I am God, ask me anything

I am God, ask me anything

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Whats the time

Can you bring back porn to Sup Forums

Why your pee pee smol?

Was Obama ever real?

16:10 GMT

Why are you gay?

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Yes, but i won't

Can you die in a ditch fag?

Why create the world? You already know everything, so it seems like a waste.

It actually is big, but in 4D

When will you leave your workplace today?


Because i can revert such abomination at will.

I like seeing things suffer

Sorry god i didnt notice the other porn threads already up. You can go back to watching the world burn in your name. Amen.

24:00 after midnight, chaos reigns

That was the work of that rat downunder.

Have you gone extinct for our sins?


bless you Raptorjesus

No its 17:18

No, it's 16:20

Go fuck yourself.

but in heaven it's 13:20


hold up, If god fucked Maria then basicly he fucked himself becouse the humanity made for to resemle the him, also god is inside us (not intended pun)

Now you're one step closer to salvation

fuk u im god

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the next step would be that: Is it considered to be masturbating if you fuck yourself? If yes, then why is he saying that it is bad? Is masturbating a godly act?

Yes, because, no

What's the name of Admiral Ackbar's ship in return of the Jedi?

Home One

when will i recieve justice?

at the end of the week