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Gonna cry?

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Why would anyone watch porn on Sup Forums?

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So you enjoy the cuck porn around here, cumbrain?!

>still crying
kys Sup Forumscel, yellowfags are subhuman

Coom coom silly coombrainer

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I'm just laughing at person trying to change Sup Forums's mindset. Kek.

This is what confuses me too. I'm not taking a side in this thing, the porn threads are annoying, but I can easily just ignore them and not go into them. But the real thing perplexing me is WHY? Why come onto/b/ and wank off to a blurry picture of a women who isn't even that good looking, when you can go onto other sites and watch fucking hd movies of any and every sort of porn imaginable? Sup Forums porn is fucking shit.

My theory is there are people that hate everyone else and post it out of spite to make the place worse on purpose.

>make the place worse on purpose
your opinion newfag. go to reddit

Fuck you faggot, spamming desu was not funny either, kys and know that everyone hates you

I don't know, that's a lot of commitment from them if that's the case. I think they do just genuinely like that shit. Why I'll never know

Serious response, I've only been on /b for three years, I looked through it initially, seen the porn mixed in, got turned on, and now I just come here regularly to fap to some pretty nice amateur stuff usually. While also browsing threads that may be interesting, on occasion, aside from porn.

some triggered Sup Forumscel faggots are crying AGAIN. will fail like last time. go to reddit and kys

yellow threads are for pissposting

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No one likes you, and the only place that can stand you does it if you make it shit on purpose. You are the worst part of this entire site. I really hope you die alone and sad and know that no one will miss you here.

I guess that makes sense. I can't imagine fapping to anything on here lol, half of them are fucking men

this is the EXACT FUCKING LINE stupid guys use as a retort, i've heard it out of many fine examples

i had a hard time honestly believing the NPC meme until now

tl;dr im a triggered faggot crying about Sup Forums posts.


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Same guy, but to further elaborate, I almost exclusively use b to develope horniness and THEN I go to better boards like gif