Finland I feel bad for you guys. You'll likely get turned into Sweden now...

Finland I feel bad for you guys. You'll likely get turned into Sweden now, who the fuck elects a woman to be a leader of a country? Especially one who's 35.
I imagine only Sweden can outdo you guys by going full retard and electing Greta when she turns 18.

I'm sure this lady will be seen with a refugees welcome sign by the end of the week

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Other urls found in this thread:

35 is ridiculously young to be leading a country. I'm a firm believer in a law that says you must at least be 40 years old to lead a government. Anything younger and you simply do not have enough life experience. The fact she's a women doesn't bother me though

Who cares anyway, this world is doomed already. Every country will be filled with niggers and muslims and stupid brainwashed niggerloving race traitor whores will be bouncing on their dicks and spit out nigger mixed babies with shariah mind. And yes, all of this because of jews.
Just sit back and relax and watch this world burns.

Lets hope an unstoppable asteroid the size of jupiter fucking destroys us all

She's a fucking woman. Raised by a single mother.
Don't feel bad, countries have the leaders they deserve

It would be nice

can't be worse than the two previous ones.

>raised by a single mother
It just gets worse doesn't it? Not even a father who preferably isn't a cuck who would teach her to be a based hard stanced conservative with morals

I'm looking at Finlands Prime Minister history, why are the recent ones terms so short lived?


you're probably a bitch

obviously triggered, when did daddy leave you and how long has your hair been dyed blue? I hope you haven't gotten giant gauges in your ear that are beyond repair

>who the fuck elects a woman to be a leader of a country?
we didn't. old people are the majority of voters and they voted for SDP (social democrats) because they were promised greater pension money (they didn't end up getting it)

The prime minister SDP chose as the biggest party was Antti Rinne. He is a lying piece of shit and was OK with bringing cheap labor into Finland.

The finnish postal service Posti is owned by the government. Antti Rinne was completely OK with Posti taking down employees paychecks and hiring people from poor countries, that work for basically under minimum wage because they want to stay in the country. Posti even advertised hiring in vietnamese on facebook.

Antti Rinne then said that he wasn't okay with this. People soon caught on to him being a lying piece of shit and Posti went on strike for a full month. Nobody got any mail from the start of november to the start of december.

The government went down and was reformed. The thing is that it was reformed with the same fucking people under different occupation names. Our fucking minister of teaching(Li Andersson) is openly marxist. The government shut down due to Antti Rinne, but for some fucked up reason HE got to name the next prime minister.

Attached: rinne.jpg (400x164, 15K)

>You'll likely get turned into Sweden now

I dont think you really understand the first of the differences between Finland and sweden

trust me, a woman can handle Finland. not a lot going on.

Strangely specific response. I smell projection.

Damn, I had a Finnish friend tell me about the postal workers strike. Didn't know it went that deep, I guess it makes sense why I see a bunch of 1 year prime minister terms. Didn't know he got to pick the next one though, assumed you all elected the person. Sounds pretty trash, some type of EU jewish scam

The Russians will back any minute now.

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I was raised by my dad, never dyed my hair, never pierced my ears, likely because I wasn't raised by a woman otherwise I'd have square glasses and act like a faggot like you

The Finns should have stayed part of Russia

>who the fuck elects a woman to be a leader of a country?

The parliament, not the people

The only thing a woman can handle is sucking dick, a kitchen and children, that's it

Agreed, only thing we need to be asking her is how much euro she charges for the hour

Yeah it's fucked.
People vote for a politician for the parliament from their own counties.
Then from every county X amount of politicians get to go to parliament. Whatever party has the biggest amount of politicians under their belt in the parliament gets to form the government.
SDP had 15,0% of the seats, Perussuomalaiset (right wing) had 14,9%.

Perussuomalaiset went to opposition because all the other parties are cry babies who don't want to co-operate with Perussuomalaiset because "oh no deporting people who came here as refugees but ended up running a child grooming ring IS BAAAAAAAAAD AND RAYCIIISTT"

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You guys need to overthrow them with molotovs and sign over Finland to Putin immediately. Run far away from the EU and the Nordic council

so what can you handle? those 3 things and posting on Sup Forums too?
Our grandfathers did the ultimate sacrifice to
Our fathers worked hard to make this a welfare state where everyone is safe.

By signing over to Russia we'd be nulling our grandfathers' life work. By letting things be how they are and just watching by as our government think it's a good idea to let rapists and terrorists into same school with our children is nulling our fathers' work.

After it turned out a +20yo terrorist was a student at a middle school in Helsinki, the chief inspector of Helsinki Police (pictured left) said it's ok to let people with no background checks to be let into the same schools with our children.
He claims that the terrorist might learn to be good, and the teachers and students are professional enough to stop potential terror attacks.

