Are bestiality webms and pics still allowed in Sup Forums?

Are bestiality webms and pics still allowed in Sup Forums?

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idk ask that one user who claims to be a 19 year old female Rottweiler blower but in all reality is some 40 year old wizard

probs, try it

>still allowed

hasn't been allowed for over 2 years as far as i am aware, never checked it beforehand

you can post pics so long as there's no penetration or sexual acts occuring, spread pussy and animal mating is completely fine, rest will lead to ban

Why wouldn't it?

We've been having a discussion thread every few days lately. Haven't been trying to post pics, though.

I need to move to a new apartment so I can get a dog again. I really hate to because my current place is awesome, but I'm tired of being alone.

Try Zootube8 my G

i have to big does a rot and a lab i let fuck me

Some asshole moderator got butthurt about it a few years ago and deletes all the threads. Hotweel's site had /zoo/ but the whole site got nuked a few months ago because of that NZ mosque shooting (Cloudflare and the other hosting services all banned the site) and hasn't made it back up yet.

no, best site in my opinion is zoox18

also search for zoox18 private bypass and click on the zooville link, it will give you a tampermonkey script that lets you view private vids aswell

second best would be

>dublchan revived this week
>the fun boards are missing
fucking shoot me senpai

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I can't get any of the videos there to play, even if I disable all the security on my browser. Even looking at the source code for their web pages doesn't give the video URL links.

Please tell me the secret, senpai.

Animal husbandry is rape

on chrome?, it works for me, you should have the codecs on chrome and firefox unless you're running an old version of it or something, try a different browser, it works for me

also that is my second favorite, zoox18 is the best

sure as long as it is animated and not real...

if you want to enjoy the real thing you should visit zooville

it needs to be cgi or drawings here, otherwise they slap you with rule 1

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Beastiality is legal

i agree but i am tired of getting banned for posting it

Attached: King-Shepherd-Lying-Down.jpg (740x454, 34K)

No /in/ no /zoo/ no variety of occult boards, im out

why did they even bother to relaunch it with only the bad boards

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>2 years
I've been seeing those threads get nuked as early as 2011 - 2012.

yeah, and funny enough bestiality is not against us law

i never got the "promotion" part

video games exist, some give you points for killing people

real videos of people being raped and murdered are being spread around the internet, they don't fucking get censored

you either have it or you don't. the videos aren't gonna make you do something you weren't capable of doing beforehand

Animal husbandry should be punished with the death penalty!

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Oregon recently (a year or two ago) banned beast porn because it "promotes" bestiality, and they banned bestiality because of religious wackos and animal """rights""""" zealots (who think sexually mutilating animals should be mandatory). It will be interesting to see if that law stands up to a challenge on First Amendment grounds, if anyone ever gets prosecuted under it and has the money and courage to fight it. Federal 1A jurisprudence says that obscene materials can be banned (Potter Stewart's famous "I know [obscenity] when I see it" quote), but most stuff sneaks in by being labeled "art". So it's anyone's guess how the Supreme Court would rule on such a case.

Not that that's related to why threads get deleted. That's just some asshole being an asshole because he's got the power to be an asshole.

For anyone looking for what the comments pointing to were referring to, I deleted my comment and added to it and reposted it here: Damn, you guys are too fast. :-/

Fucking vile!
What's wrong with you?

Yes, and people have been trying to get them banned since at least the 1980s. That's part of how we ended up with those stupid ratings on them. Not to mention the whole "kinder, gentler video games that are female-friendly" bullshit of the last five or so years.

End women's suffrage!

except they aren't treated the same as bestiality, or cp for that matter, both subjects are being censored to not promote people, however they can't do the same for snuff films?, suddenly people won't get motivated by them?

Animals can't consent!
It's immoral to have sexual contact with those that can't consent or to make them have sex with each other for your own interests!

CP was outlawed in 1980 to prevent unscrupulous parents from embezzling from child actors

Yeah! Let's abolish the food industry!

Let's execute any sick fuck who forces those who can't consent to have sex

Ignored that anons point mate
How can you hold a stance on fucking animals or breeding them as being immoral because they can’t consent when we also mass breed and murder them to eat them without their consent

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>to prevent unscrupulous parents from embezzling from child actors

care to explain this any further?

i guess he meant e whoring their children for cash, that what i understood atleast

No. It violates many countries federal law to depict penetration, fondling or genital contact with an animal.