Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you

Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you

It's fairly late so I'm not sure how long I can stay, sorry

How are you doing today, my friends?

Come get what's bothering you off your chest

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yiff in hell, furfag

Ah it's not that kind of thread, friend~ I like posting sfw Isabelle

Is there anything that's been on your mind?

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Fuck off nigger loving faggot

Sfw enough?

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Why do you losers have to ruin one of the few decent threads left on b? Are you salty coomers enacting some weird kind of revenge for a short purge or are you guys just edgy assholes? Let the guy have his thread. He helps fight the cancer here instead of purposefully fueling it like you faggots.

it's a good day surprisingly, i'm not even feeling the usual futility of life and i'm just chillin out after work.

My mum had the control check-up some weeks ago since she had breast cancer few years back, something weird was in her bloodtests but luckily it turned out after all the consecutive check-ups it was just a false alarm.

Ah I don't get mad at them because people don't just get mad at people for no reason. If the person didn't do something, surely there's something not quite right in their lives. They don't need people attacking them on top of that. They won't be driving me away if you're afraid of that haha. I'm glad you enjoy the threads though, friend

Ah that sounds like a lovely day with lovely news! I'm glad you had a normal day again and I'm doubly glad your mum came up with a false positive. You should take her out to dinner to celebrate! :)

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I'm doing well OP, how are you?

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> "... How are you doing today, my friends?
..." ;
I'm fine thanks - I'm always "on top of the world".

> "... Come get what's bothering you off your chest " .
there's nothing "on my chest" and nothing ever bothers me. I only came on this thread because YOU asked for a
> " Feels thread ..." ;

and I immediately thought of
pic related

I realise that it isn't everybody that has it as good as I do. It's called
> " empathy " ;
there are not many Sup Forumstards who know anything about that .

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Ah I'm a little sleepy, thanks for asking~ That's an adorable Renamon! :) Great to hear you're doing well, though!

Ah posts like that are very welcome, friend. I do ask for a feels thread, though. My mother told me a story about one of the people who passed away in Iraq. He was young and a smoker. His father disliked him smoking but at his grave put a packet of cigarettes on top and said "go, smoke, I promise not to complain". Very touching, the love of parents.

I hope the user who posted that made some wonderful friends.

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Lack of motivation, alongside other common mental health problems, is kind of destroying my life. I have a hard time convincing myself to do anything I enjoy, let alone fostering productive hobbies, social relationships, or working more than part-time at my dysfunctional underpaid reception job. I know lots of people have it worse...

I think it’s time for medication soon, which I’ve always been skeptical of. The brain seems like an awfully delicate thing to tamper with in such an imprecise and poorly understood way. But I’m still young (early 20’s) so I hope that meds might help me turn this thing around while I’m still young and most able to grow and learn skills.

Anyway, today should be pretty chill. I’ve been trying to play through the higurashi VNs, and the characters are pretty nostalgic for me. It’s nice to care about something and get emotionally invested even if it is something fictional.

hello izzy
I've been transferring over to an alt account before i get locked out of my current one

>I hope the user who posted that made some wonderful friends.
Unfortunately, it is evident that he didn't have the first clue how to go about achieve that .

Still, maybe someone else will somehow make contact with him - someone having the same good intentions that his father had.

user just doesn't know where to begin, even though (in his own way) he did his best to please his father.

Fuck your friendly thread nigger

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Have you ever spoken to a professional, friend? Depression is a horrible thing and the sooner you start working on it, the better.

I'm very much in the same boat when it comes to the motivation and hobbies and stuff. I try to find more passive hobbies. I tried playing bass, programming, getting fit with my friend, and I haven't been able to stick to anything. What I've taken up and always enjoyed is collecting masks. My collection is fairly small, only consisting of 4 at the moment (was 5 but one broke sadly) over the span of a few years. Nonetheless I'm still very proud of my collection and it's something I enjoy thoroughly and it's something I've been able to stick to because there hasn't been anything nagging me to do it. If I find something I like, I try to get it. There isn't a push or drive to go out looking for them. Lets me work at my own pace which is something I'd imagine would help you a lot, too.

