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Only thing that came back were pony posters

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soyboy for ants

coomer cuck die cunt


It's not a joke faggot. I hope you get hit by a truck.

like i just said


Stop being triggered, fag.

We could be having interesting or funny threads but instead subhuman cumbrains hog up the whole board with degenerate filth. Fuck off coomer

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Just post porn on one of the actual porn boards... Stop reposting the same pictures over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over


They just make the same threads over and over. They don't even bother to check the catalog and realize there are already 40 fg/ig threads

Cumbrains killed Sup Forums because they don't know Sup Forums has boards dedicated to porn...

>we could be having interesting or funny threads
>Sup Forums turns porn off
>half of board is boring as usual and second half is massive autism "heh coomers get rekt"
Sup Forums was always shit, get over with it.
If you want interesting thread just create it, bump one or 2 times if you need, if noone replies it was not as interesting as you think.

this is a Christian board with morals. No Porn. It's that simple.

Megalol op

Make /bp/ a reality. Give cumbrains their own safe space.

>hog up the board
If the porn was gone the boards wouldn't magically have good content. If you want good threads then get off your lazy ass and make one.

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No. Just use one of the many other boards for porn. Or stop being a faggot and go to pornhub/xnxx/xvideos/xamster/youporn/redtube

oh it wasn't going to turn into a Christian imageboard

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The gold I saved from Sup Forums couple days ago simply can't be found on pornhub, or on any other board.
And Sup Forums always had porn on it.
This is the way.

what the fuck was all that about then, i actually thought about posting here again

stop fucking around hiroshima


according to rumors mod went rogue and was banning all porn on Sup Forums until he was put down.

come on, let me see you make one of those "interesting or funny threads"
you fucker, I am waiting


>be funny now or i win
nice argument you've got there, you fucking brainlet

Instead of complaining just do "interesting or funny" thread bitch.


yellowfags and Sup Forumscels still trying. was the last x times not enough btfo?

it's pointless because coomers will derail it anyway

it's like trying to enjoy a meal with friends and then someone comes in and starts shitting on the table

>b-b-but complaining like a bitch is all I'm good for I can't handle posting my own thread

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Porn did a lot of harm to me and many other users over the years. It's time we opened our hearts to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ and start respecting ourselves, stop worshipping our worldly penises and thereby Satan.

Greetings to Tel Aviv, have a nice godless winter season.

Go be a coomer somewhere else

I would forbid anime on Sup Forums.
After all anime is a sin

Source on that?

Ok retard

I for one welcome our porn-hating overlords.

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Do you even read Bible?

Do you? If so, where does it state anime being a sin?

>make thread to discuss things with coomers

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>muh coomer boogeyman
go back to Sup Forums

i don't even post on Sup Forums, i just find porn distracting

Then jerk off and don't be distracted.

crying about Sup Forums posts. kys cuck


>mfw wojakposter enters my field of view

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or go somewhere else and not be distracted. today was literally the first time in years that I went on Sup Forums just to see what's going on. the rogue janny had the right idea 2bh


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you can leave whenever faggot

i know, lmao, wtf is this conversation

>rogue janny
what happened?

May you coomers rot your dicks off from beating off to trannies

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mod got on board
and started banning and deleting porn on mass

Is deleting Sup Forums an anwser?

Unironically yes, delete their board then ban them when they raid /mlp/ again and let them fuck off to cripplechan for good.

Hey user. If you encounter this same situation dealing with a retard, feel free to use pic related to express how you feel.

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delete Sup Forums pls. get that stormer and political filth off of here.

Why don't you go back to yoyr containment asylum full of retards and schizos, you brainless mongoloid christcuckian faggot?

>delete Sup Forums
>they all come to Sup Forums and cleanse it of porn

Best of both worlds quite honestly.

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Wasted digits

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not sure about that
Sup Forums would flood Sup Forums with Sup Forums stuff that's for certain, just like when /new/ was nuked
that's why moot made it I think, to contain that stuff there

And set them free? Are you mad? Leave them there in their asylum.

