You will never experience this

>You will never experience this

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Other urls found in this thread:

Been there,done that,,, NEXT !!!!!!

Fucking Ana De Armas? Sure doubt anyone here will.

MFW I've knocked up two different woman pretty much in that position.

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stop projecting and get of my board

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That's sadly true, I'm allergic to red dye

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yes i did
>we are not all incels you know

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Married with three kids. Conceived at least one in that position for sure.

Video cassettes and a turntable?

>Married with three kids.
>is on Sup Forums
>talking like a horny high school kid

What makes you think I want to



The assumptions on this post right here kek

A person with that rap sheet could easily be in their late 20s or 30s.

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Already did, many years ago.
It's overrated.

I've experienced this more times than I can count

What makes you think I'd want to?

many years ago, incel detected

You could be 21 years old, married, and have three kids already you limp dicked faggot.

What is this?

Actually I have an 8 inch :)

I have

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I have and its overrated

Kekd at all these people LARPing about having sex with someone of the opposite sex

>ywn experiemce this
They say its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. I beg to differ. I have the rest of my life to live knowing that I will never share this sort of moment with a girl I truly love because I believe I blew it with my soulmate and can't connect to any other women like I did with her.
What do?

Implying I won't

But I did. I really did.

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you have to actually fuck a pretty girl who wants to fuck you back to enjoy it kek

I have too. user's right. It's EXTREMELY overrated.

user sex is not all that hard to achieve
i already have gifts showed up here on Sup Forums but whatever
>fake and gay

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I have 3 kids.
Stop projecting. Only a lonely virgin would create a thread like this

kill this fantasy girl you've made in your head

ikr who really thinks it's that hard to have sex? someone is mad they have never even held hands with anyone before

ok boomer

You're right.

I will never experience another man fucking my girl.

>MFW this nigga never heard of Irish Twins.

It was so long ago. It might as well be a fantasy.

actually my dad had a record player so I'm good.

Get over them, get over yourself, and find the next one

they are aiming for a 9.7 hot girl
and get all MAD when they get rejected

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ITT: young incels who equate sex to the quest for the holy grail.

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I just did that postition yesterday.

This, its way too overrated

he did it all wrong
this could have been avoided

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Yes, I will never experience this :(

$50 will get you this

I've never found a chick grinding on top to be very stimulating though.

What the fuck. She's not that attractive, her tits aren't that great, yet I find her hot af


thats such a retarded image. that cpu holds up well even today when overclocked.

>She's not that attractive
and this is why many will never experience sex

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this man fucks

>opposite sex
not worth it

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>yet I find her hot af
your inner caveman realizes "gettable" is better than being elliot rodgers darwining

*used to

I took the marriage pill

faggot this is non K CPU
you cannot overclock it
and i will bottleneck with even same gen TITAN

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any PC gamer know that you cannot overclock i5 4690 non K
>believe me i learned that the hard way
it will struggle even with GTX 980 at 4K/1440P MAX

>a non K cpu

Call me gay but I've had one relationship my whole life and it was highschool and after a few weeks I was out sick one day and this bitch broke up with me over Facebook. I was butthurt so I told her mom that the Reason the sheet was wet when she went to wash it was because her daughter jacked me off on it (that was true) never got to sex but got my first and only handy J.

Now I'm working part time before going to trade school and I'm not looking for anything. What I really want right now is to get into a career and make some dough and worry about my self. When I have that shit figured out then I'd be open to finding someone.

>got one handy and is drinking the MGTOW koolaid

Ooook then...

I feel that man. I feel like I blew it with the perfect girl and I feel like I’ll never feel the same about one again

Trashy girls are the hottest tbh, no shame in that.

Man I remember when I thought like this.
I was in high school and it seemed like only the cool kids had sex.
I was so shocked and happy when I lost my virginity, but looking back at all the missed signals and obvious opportunities, I didn't stand a chance of making out of my teen years with my virginity intact.
You guys just have to be patient and be nice, the pussy will come to you.

That is true.
I hate the girl on top...

Your detective skills suck ass, kid.

i am not a transexual lover
and kissing is pretty fugly
i boned all my wives tho

infact i already did

That's some corny ass Hollywood advice. How are you supposed to get over someone that was perfect for you? I mean, she was 19, had the body of virgo peridot, green eyes, virgin, sweet as a peach and never had a guy tell her she's pretty or he loves her.
Tell me about her? I know you think of her everyday.
You'll get lonely and start looking for a replacement again, you'll find girls who you get along with but aren't entirely attracted to them or very attractive but emotionally not suitable girls.
I'm kind a split between being forever alone or getting with a tolerably girl just to pass on my bloodline.

why is it crazy to think that people can make out and have sex with women. even i've done that.


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Hes right. Sorry.

and here I am on my chair alone forever

Actually it’s people that want the attention of lonely virgins. By anonymously posting insecurities, young men become more vulnerable to the alt-right snapping them up.

It’s just grooming, and should be ignored or hijacked.

Yup. Three gals in high school wanted to fuck me, in retrospect. More in college.

Lay back and relax after you hit the gym, boys. Pussy is pretty easy as long as you yap less about feeling and wants, and start paying attention when people chat with you.

fuck you

This is the best sex position. Wonderful!

Already experienced that, would rather sit in something more accessible than an armchair personally.

>Heaven on earth.webm


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I'd love to fuck her pussy probably nice and tight

Its "off" not "of"

She could do better.


You will never experience this

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I bet you it's not ;)

better man don't play that game.

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But it's from a movie or something so they're not really fucking y'know, he's not even hard down there


This looks like way too much work to orgasm. I hope I never have to take things to this extreme to get off. Is there a room already setup for this, or do they have to prep for 2 hours before beginning? I would have already blown my load and went to bed before setup was even complete.

start lifting man, you can do it :)