Was Sup Forums porn free a couple of hours ago or I dreamt that?

Was Sup Forums porn free a couple of hours ago or I dreamt that?

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Yeah it was. Don’t know what the fuck happened.

Only reverse the decision hours ago? Pathetic.
I went to bed with the board looking hopeful, and now come to find out they couldn't even last a day.

That's what happened to me, I came back now to check the new b and the first fucking thread was scat porn followed by traps

Yes. Unfortunately it has been taken over by children. Like literally taken over by children.

More like 5 hours ago but yeah it was

You were dreaming. Go back to looking at cocks and amateur 3D titties.

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Maybe one day they'll bite the bullet and get rid of the porn. Then Sup Forums will actually have good threads and a decent amount of traffic.

it was a prank fag. the mods baited you and ha ha'd in the IRC. go back to Sup Forums now

>incel newfag tears delicious

probably just some mod fucking around on their way out.

Maybe some day you will get permabanned or beaten to death and we will be free of your faggotry.

Yeah, crazy times. I dont know if they took off all the stickys cos porn is ok again or they got bored.

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This board should have kept it up. Only good decision this site made in years

Do you see 5000 porn threads? Yeah? It's ok. It always will be.

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Cry moar or bye moar.

Same. Hoped it would've stayed cleansed. Not like there isn't other boards dedicated to porn.

haha nice post friend.

Does it make you sad? Does it make you want to stay hear fowever cause nobody tells you what to do hmmmmph.

when there was nothing but porn, i agitated for change. when the porn was gone, i demanded it's return. once there was a balance, people didn't just post the same old shit. the problem is the existence of boards like Sup Forums and /s4s/. all that shit Sup Forumselongs with us, the good and bad, pure and obscene, blending into a perfect shitstorm.

Dubs of Truth

Not when it's the same 5 fucking porn threads over and over again with no deviation. I've never seen Sup Forums without FB IG VSCO, BBW, CELEB, WWYD, [some ethnic race] thread and a change was good


Yes, for that time Sup Forums was good