We will bring more coomers to Sup Forums to fight Sup Forumstards
Either they wil surrender or they will see porn on Sup Forums everyday

you have to understand that some of them are paid for posting by USA rivals to radicalize Americans and spread division among them
they are hoping to destabilize USA
it's literally their job to shitpost on the internet all day long

>Deletes Sup Forums
>B& all users
>Current users plummets to 10k
>4ch dies

worth it

Well, imagine Sup Forumstards outrage and cries when Sup Forums die

>Well, imagine everyone's outrage and cries when Sup Forums die

Still worth it.

That's a big bird.

>pol stronk
Do something useful with your life before it's too late.

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You overestimate Sup Forums

Does anyone know the full story?

You've both underestimate how popular Sup Forums is.
Sup Forums /vg/ and Sup Forums make up the majority of users. They are the top 3 boards in that order. When you are talking with someone on Sup Forums or Sup Forums or even /cgl/ you are by odds talking with someone from one of those three. Delete one and you lose pretty much all users.

Losing Sup Forums users actually would be good for Sup Forums

>Sup Forums is so much better with a larger user base
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

What you fail to realize all Sup Forums users are not that caricature you have conjured inside your head cannon. Blaming everything you don't like on other boards by screaming go back is nonsense. You don't just lose Sup Forums you lose most likely those users who's posts you like reading.
>Thinking this is big
Having the current users drop massively would make this another dead imitation chan that receives a new post every other week or month.

death to groypers and freedom haters

die in a fire, zoomer

>no more unfunny trash from care bear faggots trying to spread their loser ideology to konkur da wurld for da wite man
wow end of the world right here

first day, you fucking faggot? the real thing shitty up the board are the goddamn nick fuentes faggots.

Why do all these Ben Shapiro clones look like this? Does getting beat up in high school turn you into an alt-right loser?

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The Fappening was the worst thing to ever happen to this board

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I see you're only capable of creating caricatures of people and responding to things they've never said or hinted at. Really showing why it's good to have things you don't like.

>virtuous white man so persecuted by these caricatures
>give the unironic nazi board a chance
>unfunny nigger jew faggot hate in literally every thread
I know you won't see the irony so how about you just kill yourself instead

>calls out coomers
>while posting something from the most coomer fandom
fuck trannime lovers they're more degenerate than furries all the vtubers and virtual idols are part of the most coomer society japanese coomers waste millions on buying their merchandise just for the fact that they are hot.
Face it weebs are more pathetic than a coomer at least a coomer just cooms to free porn not wasting any money

Yes because that's what it's like all the time and every post are reply's just like that and never have anyone dismantling them. It's also good to censor those you hate allowing them to develop unchallenged. I also never said you should go there and give it a chance, just leave it be, you know free speech. You don't like proving them wrong but i do and so do others. You're like a reflection of what you claim to despise.

>freeze peaches for nazis
No, fuck you nazi apologist. Sup Forums has always been a containment board for worthless dogshit, but this never ever works. Nuke it. Let all the cringy deus vult crusaders fuck off back to their corner of the internet that nobody cares about. Nobody will miss them.

Yes, we should censor ideologies/opinions/speech we deem troublesome. I'm sure you'd be the type to be saying the same thing about blacks or communist if you were born in a different generation. You are exactly like what you think Sup Forums is and i don't even know what to say. You're a lost cause.
But ya kick them out of the public eye where they cant be monitored and when out of know where they come back with the same objective hidden behind new speech don't be surprised.

remove Sup Forums

>For (You)!

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The asylum is a failure, they spread everywhere. Remove the cancer at the source

>This is America
>Nazis should have free speech
>I am such a good and rational liberal
Really showing your true colors there - the best friend a fascist could ever have. Really ironic that you consider yourself politically savvy and yet you have learned absolutely nothing from the history of the Weimar republic.

But the main point is that you're not as smart as you think you are, your posts are shit, nothing you think has any value, and nobody cares if you and your faggoty friends leave Sup Forums.

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Reminder that during WW2 US congress was against war with Germany because of nazi supporters, USA joined when Hitler declared war on them after jap attack.

No doubt. The biggest American industrialists at the time were big Hitler fans, and of course they're the only people Congress has ever given a shit about.

Nobody gave a shit about muh evil nadzees until certain elements started making fake propaganda and staged pearl harbor.