So what happened last night...

So what happened last night? Was it just some rogue mod on a powertrip or did someone just hack into Sup Forums or some shit and just go crazy for a few hours?

I noticed all the porn is back, but I figured it wasn't going to last long.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wasnt on last night. Please elaborate. What did I miss?

Well, I ended up getting sleepy and going to bed but for like several hours porn was temporarily banned on Sup Forums and everyone was going ape shit and freaking out. I just wasn't sure what happened, some people said it was a hacker or a rogue mod.

Funny how all the exact same types of threads all posting at nearly the exact same time the ban offensive was lifted all cropped up with the same amount of posting consistancy, with the exact same kinds of cumbrained posts at the same time?

My ass half these aren't bots spam fucking the board to death.

I was even scrolling thru the Sup Forums archives the other day and noticed the exact same threads kept getting posted over and over again. I have seen it here. Exact thread, exact picture and even seems like some of the exact responses. Does this site use bots to stimulate traffic or simulate traffic?

bots are there to kill the chan culture and to shill stupid bullshit

It's one of my theories yes. The other is some form of social media profile archiving or conditioning training for an ai algorithm.

Maybe. We already are training AI to drive by recognizing roadsigns and crosswalks by doing captcha. Now we are training AI to shitpost. Good God , where does it end???

Today shitposting, tomorrow running entire websites.

Centuries from now after we become extinct and skynet takes over, skynet will kill us or convince us all to be cucks and no more babies, an advanced alien race will find our planet with it's billions of computers working feverishly. They will spend decades learning to interface with these computers anticipated all the knowledge and secrets they will find. When they finally figure it out, an alien engineer nervously pushed the final button that will open up this advanced AI database. On the alien homeworld, every alien is glued to their TV sets on the edge of their seats. The engineer types in " hello". After a few seconds , the AI imparts it's wisdom and every alien gasps as their TV screen is filled with "GTFO newfag, traps are gay". Our planet will have become a giant mass of shitposting supercomputers.

Doesn't even have to be bots. Nowadays it seems the Turing test has to be worked backwards. Could just be an organization of shills to promote social propaganda and/or political propaganda. There are lots of organizations out there Mossad has an entire subdivision for internet propaganda. Remember the continual "We stand with Israel" threads a few years back? Then there's the SPLC and lets not forget the Berkeley group, women at UC Berkeley who have assigned themselves the mission of patrolling Wikipedia for signs of "Racism" or "Propaganda" (anything pro-white). There easily can be similar groups dedicated to Sup Forums. And lets not forget all the info fishing threads as well. What's you job /b? Tell be your secrets /b

At least it’s sharing a fundamental truth, traps are gay as fuck

But skynet is the final iteration of Google

Fuck you could be right. It's damn near wishful thinking to hope it is all computers and not human beings proactively contributing. That's horrifying.

I do think some of the more political threads are used as focus groups by some campaigns. It seemed like there was a lot of yang threads that popped up where they where trying to hone their message. The canned answers and misdirection of the narrative seemed very scripted.

I've noticed people spamming Elon Mucks watch. Saying "so he was behinds this?" Not sure what to make out of it.

One of the more difficult things to sort through is what are scripted automations and what are simply meme spouting retards.

If it's not bots, it's paid shills
>same images
>same filenames
>IP count is always in the 70s-80s
>no actual discussion
>threads appear periodically even though the catalog is already filled with similar threads

I dont understand the broken english correlated to a known fake image either lol

stop talking about unimportant things and tell me who is this woman?

If it's shills they're damn near militant about it.

Its niggers

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It didn't help that the media bought into the "pepe got Trump elected" meme. I also think that there is a serious push to try and get "anonymous" boards shut down. Because of their relative independence from social media its more difficult to hunt down and harass out of society those that do not express the "approved" viewpoints. They want everything to be twitter

Not OP, Katya Lischina

It's not. It's Sup Forums posters trying to make you mad and succeeding every day but especially today.

Checked for truth

It's neets. That's it. Just neets shilling because they think it makes a difference. Source: I am one.

Pic related.
>you will never post in a sticky again

Attached: Closed.jpg (1440x1126, 388K)

You give the lazy teenagers here too much credit. This is a coordinated attack by some advanced viral marketing organization. They're intentions are unknown but definitely hostile.