I don't really understand what the fuck are the teachers and students supposed to do if a 14 year old 6"8 200lbs Ahmed decides today's his day. The teachers aren't even allowed to physically drag kids out of the classroom.

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>Our grandfathers did the ultimate sacrifice to
get our country independent from slavniggers**

the reply form here is shit

I'll never understand the low test men in Scandinavia these days, at least we know not all are that way just the majority of NPC's. muscums should all be hanged

>found the slav criminal alcohol degenerate

Her mother was a gay and she had a female partner

You haven't found anything

I'm fucking done

I live in Oregon I met a Finnish chick at Mount Hood on a hike she was awfully retarded politically the olny good thing was the blowie I got

Sure slav

>choosing weak pussified EU over based mighty Russia

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Oh, man. My mom is from Finland and I was hoping to move there if Sweden gets any worse than it is. Where the fuck am I supposed to go now?

Finland has always followed Sweden in trends
what has happened in Sweden is now just going to start in earnest in Finland

Hope you filled her retarded face with foul tasting conservative jizz

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Sweden isn't as bad as you guys think but it's perfect you thinking it since that makes you stay away.

Not saying we don't have problems though, but our most nationalistic party are rising so hopefully things will get better.

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I've been so fucking demoralized for the last few days. Everything has turned upside down. Once again weak men have caved to liberal decay, allowing FUCKING LITTLE GIRLS to rule over them. Why? wtf is wrong with these people, I've will never understand. Only appearances and ideological zeal seem to matter anymore. Fuck these weak little shits. I only hope to move out of here.


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>hard stanced conservative with morals

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I hope so bro, make your ancestors proud. Don't let down Gustavus

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to be fair. regardless of age or gender, Europe is fucked no matter what. They make fun of Trump but the political climate and democratic system over there is severely fucked. I spent 6 months over there and its bewildering how these people function. And yes, there is a disproportionate amount of women in politics, and that is part of the problem. The drama and bullshit they have inserted (permanently) into the system is mind blowing.

This bitch is going to wreck that country for sure. China, Russia and USA look upon Europe with pity and disgust.

How many times do you think that face has been pissed on?

SD won't be enough anymore. We need hard-liners like AFS. Their proposals have already influenced other parties but we need it more and more.

I feel for you Finbro, Ameribro here and I love Finland and it frustrates me.

Well germany has elected a women like a decade ago, and we are currently like the 3. or 4. biggest economy in the world. Despite only being a very small country.

>>I spent 6 months in Europe and now I'm an expert on it's political landscape.


>choosing weak pussified EU over based mighty Russia
I just want us to be in-de-pen-dent. That was the whole fucking point of the civil war and the winter war.
Finland joining EU went against our constitution anyways.

I laughed at the absolute state of sweden in 2014. In 2015 refugees started pouring in and now we've got rape, murder, child grooming and a terror attack.
Still no no-go zones, grenade attacks, weaponised gangs or shit like that so I'm hopeful that the future is going to be different. We've had Sweden to show us what was going to happen but we didn't believe. Then things started happening in the exact same order but just ~20 years later.
Now that this shits happening maybe we can predict events and vote for the only fucking party going against this. Perussuomalaiset (right wing).
They were at 14,9% this May when the elections were, but then it turned out that SDP had rapists, human trafficers, welfare scammers, wife beaters, the list goes on.
Perussuomalaiset is at 25% now and that's only going to go up in the future.

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Riding off Hitlers success and BMW

My god you ppl are pathetic all you cucks giving up already. Lets get serious there is around 5% foreigners in Finland thats under 300.000 ppl. You fucking cucks really think Finland will roll over and die because there is few niggers here... Get real The nation will br reborn the alt Right will Rise again the Purge will begin and the balance will be restored.

Just because most of you men are weak and you have given up dont lump as all in with you.

Just like in Winter war every finnish man killed 10 commies so too will we take back our country, its only matter of time.

One weak ass bitch in Parliament will never and can never change the true nature of men.

Jeez what a mess, if only Hitler would have nuked all jews Europe wouldn't be dealing with this

Bearly interesting

>300,000 people
already too many
rise up Scandinavians and ride in on your horses and cut some nigger and muslim heads off

Im American i want to move to Finland, your agenda now suits my own. Lets be woke together.

Greta thunberg is an autistic bitch

>Well germany has elected a women like a decade ago
How's it going?

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Finland isn't Scandinavia.

Don't drag Sweden into this. We've never elected a female and we never will, despite how backwards, gay, retarded and mongoloid they are.

