The problem I have with anti-Semitism is that there's no end to it. You literally want every Jewish person to die...

The problem I have with anti-Semitism is that there's no end to it. You literally want every Jewish person to die. Someone shouldn't deserve to die just because there were born.

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Fuck Off Jew.

Simple solution; Abort jewish fetuses.

nobody wants Larry David to die, just don't be the villainous jew that Sup Forums despises and you'll be free from hate.

I mean, if theyre all dead... then anti semitism ends. And humanity wins.

Niggers, Jews, and Crippleds are not fit for human interaction


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High quality post

Yeah nice bait newfag fuck off

Only superior trash hates Jewish

Dude this is my real opinion and it's not even far-fetched

What is the top right and middle right pics?

>You literally want every Jewish person to die.

Why are there so many Jews in Hollywood, Wall Street, Ivy League colleges, Media channels, Government or Silicon Valley?

Why are you playing the victim while being the richest and most privileged group per capita in the world?
You think that I am that stupid,that I will feel sorry for you? Nice try, kike.

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> "... Someone shouldn't deserve to die just because there were born. " ;

Whether you like it or not :
it doesn't matter whether they deserve to be alive
they have to die because they were born.

Jean-Paul Sartre

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Prove it

Top right is the brutal murder of Czar Nicholas and his family. If I had to guess at the middle I'd say the rape of East Berlin by the (((Soviets)))

Besides Bolshevik revolution (((They))) were behind the ''French'' revolution too and murder of the Christian French monarchy, abolishment of the previous order with new Jew Order.

How come Jews are so obsessed with people hating them? What if the larger truth is, most people are just indifferent? It takes a lot of negative energy to hate someone, let alone a whole people. But if I’m being honest, I can’t say I care much. You’re like the blacks. I’m indifferent to them too. You people really enjoy taking advantage of a bad thing that happened to your race a long time ago by using it to piss and moan about not having your way. You want respect. Because like your great grandma was called a kike in nazi Germany, or Poland. Or wherever the fuck you come from. Trump acknowledged your homeland as a state already. No different than the Arabs tbh. You believe in the same god, just two sides of the same coin. Stop fuckin bitching about everything. Stop lamenting about semitism. Nobody really cares.

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Originally bankrolling Napoleon but when he lost to Russian Romanovs, they turned on him and started bankrolling British empire that latter gave the Rothschilds nobility titles.

True I'm just guessing at the picture though

Why are you putting (((_))) around the words

When you are criminal that steals from others or sell heroin all the time, you may be obsessed with the police and become paranoid that the police is everywhere and everyone is out to get you.

I think that's the reason why Jews worry so much, because deep down inside,they know that their fellow tribe members are out there harming other people for their own jewish interests.

Fuck off jew

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>The problem I have with anti semitism is after 2700 years "smart" jews can't keep themselves from being triggered and diffuse the situation, so they blame everyone else for their problems. Just like everyone else.
>chosen people my shapely ass.

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maybe when juden stop being more tribalistic and nepotistic whilst also being invasive parasites people will stop hating them
there's a pattern of hatred towards jews and it's because they cannot stop mucking around with the affairs of others. it's in their blood to do so.

they are the cancer of human species, even niggers worth more to the human race than kikes

Use your brain.

Attached: Anti-Semitic walking stick. Central Europe, [end of 19th century]..jpg (1323x1984, 76K)

Lurk moar before posting newfag

Because the "jewish ire" is one of their core traditions

Is it stupid? Yes
Do people insist on doing stupid things because only they are the smartestest and know everything? You bet.

Attached: The Jews of the United States – anti-Semitic booklet, 1942 .jpg (422x600, 97K)

How the fuck are you even supposed to Google that


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What does ((((phrase))))) mean?

You know how they say the truly retarded don't know theyre retarded?

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yes they should

Literally the only guaranteed result of being born.

(((What does ((((phrase))))) mean?)))

(((You know how they say the truly retarded don't know theyre retarded?)))

Shut up kike

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Honestly i dont give a shit of you want to worship a spinning top or what ever. Do what ever you want with your jew gods. What i fucking hate is that the elite are jews and they give benefit and shit to fellow jews. Hitler had the right idea he just missed the proper jews. The 200k that he killed were just poor peasants. Israel could glass Palestine for all i give a shit but i know that the Jewish controlled media would either ignore it or spin it to a positive. The Jewish elite are the real problem

You are massively upset.

