Be Greta Thunberg

>Be Greta Thunberg
>Manage to TRIGGER millions of boomers and white trash incels

You've got 5 seconds, 5 fucking seconds to tell me one single thing you've done in yr entire life that's even 1/10th of 1% as brave as her on any given day.

>Protip: you indisputably can't

P.S. Queen of Sup Forums

Attached: Goddess.png (1006x1189, 1004K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Be Greta Thunberg
>Suck jew dick
>Have real incels and brainwashed losers praising you


Haha did you see my thread OP

I walked down Martin Luther King Jr Blvd at night time with a smart watch on.

Only the most sheltered white bitch would think this was scary.

I masturbated at work once, that must count for something.

>Only the most sheltered white bitch would think this was scary.

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Only uneducated scumbags and street dealers wouldnt think it was scary.

"Brave"? She's the daughter of a celebrity, who's being lionized by the media. She's "brave" the way Kaitlin Jenner is "brave".
And she's the 16 year old daughter of wealthy parents who has not the slightest clue about the economic havoc that will be caused by moving away from fossil fuels.

Only a sheltered white bitch wouldn't know why this was scary

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You're afraid of the dark?

Around blacks
Never relax

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Every fucking thing I’ve done in my life.

Fear confirmed. Thank you.

It is brave to dress up like a pretty pony and ask your dad to ass fuck you, I'll give you that.

And rightly so, we all know what happens when you relax

>afraid of black people

1. she's okay
2. i stood up for someone. i think it was at least a lil bit brave
>1/10th of 1%
dumbass english doesn't have a word for that. we call it "promil" which is kinda like "per mile" but no cigar

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She’s an actor and hasn’t done anything to change anything, Elon musk has done more for this planet

>black people

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