufffffffff

I've been here for most of this century...
Sup Forums was never good, but it is a fucking shadow of what it once was. The same old shit recycled over and over. Fucking reddit fags and soyboy cucks from 9fag have ruined this site.
There are the same furry, trap, shots, loli, celeb, fb/ig, pics you should not show, and 5 or 6 absolutely retarded copy pasta threads over and over and over.
Fuck this chan, fuck the fucking ass fags that run it and fuck the edgy little faggots that think they are cool for being here....

Great Idea

Can't wait until I have eight different porn threads all with over 100 images in them for me to pick from tomorrow when all the newfags wise up and the Sup Forums boys recede back to their board when it's clear the mods trolled them.

Ayy lets go there is hope! I want the old Sup Forums back, its the staple of this fucking site and it should damn well reperesent it.

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Sup Forums was never good

Change /bp/ to /yellow/ and force out the yellow fags who think they can create a better Sup Forums there and we have a deal.

What's the point of 2 random boards?
just add a random porn board, you can still post porn here if you don't like it.

Yellow is not a theme or an interest or a category, it's an autism banner of sorts, not a subject

I agree what is the point of 2 random boards? We can just make /yellow/ porn free board. It's exactly what you're asking for, except you aren't forcing out the majority of Sup Forumstards that actually don't loath their board lolol

Shut yo bitch ass up and worship your black gods you literal fucking 2$ dollar menu medium drink cheeseburger meal with extra cum sauce. Go to reddit if you dont want Sup Forums to be better nigga, unlike the mods were trying to advocate for something that has an alternative for us and you dumbass, atleast were not trying to fight it out only making the situation as worse as it is you fucking lard of mustard thats been siting in the freezer isle for 8 years.

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>We can just make /yellow/ porn free board. It's exactly what you're asking for
Not at all. I'll repeat myself for your ease of understanding.
Sup Forums = any content including porn
/bp/ = any porn content

The only thing that changes is there's an all random porn board

>started insulting us
Boo hoo.
This isn't your board newfag.


Okay sure. I guarantee you I'm still posting my porn threads here and lurking /s/. Why would I make an extra stop when I'm already fulfilled in memes and porn?

newfag calling others newfags how rich, lurk for 5 more years you fucking subhuman

I agree. It is OURS. You are starting to get it now. Install a filter script, pussy.

That's fine

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Why the fuck do we need another board. For interests. That are already well established. /s4s/ /bant/ /r9k/ /s/ Sup Forums /gif/ etc etc. You're literally asking for another board, just to have another board. Sounds like you just need to utilize other boards more efficiently. Not my problem. Sup Forums is shit and always has been.

It's not a personal thing, read again

You want to have /bp/ for the same reason you want /r/, so not every post on Sup Forums is a request. Requests are still allowed, but most requests go to /r/ because requests are a specific thing and when you have too much of a specific thing it becomes annoying to the rest.

It's a middle ground idea and as far as enforcement goes it requires none. As far as what you can and cannot do on the site it doesn't affect the user at all, if that's what you're concerned about.

Join the blue army, we are the good guys and yellows are bad

>being fulfilled by degeneracy
Wow kys

Sorry user but this board is too fare gone to have any beneficial changes, I mean you literally get 100+ replies on clothed women from social media to fap to, are you serious? That's one of the things that pisses me off the most. Yes the porn needs to be purged but trying to cut it down so it's not as excessive may be a lost cause, if you look at any other chans Sup Forums it's a thousand times better than this shitty repetitive board. I think it's time to move on and migrate else where

Sup Forums is already dead there's nothing to fix this you'd also have to remove trash and bant to have this place be even a shadow of it's former self, this should have been done 5 years ago.

I agree with this guy. I'll say what I said about 8ch when users wanted to migrate there, and DID; DO EEEEEET GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GET THE FOOOOOCK OUT HAHAHAHHA

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Also nowadays this place would probably be filled with Sup Forumstards and /r9k/tards and other kinds of redditors.
In my opinion the best move is to leave Sup Forums and just move on.

I am inclined to agree, but if there's a chance mods will listen. I'm sure this would improve if you just created a random porn board, hard to tell how much.
I have a soft spot for this place, and making a thread is low effort, so

If not for the massive porn traffic, why are the so called oldfags so butthurt, anyway? They don't want to leave the board, but don't want to do anything to change it, either. Stop bitching so much just because you want to feel like you're part of some kind of cool fucking internet group. It's about time we newfags take over this shit board, and you old cunts who are so stupid to let go of the "bois" can fuck yourselves

Ok retard?

OOoOOoOOoHHHH BOY! A newfag is going to try to take over. Whatcha gonna do? Spam more shit threads? Shit post? Post gore? I welcome it all. Welcome to Sup Forums newfag. I beat my dick to some of it sometimes too


Agreed, give it a shot mods!!