I kek.

they actually worship infants drained of all their blood while alive, having small body pieces removed and eaten..

But sure, spinning tops lol.

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Wassamatter hooknoses?. Your reverse psychology thread go to shit on you? :v(

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Reporting all these people to the ADL. Anti-Semitism is disgusting and must be made illegal.

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The problem I have with Semitism is that there's no end to it. You literally want every non-Jewish person to be your slaves. Someone shouldn't deserve to become a slave or die just because they were born.

We Jews are chose by God to rule. Who do you think you are?

Fuck me I never actually put this two and two together. The original silent Nosferatu has a HUGE nose. Damn. Learn something new every day.

Who says that? You are making the false argument to create false news! Those against the Zionist agenda want to make sure YOU DO NO CONTROL EVERYONE ELSE! Following hidden agendas set by you, the level of oppression you impose on Palestinians and the control of all media, politics and economy is the problem everyone has with.

No u!!!




Someone who doesn't care if you people think you're special because of a schizophrenic dipshit. Paganism is where its at for us white people.
But even your Jew God abandoned you people, Christ said so, Muhammad said so, the prophets before them warned that it would happen...

So you all just hang onto the pipe dream that you're racial superior to every other race on Earth, just because you idiots breed with only your own family and share the accumulated wealth from over 2,000 years of swindling?

Laugh all you want. Soon you anti Jew Nazis will be put to death. 2021 it is. You have been warned.

Well I mean basically, yes?

Spotted the jew.

Oy Vey..Oy Gavalt. I said Gevalt!

Fuck off fucking jewish fag. Yes you should die because you were born. Now, do the right thing while you can and kys.

There's a solid cube of dope the size of my thumb in a box on the table.

Convince me I care slime.

>Theres no end to it
Not with that attitude, let's have a repeat of the 40s

>Alpha af

This time around a real Holocaust. Not a make believe 6 gorillion one.


The Jew only comes out when it's convenient to be the Jew.

>We Jews are chose by God to rule.
Gonna need to see some signed paperwork from God if you dont mind, Yehudi. Not some flea bitten rabbi from Kazakhstan, God.

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It's not merely being born that is the issue, it's that y'all stab your host countries in the back EVERY SINGLE TIME and cry foul when these countries finally get fed up with your shit and the other tribes like yours.Retaliation seldom is actual genocide, because y'all are entrenched so deeply in the host's government that you manage to escape like a fucking bond villain in all directions like spore.

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>It's the fact you're literally parasites

Awe come on even gender confused eunich parasites who want to have sex with your children deserve a chance??


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>The jew fallback


Nothing quite says jew like a black cock lmao.

Thanks! Shalom and greeting from Israel.

Lol, there isnt any reason to have biases or hate against jews. I simply cannot understand Hitler, why he did this. It would have made more sense to gas the Sandniggers and muslim.

Hitler didn't gas anyone Shlomo.

Well, technically ure right. They did it by themself...

>kicked out of every country they have ever occupied since 1970 for no particular reason


We Jews own America. Just deal with it. Nothing you white scum can do about it.

Show me the zyklon. Find one high carbon deposit area.

Plenty of natural evidence of the Confederate war. STILL no EVIDENCE of the gorillion

Reported to the ADL.

Sure we can. You need us guy. Where does the power come from if there is no one to control?

I hope you're selling gold, cause I'm buying it.

>Nothing you white scum can do about it. the moment.

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I'm not racist...I hate all you mother fuckers equally.

I hope you all die slow horrible deaths

Especially fagz...everyone hates fagz

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Never. You will be extinct soon.

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>But why. What did the jews? Maybe they own much of Gold an have much financial power, but they dont harm u in anyway.
Thats why we should focus our hate against the sandnigger

So what happens if/when the parasite kills the host?

We should join forces with Muslims to rid the world of Jews once and for all.

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well there is a way to end it...
kill every jew!

Nothing. Whites are a small minority of the World.Whites are dying off fast and this is a good thing.

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