It's over Sup Forums

It's over Sup Forums

>Refused to look at a photo of a sick child lying on a hospital floor
>Literally stole reporter's phone instead
>Repeatedly written racist, sexist and homophobic comments
>Fired twice for lying
>Refused to release report on Russian interference in UK elections
>Met police will announce intention to prosecute over corruption charges the day after the election

How does it feel to have lost, tories?

Attached: boris-sad.jpg (2500x1664, 175K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>runs from Andrew Neil

>Insists no checks between GB and NI
>Leaked government report shows checks between GB and NI

>implying voters give a fuck about any of the things you're posting about aside from the angry Twitteratti metropolitans who live in Labour safe seats

Attached: anime_dr_evil_right.gif (339x230, 1.21M)

>tries to deflect from NHS to make election just another brexit vote - loses support of BXP loons

Good luck.
A more powerful state has a leader just as dumb and even more dangerous.
See how his removal is going?

wut is articles of impeachment

But he does have great hair.

It's going to be a Tory majority user, don't delude yourself. Then we can finally achieve brexit and move on with the business of government.

Yuropoor detected

>when even the DUP are fleeing like rats
sure faggot

>Wut is articles of impeachment
An utter waste of time. Republican majority in the senate lol, he isn't going anywhere.

The first three points are outright lies not to mention the picture of the child was clearly staged

>finally achieve brexit
yeah like all the other definitely happening days he's set for brexit

>the picture of the child was clearly staged
funny how the hospital haven't claimed this at all, and in fact apologized for what happened. weird huh

>Has a history of doing nothing for working class people
>Has written offensive remarks about the working class throughout his career
>Working class will vote for him anyway because "hurr durr get brexit done"
>Brexit will negatively impact the working class

They deserve what's coming to 'em

Attached: DdYJixj_d.jpg (189x292, 6K)

Literally not his fault. You can't move on with brexit when you have a rebel parliament blocking you at every turn. This election will fix that.

You can see a chair and bed next to him in the fucking picture, hospital apologised because its bad optics not to, labour can't win the election so they've resorted to playing dirty

yeah and this time he won't be propped up by the DUP, who will you blame when it doesn't happen then eh faggot?

>block Boris by forcing him to get Article 50 extended through lawfare and constitutional trickery
>"Boris is useless he can't get Brexit done!"


He won't need propping up, it will be a Tory majority government user. Wait and see boi

actually it's not a bed at all faggot, you would know if you'd looked, it's been identified by hospital staff.
>reee it's a labour plant
you're pathetic and desperate enough to believe this, another lying tory playing dirty.
h-h-help me im a tory aide being assaulted, oh wait there's a video recording showing it never happened

Wow the same FAKE NEWS is everywhere

>through lawfare and constitutional trickery
in reality we call that government faggot, sorry tories have no blank cheque

DUP don't support his deal so they won't prop him up not that he's likely to need it

>pissed off DUP cucks
>pissed off BXP inbreds
totally getting that majority

>Votes against Theresa May's deal and encourages ERG to, blocking Brexit
>Offers 95% same deal as hers except fucking over Northern Ireland
>"Hurr durr parliament won't pass my deal"

Reality hurts, huh?

>in reality we call that government faggot

Nonsense. At no point in history has an opposition deliberately kept a weak government in power. It's against the framework of the UK constitution. Read a book nigga.

So when tory's lie its disgraceful but labour do you've got literally no problem with it, ok stay mad when labour get raped no thursday

>an actual tory lie present in this thread as the topic at hand
>some random labour lie you're sperging about
why are you faggots so obvious when you deflect? nervous?

They don't compete with the DUP for seats and the brexit party's collapsed

>the brexit party's collapsed
might want to tell BXP that

labour hasn't told a single truth in this campaign their economic plan would decimate the economy and they've straight up lied about selling off the NHS

ITT: a bunch of great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies

>straight up lied about selling off the NHS
>labour hasn't told a single truth in this campaign reeee
>still sperging out nonsense
faggot I'm sure you can prove any of that, or maybe come back to reality

4 of their MEPs resigned less than a week ago and their candidate for Lincoln endorsed the conservatives yesterday

so 5 people is a collapse now? they're still campaigning and leafleting

Yes there proof that the NHS is being sold off comes from a US trade negotiations document where they list everything they could possibly want from a deal knowing they won't get all of it, there is literally no proof of the torys agreeing to it, besides they know full well if they did they'd make themselves completely unelectable for the next century

Attached: 2019-12-10_16.11.47.jpg (1080x1060, 463K)

>tories: nhs is not on the table at all!
>reality: nhs is on the table but we won't take it honest
you're struggling

Lol you what? You don't even make any sense. 'deliberately kept them in power' I'm sure you've got a great explanation of that colossal pile of shit that just fell out of your keyboard.

They've stood down in half the constituencies (317 odd people) because they admit running in them is pointless and only hurt brexit, admitting they're fine with the tory deal

Not answering the point they they won't sell it off because it will make them unelectable I see

I don't think you understand politics user. Why are you still bringing up the DUP and now the brexit party? I told you twice, they will get a Tory majority. They won't require any other party's support.

Best part of the NHS sell-off debate is that it'll take so many years to negotiate the trade deal with the US anyway that the NHS will have already collapsed due to chronic underfunding and loss of nurses/doctors because of Brexit

Go Boris!

because it's a non point, it's not factual. avoiding my actual post though huh? keep struggling

but are still runninig elsewhere, sure they've collapsed though

>country bumpkins are humans.

>don't think you understand politics
>tory majority reeeee
explain how I don't understand your 'prediction', when the parties are totally not cooperating at all no

They went into the election saying they'd run in all seat they are now running in less than half that sounds pretty bad to me

Imagine not liking the GOAT PM.

How is it non factual do you believe a party that sold off the NHS would have any hope of being reelected

til a collapsed party still contests nearly half the seats

Not the point but ok true. But then again the queen is the true ruler of a shit island.
Resident of the shit island next to you still partitioned by your shit kingdom

Tory majority with brexit supporting Tory MP's getting a majority. Government can do what it wants then and be assured enough support to carry the day with any legislation/deals etc.

They are predicted to win non of them, the only thing they won was the EU elections and they're losing those MEPs to the conservatives

That's just funny man, I'm from Ireland too.

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>'deliberately kept them in power' I'm sure you've got a great explanation of that colossal pile of shit that just fell out of your keyboard.

What are you so confused about? The opposition refused to do a vote of no confidence after the government lost its majority and left Parliament in limbo for 6 months. That's the first time that has ever happened in British history. Why do you think people are so angry? It isn't about Brexit itself, but about how the various parties and Tory rebels played games to try and stop it happening.

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I don’t give a fuck about Boris, I just want Brexit. Who gives a shit if he gets sent to prison and raped sometime later.

>>country bumpkins are humans.

For the purposes of the Representation of the People Acts they are.

The Virgin Boris


Who did impeachment better?!?!?!

>Like 35% of the country are angry about brexit not being delivered
minus all the dead boomers brexit support is lower than ever and falling.

the goal of the dems isnt even actual impeachment tho it's just to disrupt the senate in 2020. there is 0 shot the trial is done by the end of december so having it pushed into January 2020 will disrupt not only the republican primaries but the Iowa dem Caucus where Warren and Sanders both were supposed to be, but uk since theyre senators and will have to be in Washington for the trial there is a good chance they will miss it. Honestly pro gamer move by the establishment center left libs of the Dem party who want anyone but Sanders or Warren. It's a win win for them.