Will the mods come back and save us?
Will the mods come back and save us?
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The end is nigh!
No you fucking newfag
I hope they develop an algorithm that can just auto-ban OPs. This bird is exactly what everyone said last night 7/10 threads on every page are porn. VBSCO/FB YOURSTATE PIC YOU CANT SHARE RATE MY FAT QIFE CUCK COCK TRANNY
Do the same people make these threads over and over because they get a lot of the same replies? Do they feel like they’re being upvoted? It’s so fucking lame, this board used to be funny and have shitposts. You saw it last night.
Yes you fucking newfag
Pretty sure a majority of those threads are actually bots. Something something Jewish conspiracy.
Will we get back a b that isnt filled with mindless redditors (aka coombrains) posting "give me x porn" threads?
Imagine a Sup Forums with randomness, maybe even originality. You cant get that with pornposters, all they can do is recursively coom
Someday we will have a mod willing to stand up for Sup Forums. We saw a glimmer of it last night, all that's needed now is a mod willing to make that permanent. Or even just keep doing it for a while
I was busy last night. So please, give me a quick rundown of what happened.
Porn got banned, all porn git deleted, and the board was better than usual.
The board is back to its shitty state, flooded with porn and the usual rate-threads.
>Porn gets banned on Sup Forums for one night due to some jannies
>Yellow posters spam boards with yellow and 'Its gone'
>Other posters spam board with 'Its gone'
>Board is at peak user numbers
>Threads being page 10'd and killed faster than when porn was here.
>"look old Sup Forums is back"
The only reason I don't want to see porn banned for good is because it sets a bad precedent that if the yellow fags can sperg out and spam the board that they get rewarded for their poor behavior.
Other than that it was nice not having botspam.
Janniew pulled a Sup Forums
Yellow tags thought it was great there was no porn and they spammed even more.
The good content got drowned out anyways by coomer memes.
Theres no way the Nannies can sustainably keep it up for more than a few hours without being nolife.
Apparently porn is allowed again. People like to say Sup Forums was never good, but at least it was better back when literally every thread wasn’t cock tribute trap sissy pics you shouldn’t share threads.
Fuck. I thought Sup Forums was back for a bit there. I’ve been saying porn should be banned from b for years, and yesterday was the day when it finally happened. Apparently not.
At this point, I think the only cure would be to ban porn for a long enough period of time until the boys fuck off. It's not about rewarding the yellow faggots, they are also part of the problem, doing boring shit with no discussion. It's increasingly clear there are mostly guerilla marketing threads up right now.
He said he would, though idk when his shift starts.
The last sticky he said so. This board needs harvey dent.
Hiroyuki Nishimura is responsible for it. How else could the spamming be so methodical and get past the captcha so easily? Why else is it all mostly aimed at idiot zoomers and their fixation with thots on social media while still being safe and legal to post? It's all to drum up fake numbers to upsell to porn sites for ad revenue at the cost (indirectly) of board cohesion and user based content.
That pic literally looks like Guy Fieri had been gone for decades, but finally, he has found his way back to Flavor Town, only to find it destroyed by mediocrity and gimmick before quality.
I just scanned the catalog. 55 of the threads that were up about a minute ago were porn threads. Fuck you people. I've consumed more porn than any of you, but the best thing that could happen to Sup Forums right now is for there to be a 3 month ban on porn. The coomers will get bored, leave, and find other places. Any time porn threads get too common, do a porn purge.
Use adblock.
And the spam was uncontrollable because it was Zero Hour of the event, keep it a day or two and things would stabilize.
Christ you're fucking stupid. You missed the entire point. Fuck off
Unexpected reference. XD
I guess you do know who that actor is but if you don't: John De Lancie.
The board was so nice for a minute. Everyone needs to realize this.
We know, we're all looking at the same board you fucking troglodyte.
It really fucking wasn't lol, it was the same and it still is. You sift through shit to find something giggle worthy. Like come the fuck on it will always be the same, don't be a faggot.
They need to focus mostly on the bot posters.
If they get that part of the problem is gone.
We honestly didn't have this problem when we have user ID's and old captcha.
Because I can go all day without every getting a puzzle from the "I'm not a robot" system that honestly doesn't fucking work.
The "mod" was a hacker. And he got removed.
The real mods saved Sup Forums from your safe space regulations.
Sup Forums was much much darker and heavier with even illegal porn back in the "glory days".
So sit back. Shut up. And just pay attention to your own god damned threads.
Where's your self control?
You need rules to keep you safe?
What a bunch of bitches.
They're not bots you fucking morons.
People have kinks that you disagree with.
I hasn’t always been this way at all and could be different. It wasn’t filled with content and not Facebook rate my cock spam for a few hours. At least an improvement.
Not wanting to be constantly bombarded by constant spam isn't asking for censorship. The ongoing problem is only related to porn because these kinds of threads are using porn in them. It's the same for when anything goes out of control and takes over. It's not users creating these threads it's bots or some kind of concerted effort. It isn't based on what users want at all.
You're a brainless naive imp if you really believe that.
Edgy edgeboi is edgy.
You can't deny they're a portion of it.
Yes it was, for once Sup Forums was fun
I don't disagree with people watching porn, it's just that this board is a lot better without it, as we saw last night, if you like porn you can go to a porn board and let people talk about random topics
>Where's your self control?
Self control is not the issue, i can't control if a bunch of idiots post porn
>You need rules to keep you safe?
Safe from what? it's just porn, zero quality threads, how can you support that?
Yellow Fags is just new fags a d Reddit coming to the board after watching JewTude videos about all the raids and pranks and wanting that. People like Internet Historian, GamerfromMars have made careers off shit like this that they look at and fantasize being a part of.
To all of you fucking contrarians/jews:
If you really think Sup Forums has never been good, why would porn make it any better, there's literally no quality now, just porn
Honestly the only place rightfull able to chronicle the history is Dramatica because they don't hold back.
Watch this thread from last night and tell me Sup Forums wasn't fun without the porn
Fucking wrong, I just believe porn is the cancer of this board that prevents it from being interesting or fun at all
There is no Jewish conspiracy, you people are just sexually closeted and react by obsessively jerking off to copious amounts of porn because you were taught that sex = bad.
jewish conspiracy confirmed
With facial recognition all of these “anonymous” pictures posted are not anonymous at all. Or they won’t be soon.
god i hope so