Hello Sup Forums. i am an autistic retard. any other autistic retards wanna be my friend?

hello Sup Forums. i am an autistic retard. any other autistic retards wanna be my friend?

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be my friend.

be my friend.be my friend.be my friend.be my friend.be my friend.be my friend.be my friend.be my friend.be my friend.be my friend.


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Hey, i wanna to be your friend
I have no friend

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>claims to be autistic
>open enough to make or even care about friends

People just hold you back, friendo

Hey i also have no friends, do you want to be my friend.

Hey, I'll be your friend : )

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Yeah sure
But there can be one problem

What's the problem. You don't want to be friends?

I don't know how to have friend
But this is unimportant

More importantly, that i'm russian

Don't friends just say they're friends and end it like that.
>i'm russian
This is so cool i never had a Russian friend or any friend before.

Im not autistic but im very alone right now. Ill be your fren

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So how we can talk outside 4ch?

I can't talk I'm mute.

The best way to make a friend is to be a friend.
It never hurts to have/make another friend.

The only friend we need is a friend we don't need.

Is this god way to start friendship?

As quickly as i made a friend i lost them.

Go check Reddit I'm sure everyone will be your friend. Full of tards without guards.

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ausitm is like wanting Thanos to snap twice and just end everything

its like being a priori