I’m your President, ask anything!

I’m your President, ask anything!

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Is the Russian tape of you being pissed on by hookers or did Putin get your sex tape with 12 yr old Ivanka?

This is a witch-hunt!

Why did you commit high crimes, such as the quid pro quo you committed in an attempt to withhold approved aid to Ukraine in exchange for their leader announcing an investigation into one of your political opponents?

Why did you think that wouldn't get you impeached you fucking dumbass?

Trump gets impeached, Pence becomes President. Do you really want that nut-job to be President???

>get you impeached

Not happening. LMFAO

3 years of your autistic screeching down, 5 to go.

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>Trump remains president
Do you really want a nutjob for president?

Trump is less of a nut-job that knows business and the economy is doing A LOT better. Besides, if Trump gets impeached; he will just run again for President...and win.

Yeah, like the autistic screeching the repulicans are doing in congress? Over the fact that they know trump will be impeached and it will be a bad blow to the party?

1- He's not good at business, you should take a look at his track record.
2- The economy is worse. The narrative is framed by his administration as a good thing, but it really isn't.
3- He'll have a heart attack the moment he's impeached and die.

Literally not my president

>1- He's not good at business, you should take a look at his track record.
He created more jobs and unemployment is way down.
>2- The economy is worse. The narrative is framed by his administration as a good thing, but it really isn't.
The economy is doing better, just look at the numbers.
>3- He'll have a heart attack the moment he's impeached and die.
I'm pretty sure, you aren't his doctor or even a doctor yourself.

>Literally not my president
So, you aren't an American. I can understand that.

Does Devin Nunes suck a good dick while Lindsey kicks the rusted sheriff badge?

Why are you so fucking stupid?

>The economy is doing better, just look at the numbers.
This would be the economy with absolutely ANYONE in office.

>This would be the economy with absolutely ANYONE in office.
Trump is doing a better job with the economy than Obama did.

What's up with the Stussy S? What's it stand for, man?


>thinking economic trends limit themselves to presidential terms

The economy is going to economy. If you don't realize that the economy was well on it's way to recovery and Trump merely inherited it like he inherited everything in his life... I can't really help you.

High rates of service and retail jobs isn't really a proper statistic for the job rate my conservacuck.

No your not my president, your not my mother, my father, or anything else for that matter, you are a tyrant, destroyer of all that is whole and good in this world, we will impeach you we will win and when that day comes i will only ask my president one thing and one thing only, dont let those Republicans back in the white house, dont let those greedy unlawful sociopaths run my country any more miss hillary...

>thinking economic trends limit themselves to presidential terms
It doesn't limit to Presidental terms but, Presidents have a hand in it.

>The economy is going to economy. If you don't realize that the economy was well on it's way to recovery and Trump merely inherited it like he inherited everything in his life... I can't really help you.
Keep defending your "golden boy" Obama. The economy is doing better because of Trump.

>High rates of service and retail jobs isn't really a proper statistic for the job rate my conservacuck.
A job is a job. A paycheck is a paycheck. More people working means more spending, which is what is economy needs.

Do you wipe your own ass or does Pence do it?

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Create more jobs didnt raise minimum wage wes hat a fucking joke these Republicans are telling themselves.

>guise donny made more jobs, its def not temporary holiday seasonal hiring going on right now.

>Keep defending your "golden boy" Obama. The economy is doing better because of Trump.
I'm not defending him. But take the blinders off to obvious facts. The trend in the economy was already well underway when Trump took office. It's only facts. Don't be afraid to look them up.

as a small business owner who employs the lower earning population... I can pretty much attest to this being accurate.

It's not the President's fault that people can't manage their money properly. I see young people in their 20s complaining about not being able to afford certain things, and yet they have expensive smartphones, designer clothing, and high priced cars; and yet still live with their parents complaining about money. They need to get their priorities on straight.

things that never happened

ok Boomer

it’s the death knell for every dem in the house

I'm asking this also.
I don't beleive the Ivanka tape thing.
But I would be very proud of you for pissing hooker thing. If I were as rich as you, I'd do it.

Call me whatever pet names you want to quickly dismiss me. You know I'm right and your generation is a bunch of idiots.

>Ignore facts
>Turn it back on them
>Continue blind devotion
>Never question

Provide documentable proof of your claim. Remember that correlation does not imply causation, you must prove two trends are connected to one another.

Thats why the homeless on the street seems to get younger every year. The worst are the elderly in what world is dehumanizing a thing oh wait this shit country America you can keep your fucking capitalism at least Obama was trying to get free healthcare for the less fortunate

Considering last nights porn ban, and that most of the blacked and cuck threads were destroyed, isn't it weird how most of the political left vs right debate threads and trump hate threads are gone? Almost like the same people posting the porn threads were posting tjhe political bs, like they have some agenda.

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Found the neo-communist.

don you weren't able to indict any democrat, yet you got impeached. how is that... "winning"?

What does your daughter's pussy actually smell like?

is that the DNC handbook you quoting comrade?

that's a stupid notion you foolish lib.

