Is climate change real or a jewish conspiracy?
Is climate change real or a jewish conspiracy?
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What do you think?
I think it is good to treat our planet better and pollute less and not overfish etc. But the movement is being used by literal bug eating trannies that want white people to have no kids and want to take infinite refugees
a real jewish conspiracy but actually a real thing also.
It's only americans who believe it's fake and americans are easily the most gullible and stupid nation so i think that speaks for itself.
Anybody got the pics of her with her pokies sticking out of her shirt?
If by some unknown reason it's not real, it's inevitable anyway. Any dominant species get's too dominant it throws the food chain off balance. This is so obvious a fact anyone can understand it. There's no question we're the top of the food chain and replicating like rabbits. There's no reason not to start taking steps to off set our "footprint"
Unfortunately, some idiots managed to make it a political thing, 3 guesses on which idiots, and so it doesn't matter if it's real or not, the groups that don't like them, have a difficult time listening.
Both. Climate change is real, but corporate Jews were responsible for causing it. Now they're responsible for fixing it. Very convenient.
God DAMN she's getting cuter every day.
Climate change is fake, the Earth is flat, vaccines cause autism
You have two options:
1. Thousands of scientists, working in dozens of countries, competing with each other for grants and publishing their research in peer-reviewed journals after their work is checked by other scientists are engaged in a vast, decades-long conspiracy that has no precedent in the history of science.
2. Commercial companies who stand to lose a lot of money if attempts to combat climate change are put into place are deliberately funding disinformation via political lobbying, and opaquely funded thinktanks, the same way they did for lead in gasoline, asbestos, tobacco causing cancer, and dozens of other examples.
And if this doesn't make it clear enough, all you need to do is to look at other institutions for whom an accurate estimate of the risk of climate change is necessary. These are: 1. the military, and 2. insurance companies. In both cases, it is critical for them to identify what is *actually* likely to happen, and both of them consider climate change to be a serious risk.
Yesterday was 36c here in Melbourne, today was 19c.
Sure, the climate changes, but anyone who believes the world is ending cause it's like, totally hotter than it should be, but like, sometimes cold too, is some kind of stupid.
yes it's real. source: i'm Jewish.
This is literally perfect. These white and jewish people talk about saving the planet but push hard for LGBTQ+ and african and south american scum to overrun their countries
>using Vice as a source
This guy fucks
In thin shirts!
>ignoring everything else I said
Link to actual report:
Woah, science changes based on data and discovery? No fucking way
short term temperature change has nothing to do with climate you fuckwit
What a shitty shop. They didn't even try to align the text
Just a coincidence that Soros is tied directly to Greta and club of rome members.
Just a coincidence, Goy
it's a fucking lie, you retards. It's just communism
found the nigger
>thinking you're woke while sucking corporate cock this hard
How many interstellar vehicles has your country launched?
>competing with each other for grants
And that's all I need to know
you sick fuck. where can i find them?
i fuckin adore her
Which means that research groups are going to point out flaws in other groups' science if they can. This idea that scientists are all going to engage in a nice conspiracy and collectively conceal the truth is just nonsense - it would benefit a research group if you can show that someone else is wrong.
Shlomo is behind it
Ooh. Swearing in lieu of having an actual discussion. Look at the intellect in this one.
Climate change is subjective. There's a reason there's no Wiki article about it. It means different things to different people. What's your version of climate change, buddy? One where you pretend the world's ending in 30 years so it doesn't matter that you're still living at your mum's place?
Its a weapon for population controlling. As long as people act out of fear you can jam a lot of thing down their throat.
fuck if i know
Earth is cooling. Jews chemtrail to make everyone stupid cancerous. The proof is vindicated.
How many interstellar vehicles do YOU think any country on Earth has launched lol.
Jews own the oil companies dumb fucks
>interstellar vehicles
>this makes me rich and prestigious in the otherwise useless academic community
>I totally wouldn't take advantage of that
Stop it.
Both, it is happening but greedy corporations and sneaky fuck marketers are taking advantage of it to trick people into saving them money and/or making them money instead of fixing the problem, so we could probably fix it but its like we're metaphorically walking on slush and losing 99% of the force in each step
Why are you asking a bunch of unemployable white males? They're no longer entitled to demand that everyone else in the world believe a bunch of racist, selfish nonsense that makes everyone else in the world worse off. They're obsolete. Good riddance.
I will believe climate change is an emergency when the people telling me it's an emergency start acting like it's an emergency...
Answer the question bub. How many interstellar vehicles has your country launched?
>not understanding what interstellar actually means
did you launch something? or someone way more intelligent and educated than you did?
go ask them if it's real or not. they will all agree.
Someone on b owns a country?
Who cares how many blah blah blah. He owns a damn country. Show some respect.