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You have to consider, there are non-porn users, porn and non-porn users and exclusive porn users.
Exclusive porn users are a drag on content, they probably don't use any other boards and come here just to get a fix. This type of user is a huge chunk of Sup Forums and drags everything down with them.
This type of user is more well suited to a porn specific board, and they'd go there if there was a board for random porn types.
So by just adding a board you're removing this huge burden from Sup Forums.
What comes next I don't know, it'll develop organically, but I know it'll be better in terms of content.
Oldfags can't do anything to change it because you just can't compete when 50-80% of your audience is not interested at all in the content you produce.

To all newfags and cumbrains saying Sup Forums can be anything:
They were exiled for the same reason coomers should be exiled: they made Sup Forums a lot less random.

You faggots were crying your ass out back when ponies invaded the board.
Glad you disgusting pieces of shit reveal the scum you truly are when the board turns into something you like, instead.

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Pornfags have had far too long to not shit up this board and they've only gotten worse. Fuck em. Cure the cancer.

>It's about time we newfags take over this shit board,
That is definitely up there with one of the most exposing, cringey, idiotic, posts a newfag has ever willingly posted. Fuck, I got a chuckle even. Thanks, asshat. Welcome to Sup Forums. Try to slow down your sonic legs next time you run in a thread.

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>Implying any of the posters you replied to were here before any of that shit

>what happens when you remove large chunks of the userbase
Normally it's a really steep fall in quality specially since recurring threads is what keeps the oldfags in meaning the whole board will get filled with low quality newfags probably from Sup Forums or reddit. (See Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums).
In the case of Sup Forums its a whole other thing but the way I see it it can either become /bant/ 2 or it can become Sup Forums 2 sonce the lack of rulings means that this place can be filled with shitty political threads very easy lowering the overal quality quite a bit.

Yup, totally agree. Even though I haven't been using this website for even a year, I still want to see the old Sup Forums thriving again.

This user showed my point. The issue I'm talking about is that some braindead oldfags try to suppress every single effort we are making to promote the creation of a new board, just because it comes mostly from us newfags, which is simply bullshit.

I am an oldfag, I don't browse Sup Forums as often as I would if there was less porn and more content.
I've made plenty of OC in the past, I would if it didn't get buried under a metric ton of porn.
As I said, true, it could change into anything, I can't know or guarantee for sure it'd be good. What I can point out is that the "chunk of the userbase" we are talking about, the one that would migrate to /bp/ is no-content dead weight, and it would let the remaining parts of the userbase breathe.

You're not apart of the collective. Go back to your other 10+ porn boards.

The issue is that, unless mods take the rules very seriously, people will continue to keep coming here to post whatever crap they want. This happens because of the popularity Sup Forums and Sup Forums itself has gotten on Reddit and other normie places.

If this "bois cult" wasn't a thing, then creating a board for non porn randomness would be perfect. Let the normalfags here, we could move to a different place, instead. But it seems that some people here have developed a feeling of belonging for this board, and want to "defend their territory" or something

As I said that whole left by people moving would be filled with trash not left for the remaniers.
That said, this is Sup Forums and this board is already dead so of everything goes to shit nothing of value would be lost.
I think its worth the gamble but don't come crying when this place devolves into nu-pol or nu-r9k or worst /bant/ or nu-s4s

Bump. Great idea

Look at it this way, the first yellow incident had no mod intervention. If all of that pressure had a vacuum to go to (a real vacuum, on the OP I already established the 10 porn boards are not an appealing replacement for porn Sup Forums), then maybe a fraction of those users would've migrated, once the fraction establishes, it makes it easier for others to go check it out and find out that, turns out, since all they're interested in is porn, that board is even better than Sup Forums.
It's simple and it would develop organically. there is a general sentiment of resentment against porn spam even by porn users because it just becomes too much of the same shit. We've already had 2 flare ups.

Whoever wants to stay will stay, whoever has "loyalties" will follow them. But I can 100% assure you, that big chunk of the base who is after porn and only after porn, doesn't give a flying fuck about board politics and would just move, because more porn = good.
Right there you solve the most important problem.

Chinese moot won't allow it. CIA will kill him if Sup Forums starts thinking again.

Holy fuck your so new you still reek of fishermen cum.
You don't know anything about Sup Forums, it's culture why anons defend their boards or what other boards exist.
Slit your wrists, go back to what ever shithole of site you came from with your gaped asshole you cockmongler.

Porn isn't the issue. It's niggers and faggots. They're the ones constantly creating those shitty threads.

Enough of this fucking garbage just stop talking about it and stop effort posting over garbage. You need to go the fuck to sleep. None of this matters

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Nah, not crying, this is like a no-risk bet as the board is in practical terms, already dead.
I have no hard reasons to believe it'll turn out for the worst though, I hold it's a wildcard, but that's interesting anyway, and in spirit with the "random" aspect of Sup Forums

Sup Forums will have a rebirth once word gets out that all the porn is gone.

Now we can go back to having discussions about random shit, share/make memes, hack Scientologists, and spread government secrets.

>Muh sekret klub
>Muh culture
Triggered much poltard?

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>Most civil discussion in ages
>REEEEEEEEE nun o dese matters stop talkin I wan coom cooms
Jesus, get a grip

Make /Bee Porn/ Happen!