Ok porn is back bois, there is no way to win this war. The coomers are invencible

Ok porn is back bois, there is no way to win this war. The coomers are invencible

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Nobody cares sage

OP cares bump

Yesterday was the only day in a decade this place was tolerable

Shame they bailed


If the coomer cannot be saved, the coomer must be destroyed. Sup Forums has to be reduced to its constituent atoms.

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Only reason I knew about this is because of the boys over at /f/. I wish this didn't happen in the middle of the night while I was sleeping

this. last night was amazing and Sup Forums was fun
now its a fucking dumping ground for czech porn trojan keyloggers, scammers, and jew porn site spammers once again
the only people who whined and raged were the companies using Sup Forums as a free advertising board

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Sup Forums is made of electrons not atoms

Opening the front page ten of the fuckin threads are porn. Eight of which could go to /s/, one /cm/, and one /trash/. "B-but Sup Forums is supposed to be random!"
2/3s of the board being porn is not random.

Just send them here


We are the inevitable

someone posted a thread about how much they've scammed from Sup Forums retards a few months ago. its almost all advertising and scammers

If you post interesting threads instead of garbage the porn will be minimized.

"coomer" is an astroturfed forced meme shilled by discord trannies and feminists

Relax champ. Mods are sleeping.

ok coomer


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But that's work and requires a brain, it's much easier to bitch about what you don't like and pretend that if it goes away everything will be wonderful

>If you post interesting threads instead of garbage the porn will be minimized.

It's a catch 22. Nobody will bother making good threads or producing OC images so long as they get slid off the board within 20 minutes due to constant bumping by coomers of porn threads, and nobody will ever stop posting porn because they think that's a good thread because they know nothing else. Sup Forums is trapped in a feedback loop.

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It's not a feedback loop, if your thread doesn't get bumped in 20 minutes, that means it sucks

That was the best three hours Sup Forums has been in a long time, brought me right back to when I started lurking seven years go


You're a fucking moron.

Does anyone know the full story of what happened?