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Other urls found in this thread:

Stonetoss is a fascist

That's why we love him.

Attached: open-borders-for-israel-comic (1).png (1000x500, 70K)

he also stole his art style from a pedophile babyfur

based burgers? artist

Attached: tv ads in current year.png (1000x1000, 89K)

Attached: russian-meddling-comic-1.png (1000x500, 46K)

Bad thing how?

Attached: communism-lgbt-comic.png (1000x500, 48K)


You do know these fascists try to recruit through memes right?

where can I join ze nazi party pleaz? can you tell me kind Herr?

also fk off you giant dragon dildo riding, semen guzzling bitch boi.

We are back.

Attached: 1572906929054.jpg (2048x1486, 1.49M)


Attached: stonetoss body acceptance.png (625x605, 57K)

Attached: stonetoss communism achieved.png (940x300, 47K)


God this shit is worse than sjw memes, fucking nazis are so dumb

It's okay because they're funny

Attached: stonetoss texas ranger.png (1000x1000, 106K)

Stonetoss is generally funny, but he's actually a stupid nazi if he isn't being ironic

Attached: stonetoss glowniggers.png (1500x500, 223K)

Haha he shot US citizens he doesn't agree with haha so funny lol

Great, but how is that a bad thing ?

Attached: tenor.gif (498x373, 583K)

The one in centre is probably a yank, though pepito and juan carlos there, I don't know...

Attached: privilege.jpg (625x605, 91K)

Attached: stonetoss uncle tom.png (1000x1000, 74K)

So it's ok to deport illegal aliens, but citizens should be murdered, this makes him not a retard

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Attached: stonetoss fags explained.png (1500x500, 74K)

Attached: stonetoss guns.png (940x300, 40K)

Good. People like you need to be executed in the street.

Attached: stonetoss border wall.png (1000x1000, 67K)

this is really sad

does he actually believe these things?

Californians aren't people

i wish

oh lol he infiltrated Sup Forums

Stonetoss is Red Panels. Red Panels is Nazi Propaganda. You should anhero if you read these comics on purpose.

cringe. whenever someone says the left can't meme I'm just gonna show them this comic

hit and miss

Red Panels is Shmorky

You talk about Nazi Propaganda like it's a bad thing Shlomo...

It is. You faggots lost. Get over it.

Red Panels is definitely Stonetoss.

I agree

I don't know. But I know that I do.

Attached: stonetoss homos btfo.png (1500x500, 83K)

Attached: stonetoss dickgirl.jpg (1450x1454, 352K)

Queers reproduce through contact.


shit isn't funny. We had to fight for months to keep californians from moving to the area i live.

these comics are literally made for stupid people.


You commies try to do it through memes too, but you guys are unfunny pieces of trash.

They were from California...

Attached: 1571301524726.png (300x300, 6K)

The joke is that many californians have moved to Texas for the better economy and standard of living, but also begin to vote for the same retarded polices that make California a shithole, slowly turning texas into california 2.0.

californians are communist

communists aren't people

the californian creature can't be citizens

californians aren't citizens

its ok to cull californians to prevent further disease and destruction

painful this. like a plauge of gay prius driving locusts

I'm sure you are.
Just start another Civilization's Game as Adolf Hitler and continue the third riech!
By the time you have all the mods installed, mommy will have TENDIES ready for you

Seek mental help

I wish the earthquake would hurry up.

But I'm not Californian

thats what we keep telling the californians but they insist on doing the retarded shit they do that makes humans hate them

the day she unleashes her earthen fury on the faggot furry will be a day worth celebrating indeed.

>implying most gays won't tell you about how they were molested by their Uncle/priest/family friend
is it comfy under that rock?

Stonetoss is someone obviously trying to emulate redpannels.
There is nothing wrong with him being a neo nazi so long as his comics are good. However I think some of his comics are unfunny, for example about a quarter of his comics rely on circumcision jokes and they get old pretty fast, and ST also peddles it as if it where the most important issue in modern politics. Thats just one really big example that I can think of.

Fuck Austin

Americans are really pathetic.
You want tolerance? You're a sjw. You love guns? You must be a nazi. You want social rights? Yeah, fuck back to China (as if they actually have rights lmao) You believe in God? Oh hi Adolf, glad you're back.

It's hqrd to find myself in such disbelief because I thought I would have passed my 30s without any particular surprise, but if there's something I'm certain about is that America is the ultimate source of everg kind of dumbness and evil in the world, and it's the americans own fault and before or later the world will make you stupid fat pigs for all this dumb shit all toghether.

Attached: 1575874845596.jpg (596x768, 60K)

after seeing this, I went and read all his stuff.
ty, user

Trust me, as a californian, you probably don’t want to live here. We get rolling blackouts like we are brazil, we have the same wealth inequality as guatamala, and we have a dumbass socialist in power like venezuala. And the people here love these things and want only more of it.

Same, I just hope its when im not around.

Austin is a libtard enclave in otherwise the best state.

shoo bjorn shoo!

did you mean San FranAustin?

Jews dude. Were all victims.

Nobody but a retard and a 12 year old genuinely believe things in such black and white positions. Stop taking strawmen of trolls on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and the sensational 24/7 news.

Why do you care so much with what he does with his dick?

You say that like it's a bad thing, niggerjew

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There is no fascist conspiracy theory. Get over yourself, stupid cunt. Why you always believe everything the pozzed media says?

San Fran is way worse since there has been no push back against retarded libtard ideas for the past 30 years.

Seriously though, Harvey Milk is worshipped in that town for being the first faggot elected into office. And what is the only thing he did in office? He renamed a road after Fidel Castro, a communist who killed many gay people.

I swear Libtards have no sense of what they peddle.

you cannot talk sense to the bjorns user how dare you. They are overwhelmed by the surstrommings

Actually it's either Vicky2 or either HoI3 or 4.
And I don't live with my mummy anymore. :(
(it's reich btw not riech)

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Attached: nz2oubkd26t31.png (960x320, 280K)

You could replace "Seattle" with the name of any major Californian city and not be too far off the mark.

Oh god I understood that

problem is he isn't an actual liberal. liberalism isn't the big problem as the liberals of old were living breathing talking thinking human beings that could be argued with.

The real issues is the current aberration of neo libdem ultra SJW.

It's funny seeing all these tranny comics from Stonetoss. He literally goes out of his way to draw the same idea about traps and trannies over and over and over again.

You know he just wants a taste of the boipucci

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What a gay joke

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This is a comfy thread :)

>reeeeeeing intensifies

translated from NPC to oogabooga


Very comfy. Heil Hitler.

Attached: hate speech.png (1000x500, 50K)

wheres the joke tho?

Attached: stonetoss conspiracy.jpg (1000x1000, 172K)

>I thought I would have passed my 30s without any particular surprise

At least you have another 5 to 10 years to turn things around before you get there. It'll be okay. Need a hug?

What's actually hilarious is this: DeJoos do never think about your lot for a minute in their lives. And being obsessed by them automatically makes you their bitches.


Attached: stonetoss capitalism communism.png (625x300, 26K)

nothing wrong with riding dragon dildos every once in a while :^)

>conservative goes into gay bookstore
>aghast at the gay surrounding and suffusing them
>they are finally home

>I can’t change the way I am

nice bait, loser