I just fucking burned my dick trying to shave my pubes with a blowtorch

I just fucking burned my dick trying to shave my pubes with a blowtorch

My foreskin and dick head got the worst of it, it really fucking hurts bad

What should I do Sup Forums

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Post pictures, that's what you should do, dumbass.



I'm pretty fucking sure that'd hurt worse

Dry ice. Soothes the pain without adding water and chapping the burns

post dick tributes to pictures of blowtorches

I will do this and just beg for the strongest drugs they can supply

Thanks user


why even post here, to get real advice?

i really hope you're joking. blowtorch burns are no joke, they literally carbolize the skin and doctor's will have to remove up to a half inch of flesh to make sure it doesnt go gangrenous

Not be a dumbass?

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Pics of mangled blowtorch cock, you homo.

fake and heterosexual

Pics or it didn't happen

post pics for help. im a medifag

me too

Lying faggot

Nice one retard

Go all in and burn the whole thing off. It's not like you're going to use it anyway.

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You must be new here.
Pics or it didnt happened.
Provide no proof ,you're the fag, gtfo.
>that simple

I'm not the one asking for dick pics faggot

That's how we know you're a true newfag, newfag

Kek, this.

1. Post pics
2. Go to hospital while pics go viral
3. Profit off of internet fame for stupidity

That's God's way of punishing you for not getting circumcised.

nice try kike

Back to This was originally a porn board nazi.

just NA things