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define free comrade

yes *hisssss* yesssss

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>Call me whatever pet names you want to quickly dismiss me. You know I'm right and your generation is a bunch of idiots.
I'm from your generation likely. I just wanted to "ok boomer" you to trigger you. What you say isn't completely false. It does exist. However, must more prevalent is the harsh reality that shit has really changed since we were 20. You can't dismiss that, and just shout about everyone having their priorities of of whack because you see some kid being an idiot.

at what age did you first finger Ivanka? How did you groom her? At what age did you first make her suck your cock? At what age did you take her virginity?

as a parent i don’t care how stupid everyone else’s 20yo babies are. i raised mine to earn their keep and keep what they earn

you gave your shit kids everything they have :)

when someone says "ok boomer" for some reason I visualize a vapid thot that spends her evening watching shit reality TV like the kardashians, the bachelor and shit like that.

to a certain age, yes. then more responsibility was expected from them and the quickly found the benefit of hard work vs a hand out

Why are you such a whiny, racist piece of shit crybaby?

45 year old graduate and successful father of two and small business owner with millions. Don't have TV.. and have never watched any of that shit. But, close?


That's great. But as a parent, if/when your kids don't own their first house at 22, and don't manage to tuck 100k away in their 401k by the time they are 30.... keep in mind that all things are not equal to 30 years ago.
I got into plenty of arguments with my father years ago before I was finally able to make him wake up to this fact. It's not a sob story or a cop-out. It's just the harsh reality.

how do the house dems not see the noose tightening around their pencil necks

I owned a home at 25, and had 3 million in savings by 30.

am I set for retirement?

listen success depends heavily on commitment and tenacity. we in this country have equal opportunities across the spectrum. what we don’t have and should never expect are equal outcomes. some people have greater gifts in a field than others. i encouraged my kids to find the thing they could see themselves doing for the next 30 years and making it their bitch. it worked for them

You could be... depends on your standards of living. For me and my family? No. That's why I'm still at work.

yes you greedy capitalist

single, 500k in equity on my condo, I like to live well (will probably get Alzheimer's by 70).

suck balls libtard! get a job!

Have you considering moving your minimum wage ass to another state/county with jobs? Theres something called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, not doing anything and expecting the government to hold your hand through life is just parasitic. Like holy shit, you don't even own a house yet you stay in an expensive area regardless, it's incredible. Humans used to travel by fucking wagon to improve their lot in life, and you stay entrenched like an ape with no foresight.

>I don't have a car!
Trains/Buses were invented a long time ago sweaty
>But I love this area!
Then stay poor retard

Why are you angry at kim again? Is he cheating you?

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Grandpa was nice to you.

shut up libfag

Hard work is nice to me, dear friend. Invest, let your money work for you. The dow's been at 28000 for some time. My first job was at 12 years old. I moved out at 17.

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Dude if you believe that then you are a nutjob

The Republicans speaking right now have a good point, the only reason the Democrats are impeaching the President is because they don't want him to win again. That's the only reason, there's no real impeachment, Trump didn't do anything wrong

Thisis fucking disgusting and just increases Trumps chances of WINNING AGAIN

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Do you want to have a sexual intercourse with me? I’m a 20 yo man ;)

lol, sure kid, you seem like an unbiased source.

trump couldn't find 1 republican to go under oath.

10 dems and republicans went under oath and said "trump told us to commit felonies for him".

there's no good points to be in favor of trump, but to put him in prison for life.

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The Republicans after the Clause Impeachment today said that this is entirely a shame and that they caught the Democrats in a lie

And that lie was...

I'm not even American but I feel that statement is such bullshit.
I mean, a fuckin rapist got immunity to testify against Trump with no evidence wse.
I see that shit from time to time. People testify just to get lesser punishment

trump's best friend was a 1000-time pedophile.

I'm sure the republicans can be trusted (30 of them have gone to jail from 2016-present). Duncan hunter and Giulians 4 stooges are going to prison soon too.

I hope they impeach trump, and the senate even goes ahead with it and removes him from office. It'll really make the dems heads explode when trump wins a second term in office after that. I wonder how many dems would suicide after that.

Do you trap?

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Only cacaroach shits

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If that happened the precedent it would set would be astronomical. Republicans would never be allowed to complain about anything ever again if they continued to support someone who was removed from office. Not even to mention that him not being president would allow him to actually be prosecuted for what mueller found. It would also go to show that conservatives literally have no morals and will just vote for whomever their told to vote for

if they remove a sitting president, he can never run for public office again. did you never take civics class, kiddo?

Who do I thank for Putin food on my table? Weight I know THA answer, thank you Donald Trump and the rest of tha whight boyz for making sure there isnt any cacaroach poop in my food or anywhere poop doesnt belong, We are truly superior

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What cup size are you?

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Do you wipe your booty using your hand becuz if you do im not holding your hand

>no u

Impeachment is the libs only tactic left since they know Trump will beat all of their shitty candidates. this impeachment nonsense is a joke and the Dems are sore fucking losers and liars.

>Thinks an impeached president can still run for president
Fucking idiot coombrain alt-right boomer

it wasn't a hooker it was Hilary and me and bill hosed her down

13/hr stop living in liberal cities

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Why are you so fucking stupid???

yeah, move to a red city with the rats and vermin and dig around for food in dumpsters and sleep in cars on blocks.
>sounds rational

lib cities pay at least $15-$20 hour minimum wage

Would you fuck a shemale or trap?