>presumes to know my level of education
>presumes to know what I've done
>still doesn't answer the question
>Interstellar travel is crewed or uncrewed travel between stars or planetary systems. Interstellar travel will be much more difficult than interplanetary spaceflight; the distances between the planets in the Solar System are less than 30 astronomical units (AU)—whereas the distances between stars are typically hundreds of thousands of AU, and usually expressed in light-years. Because of the vastness of those distances, interstellar travel would require a high percentage of the speed of light; huge travel time, lasting from decades to millennia or longer.
>red herring
Again, you haven't answered my point: if other research groups are in competition with you, then they have a strong incentive to point out flaws in your research.
Tell me what incentive oil companies have not to produce disinformation to undermine the consensus on climate change? And why would oil companies behave differently to, for example, tobacco companies? Remember that they accused doctors of only saying that smoking causes cancer so that the doctors could get medical grants.
And finally: why do non-scientific institutions that need to accurately gauge risk - like the military and insurance companies - think that climate change is real and a serious problem?
>needs wiki
Oh, yes. We are totally unemployable.
Much better to import north Africans/middle easterners to replace the lazy whites.
Hey, what do you think about the fact that 9/10 of these immigrants do not work?
What do you think of the terrible crime stats?
What do you think happened to the "net benefit" which would be equivalent to 9billion a year(Sweden)?
Oh hi mr. Goldenstain.
I live in the US. Precisely zero. I hope you're trolling!
This is an utterly bullshit terminology.
>9/10 climate scientists all on the government tit agree
>10/10 chefs agree you should eat out tonight
>10/10 car salesmen think you need a new car today
>10/10 dogs agree they are the goodest boy
Between star systems?
Are you fucking retarded?
What isn't a Jewish conspiracy on Sup Forums?
Fucking idiots...
Nice. Good work. Now answer the original question.
was actually a different poster. everyone thinks you are retarded.
Answer my question: why would the military and insurance companies - whose entire existence relies on correctly interpreting and assessing risk - accept climate change if it's not true?
Haha I'm just trolling you bud. Climate change is caused by humans.
>oh noez
>strangers don't like me
But answer the question.
Doubtful. But you know what? Even if it is, I don't care.
No such vehicles were ever launched on earth.
The climate changes, but it's not man made. Remember the ice age? Think the cave men's camp fires had anything to do with it? The assholes at the top noticed the obvious and are using it like another hole in the ozone, asteroid going to hit the Earth, cold war, bird flu, Y2K, 2112 Mayan calendar bullshit. Don't worry about what the planet does, you won't be here that long compared to it anyway and future generations will adapt just fine. If there was water where your standing right now 10,000 years ago the people went to where it was dry when their feet started getting wet.
Climate change has always been happening vefore people were on the planet. Check the data from the Greenland ice core samples. When they say 'climate change' they mean 'human caused climate change.' There is no evidence that says humans cause any significant changes.
I already did? Climate change is easily verified as being caused by humans. It's a scientific consensus.
There's that word again.
Check out the nasa website if you want to get educated. Thanks for notifying me you don't care though would you like me to note that in your chart?
You cannot be this stupid. You literally cannot.
The scientific consensus is that humans are changing the climate in a bad way.
Tell me of all those spacecraft that were launched to reach another star. Try not to move the goalpost.
So can you make a thread about it? This one is about how you get so mad defending fossil fuel companies that you pretend to be retarded as a distraction lol. Oh wait. Carry on.
climate change is cyclical, not "man made" and never will be.
the sun is going into GSM and will cause a little ice age, but not a glacial ice age (it'll just be a lot more wet and there will be a lot more snow as well)
Then why is the climate getting hotter?
Climate, the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region [...] throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.
Every child knows this, having "an actual discussion" with someone that doesn't know the difference between weather and climate is about as intellectually stimulating as getting a lobotomy. By the way climate change doesn't leave a lot of room for subjectivity, we basically have a few scenarios to pick from, most of them ending in slight to substantial discomfort, some in doom and some just wait for some magic techno deus ex machina.
You're a giant fuckwit, now go fuck yourself faggot aussie cunt
>NASA is a credible organization of unbiased scientists
kek, sides
Everyone knows man made climate change is a hoax.
Solar-cycle driven climate change, however, is real.
greenhouse gasses trapped in earth's atmosphere
Lol it's obviously this and we all know.
There's no correlation whatsoever between CO2 and temperature historically. Other factors have a much greater impact.
>consensus is evidence
Climate change is real, but it’s being used by globalists to move toward 1 world government. Local political parties use it to beat the opposition over the head, and gain more control over the economy and the electorate.
Climates change constantly, and we’ve only been able to document it in great detail over the past 100-150 years. It’s ok to be skeptical of science that young, especially when we’re talking about a planet that has gone through a minimum of 5 ice ages (major climate shifts) without the presence of industrialized humans.