Meds, I find, are usually a last resort. Counsillors should come before psychologists should come before psychiatrists. You stated you're fairly young. Are you still at College/Uni? They usually have counsillors on campus free of charge. If not, see if your workplace has any. Desk jobs for large companies often do~ They're all completely confidential so no need to worry about your bosses knowing.

I'm glad today was a fun day for you. I'm not big on VNs because my reading capability is poopy. If you like getting invested in something, have you ever seen the movie "Metropolis"? It's a 2001 animated movie and it's probably the only movie to make me cry haha.

Heya Runa (I imagine). I'm sorry to hear you were locked out. The worst part, for me, is losing all the private messages. Hopefully you can add people back~

Ah I imagine people would love to be friends with someone who goes out of their way to make others happy. I certainly would! Hopefully he met someone cool through the thread :)

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I'm not locked out yet, because I still have a session logged in
but the instant that session gets logged out, there's no way for me back into the account, so I've decided to take care of the situatuon before I end up actually locked out
I messaged one of my friends who hasn't talked to me in a while about my account situation and sent them a friend request from my alt and they blocked me and left the server we had together to keep track of our roleplays

I keep having gay dreams about a 2D trap. I didn't even like the manga only read it because i was drunk and bored out my skull. I don't want to be a fag. What do i do.

if you don't see the dong then just pretend it's a qt animu gril cosplaying as the trap

If you still have a session logged in, what's the problem then? And ahh that's fairly rude of them. Do you have any idea why they would have blocked you?

Ah well I personally believe there's nothing wrong with that kind of stuff. If it bothers you that much, have you considered why you'd be having those dreams? Maybe it's everything else about the character? The femininity or the body type or maybe the taboo-ness since it's not quite something you think should be done.

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The problem is my password is forgot and the email registered to my account literally does not exist anymore
as for the other thing, they set a custom status recently saying something like "i love my girlfriend" at which point I realized why they were ignoring me - most of our interactions were ERPing with each other, after all (I still would've preferred they at least said something out-of-character instead of nothing at all)
after that I stopped messaging them but yesterday I sent a short message about my account situation and sent them a friend request from my alt and then they just blocked both my accounts and left the server we made

The weather is very cold and blustery outside.

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My dude, the manga made it clear it was a guy seeing him in my dream my subconscious brains not going to let my conscious brain forget that detail.
I don't know dreams are just dreams. I don't think they have any meaning besides processing information. It was drawn like any other female character with a body of an normal flat chested girl, so doubt anything special. Taboo doesn't exist in me. I've wasted so much time on here just numb to everything and I've never once questioned myself or thought about trying anal or being with a guy. It's freaking me out. In fact maybe it is my subconscious brain processing the information i read because i only would of read something like that drunk and being awake i don't think about that crap. You both might of helped me puzzled it out.

been a long time since i seen you Isabelle, how have you been?

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Graduated with an english/japanese language degree a while back. Was a bit sad at how many experiences I missed but at least I made it through.

I’ve always seen therapists etc., in fact I have an appointment today ( it’s morning here). Not sure how productive it is, but at least I’m trying.

I watched metropolis when I was really young. I remember crying. I should probably watch it again.

Have a good day, friend.

Post more gorw you nigger

Ah can you not change it through discord itself? When I click the cog, I see an option to change my email~ I don't know if it requires your current one though.

And ah sadly a lot of people become a bit too occupied with relationships. I've sadly lost a fair bit of friends to relationships. In my eyes, if I was a good enough friend to them, they wouldn't completely brush me aside for someone, no matter who the person is.

Ah just realized that you need your password to change your email. That is a very rough predicament, friend.

Ah then maybe it was your drunk self being a little silly haha. And dreams are fairly out of control. I don't always assign meaning to them. Best of luck figuring things out, friend~

Ah I've been alright, friend~ How about you? I might head off in a little bit because it's getting fairly late here.

Ah there's no point regretting the things you missed, friend. You wouldn't be where you are now if you focussed on them. Not in the sense that you would have never graduated but maybe you wouldn't have done well or maybe you would have been so pooped from all the interaction and activities that you would have been miserable throughout your studies.

