How mad we're y'all when y'all find out that porn is back on Sup Forums and y'all were trolled had :^)

How mad we're y'all when y'all find out that porn is back on Sup Forums and y'all were trolled had :^)

Imagine being so depraved and brainwashed that seeing a natural thing like sex makes you seething mad

Attached: VBKazKQh.jpg (775x1024, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Winged eyeliner thread?
Winged eyeliner thread.

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>thinking permanent, unending, vicious voyeurism fueled by basic human desire is "a natural thing like sex :)"
Guess how I know you never had some of that natural thing ?

>Depraved and brainwashed
>Natural thing
Listen I beat my dick but you must be genuinely autistic. People who constantly watch porn are the depraved and brainwashed ones. Porn is not natural, especially Sup Forums porn bc half of it is trap threads. No one is getting mad over the sex part, just that it's taken over the board.

Attached: 270623.gif (500x260, 1.81M)

>a natural thing like sex makes you seething mad
this is not sex though, you just fap

Lol imagine being this much of a domesticated goy

Imagine not being able to make a witty comment so you just say imagine followed by some random thing

Jews don't even remotely think about you.

Let the delusion slowly fill your veins, bro. This is what you are.

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It's not about sex it's the endless stream of dicks scrolling accross my screen.
Everyone here is a fag but not everyone's gay lIke OP

>trolled had
Man learn English m8


Attached: images (2).jpg (479x640, 23K)

>depraved and brainwashed
>says the coomer

Attached: red_foreman.jpg (640x480, 46K)

here here
it's as natural as child birth

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Are you a nigger?

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there is literally nothing natural about wanking to pictures on a screen

pls get some help

they sound pretty mad to me OP

What do you wank to? Please, enlighten us.

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I don't wank at all.

Low test beta

not that user, but I'm a coomer and I can only fap to pic related

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What's her name again?

Brain deprived mammal

>what do you wank to if you don't watch porn?
>where do you point your furniture if you don't have a TV?
>what do you drink if you don't drink soda?
>where do you poop if you don't wear diaper?

the absolute state

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k virgin

why did they even try to remove it in the first place im out of the loop fill me in quick

Lurk moar

>Mfw I know where that's from

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ive been on this site since habbo just tell me whats going on instead of being a faggot

>we trolled the anti porners by getting rid of porn xDDDD
that's how retarded you sound

she's got a fine feminine penis

It's a man of small proportions and feminine physique my friend. It's a man. I masturbate to men. There is no hope for me now. When the day of the rope comes, please just end me quickly.

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