>Hitlers success

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The racewar needs to happen sooner

>I read this guys post and now I know he is a moron so I'm going to burn him with a devastating blow to his ego
Have fun being raped by all those immigrants dude. In 30 years when Europe looks like a slightly better off Africa/Middle East, I am sure you will be doing fine. Your governments will know how to handle the economic crisis that is on your doorstep, the climate crisis that is already kicking your ass, and the migration nightmare you will be living through for the rest of the century.

Are you saying 1million man army cant take down 300.000 unarmed sand niggers, When 200.000 russian were killed and over 600.000 wounded in our last war alone? And in that we were totally overwhelmed and under equipped... Get real just because you know only life of peace and prosperity dont get your facts mixed up..

>> Thinks anyone gives a shit about his opinion.

>Hitlers success
Wow never had somebody disqualify themselfes from any further discussion that fast. You know we lost the war, and not only had to rebuild the country but also pay huge amount of reparations, to the war winners.
I can't say that I'm proud of what made germany such a huge economic successor because besides cars (european car manufacturers are almost exclusivly owned by german cooperations) it's mainly by exporting war weapons into questionable countries like turky or UAE. But making profit from the suffering of others is a thing americans now better than everyone else.

i think a lot of people have woken up in Sweden with news reports of actual grenade attacks.
it's time to realize we are only 9 million people or so (10.2 million on paper but let's try to not count the non-true Swedes). our culture will most likely be completely wiped out in just a few generations from arithmetics alone so let's try to preserve it as long as we can.
i think the biggest problem is that people genuinely don't understand how different cultures can be and that "they" are simply not "just like us".

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>i believe the shit I read at the daily stormer

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They could, but that's already a pocket of cancer. 300,000 people is a decent sized small city.

And the fact niggers and muslims like to breed like rabbits while Europeans aren't even breeding, and if they do they have 1-2 kids a piece won't help keep that cancer in remission. Meanwhile the 3rd worlders have 7 kids

The enemy's within, how do you think mexicans took over a lot of America? It wasnt by force. They will intergrate into your culture until you have halfbloods and then your culture will be full of sand niggas who want to rewrite history to be diversified.

Well for us, quite good, the other european countries are bleeding for us.

10.2 - 9 = 1.2 million non-Swedes, i hope i vastly overestimated that number btw but it feels like we went from 8 to 10 too quickly for it to have been mostly due to birthrate

Lost a war, didn't lose the top of the class progress in inventions and methods though.

What did hitler invent brainstem?

Sweden was lucky to have a country where everybody is like-minded and lived in luxury and were safe. Shame they didn't realize that people aren't only different in culture, which is hard enough to change on it's own, but also different by genetics.
A sandnigger brain just simply isn't programmed like a Europeans

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We dont even have a real problem yet and already Right wing party Perussuomalaiset is by far the largest party with 24,3% next being 18,6%. If the numbers look this bad for the left already what will happen when we get closer to the next election. Nothing has been lost yet muslims dont integrate in to Finnish society they try to build a country inside of a country and that will make them easy targets when its time to defend our homeland

>thinks genetics programs brains

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Yeah tell this to the jews in nazi germany :D

Hopefully the right wing stays in power for the next 1000 years

I know it's hard to wrap your peanut brain around, Mohammed

You'll run out of doritos and mountain dew gamer fuel long before then.

If the women ruin the countries this bad and make the men fight and purge 10% of the population just because thye are totally idiotic and naive most likely after the war men remove the voting rights of stupid ass women so this shit wont be repeatted ever again.

Why would anyone want to wrap their brain around Mohammed, stormloser?

We would have a much better world if women couldn't vote or be involved in politics

>Being retarded enough to consider daily stormer a pile of bullshit even tho you can easily check their claims
>Considering the "real news" to be real

Boy i knew you niggers have a low iq but that low.. fuck man..

Thanks for admitting to being a shitbag that has achieved nothing in life but dropping out of your mom's crotch with white skin.

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cope more pooman

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Sooo.... Basically become modern Islamic extremists? Sharia law?
Oh, wait...

I'm a millionaire you dumbfuck. Check out one of my cars. Maybe you're mom will let you borrow her ford probe later.

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Just because that's one thing muscums do doesn't make it wrong for everybody else, infact it's one of the few things they do right. That's like banning beef in China because Genghis Khan ate beef or some shit

Yeah very jealous of your 15000 dollar boomer car Rakesh. My mom drives a brand new BMW by the way faggot

Dude, just stop trying to explain your fucked up worldview. You're not good with words and stuff.

>My mom drives a brand new BMW
I bet she makes you the best tendies too

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Russia should have stayed a czardom.

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yes she does, cope

>yer not gud with werds n' stuff
lol stfu raheem

What is way more fucked up is that some person who has been given all the security and prosperity in the world a total equality is ready to give all that up just to be morally superior and help muslims and nignogs to take over once a peaceful country.

no u incel

Who is this strawman of which you speak Otis?