Best of luck with the therapist. If it's not going well, talk to your GP about a psychologist.I'm not too sure what the difference is but I know there is one haha. Psychologists don't prescribe medication~

And it's definitely worth the rewatch! The music is outstanding and so is the animation. Really holds up well.

Thank you~ Have a wonderful day, friend.

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Oh, almost forgot, my new account is Runaburezu#2910

Shits been rough lately, lost a girl I really loved, can't find a security job even though I went through all this work to get the license, and not sure how my future career will look like, but I'm getting through it, just sometimes feels like it's a lot, hope you're doing well OP

fake and gay

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Added to my list~ Thank you

I'm very sorry to hear about everything going on at the moment, friend.

I hope you don't mean lost for good. If she's still there, is there any way you can at least stay friends? As hard as that may be. If you can't stand the idea of her not being with you, then distance yourself from her, friend. There's no point keeping her happy if it's at your expense.

And sadly that's a predicament for a lot of people including myself. In fact I spoke to people last week who went through 5 years of law school to earn the national minimum wage. It's a very very crappy situation but it's not the end of the world. Have you considered getting a license of sorts? Maybe something to do with driving or, in Australia, you need a "White card" to work some labour jobs. You must be super duper strong if you were going to go into security and labour jobs tend to be really good money! See : youtube.com/watch?v=vxeM8ucicqw

Sometimes things can get a little overwhelming but it's never something you have to take on alone, friend.

I'm doing fairly well, thank you for asking.

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Fuck off newfag

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disgusting taste

any news on your account situation?

I'm considering making another account this week~ I think I should take a little break without feeling guilty haha. I promise to let you guys know as soon as I do.

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She's still around, just don't think she wants to be friends, we were for a little bit but when I told her how I still felt about her she just straight ghosted me and hasn't talked to me since, it's whatever though, even though I still miss her I'm past most of it now. I'm currently looking for security as just part time right now, gotta get that college education somehow, I'm sure I'll find something soon, just hate the waiting game. Appreciate the love and support friend, keep up the good work!

Peepee is stored in the throat

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Ah well if that's the case, you are better off without her, friend. If she's the kind of person who straight up ignores someone who has feelings for her just because she doesn't reciprocate, then she's not worth your time. You'll find someone who's perfect for you sooner than you know!

And if that's the case, I'm not too sure what I can do to help. Best of luck finding a job, though! Hopefully it's one that's flexible enough that it doesn't affect your studies, friend.

Thank you for the kind words and have a wonderful week!

I think with that I'm off, friends. Thank you all for dropping by and talking~ You are all wonderful people. Take care and stay safe!

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>You are all wonderful people
Even me

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Went back to school because I was sick of low paying jobs. But I won't make it. I'm failing because I neither have the intelligence nor the self discipline to study properly. On top of that, I have health problems, and they're the permanent kind. Can't sleep more than 3-4 hours because of them. Before I was afflicted, I was trying to lose weight. Lost 30 kilos in a year through exercise and rigorous diet. I have gained back almost every kilo since then. There's nothing I can do, because my disease affects metabolism. If I eat less, then I get groggy and can neither study nor exercise, if I eat normally, I gain weight. I also have a wife who's very ill, and she's not getting any better either. Damages are severe and while we've been hoping for improvement, it looks like the damages will be permanent. We've done the most optimistic prognosis of how our life together will turn out, and even when trying to stay positive, the outcome looks grim. I have entertained the thought of suicide, but have dismissed it as irrational. It won't solve any of the problems and it will compound my wife's problems.

But we have no solutions. I want to say that I'm depressed, and I guess I was for a time. But I'm not anymore. Just tired. Every time we come up with a solution to a problem, life finds a way to remove it. I have asked myself if I have done too little, been too slothful. But that's not the case. I have done what I thought was best at every turn. It just wasn't enough.

I am quickly approaching the point where I am unemployable. I'd turn to crime, but I have too much empathy to hurt others.

There's nothing to do but wait for an inevitable and painful death. But we have each other. I guess that's something. Everyone dies alone, but I will either die holding her hand, or I will die knowing she isn't suffering. Both are clear wins in my book.

So, not doing that great OP. Won't be having a discussion about my situation either. Just needed to get it off my chest.