Many of them are. The Berkeley group I mentioned above show a level of zealotry in their "mission" that most religious fanatics can only dream of

LEL yeah I'm sure 70-80 guys are quietly dumping porn in unison to piss off anonymous Sup Forums posters *every single day*

ok rabbi

It's not and no teenagers have posted here since 2010. How exactly would you bot the captcha? Just out of curiosity.

They will just convince is to be trap loving cucks so we don't reproduce . Take us degenerates out of the gene pool. Eugenics by shitposting.

Its Holly, its always been Holly

Attached: HeeeeeresHolly.jpg (1080x2220, 174K)

It doesn't take 70 or 80. It takes five. Out of 100000+ regular posters.You really have no idea the den of mental illness you're posting in.

>no teenagers have posted here since 2010
>How exactly would you bot the captcha? Just out of curiosity.
You are obviously one of the teens that I'm talking about. Buy a pass, lazy nigger. Not teaching you how to spam for free.

You realize that the captcha is used to train bots ?

So stay here and subject yourself to it like an absolute genius.


Attached: Queeg.jpg (509x390, 13K)

That's a small bot for years, nothing big like what these anons are talking about.

Explain to me how bots have figured out captcha only on Sup Forums and not the rest of the internet. You believe AI is real. It isn't. It's decision trees and Markov chains. That's it.

No teenagers post here. It's all boomers and millennials. Have you heard of tiktok?

It's naive to think this is all being done by some bored NEETS set out to troll for teh lulz. There is more to this and no one is really putting a spotlight on it.

It's 70-80 because the IP count is always that high. Contrast that to /s/ where the IP count averages at around 20-30 while still managing to have more discussion despite being a designated fap board. And if you think there are so many legitimate cumbrains, then why don't they fuck off to one of the literal dozens of boards dedicated to porn?

I would agree to this when it comes to in thread responses. But I come on /b at all hours and literally identical threads can be found. I'm an insomniac but hell even I have to sleep on occasion. And of course you have people like this the post-cult Rocky Horror posters

It's people botting/Autoposting just to trigger you, nothing more but I'm sure they love that you guys think it's some shadowy conspiracy

There are worse ways to go out.

Because they want to post here. Also other people interact in those threads. Also also it pisses you off. Three for one. If they were paid users spamming their accounts would get shut down.

Lol fair. Embrace the faggotry and shitpost the carebears with us.

If you're genuinely curious about how to pass captchas, you can forward captchas to poor kids in India/China and they spend the entire day filling them out. It's dirty work, but it's possible, but much easier to get a pass

PROTIP: porn will never be banned on Sup Forums

>paid users
LMAO. Anyway, you have to be a literal shill yourself to defend the relentless torrent of porn dumps that only started appearing in mass after the Fappening.

Good I hope not. We're not talking about porn specifically. We are talking about the endless auto generation of threads actively pushing other content off the board.

And they'd be shut down for spamming either way. So you are now somehow paying Indian children to solve captcha remotely to post porn on a message board as a part of a longer reaching conspiracy by the Jews to create degeneracy for some reason that will allow them to what? This seems pretty unwieldy.

It's probably just neets friend.

Some are. Take the billy eilish shill, I noticed at around 9:00 every night it would end . It would start up around the same time and end at the same time. Same text, same pictures . It was a real person who was either paid shill or mentally deranged dude obsessed with a fat teenage girl.

Yeah that's not a thing. It's just neets and the Sup Forums faggot brigade spamming.

post moar vaginas

There some threads that are less consistent that I also believe are posters just taking the piss. However, many of them simply are not. There are too many patterns indicating some form of automation, inhuman behaviors in the posts within to simply wave it off as bored people.

It's just a neet. You can ask them. They'll tell you. You can ask every day. They'll reply. It's obviously a psycho sitting there obsessed with whatever. To say that's outside the realm of possibility when literal murderers and Chris Chan and countless other retarded psychos have sheltered here is insane.

She's not fat she's just big boned

I'm not saying there isn't automated posting. I'm saying it's bored tech anons fucking around for lulz or psycho neets botting 'for the lurkers' addicted to the tiny buzz they get when someone posts in their thread.

She's a bad guy.

i was actually excited to check this place out again but nope. was briefly reminded that there was a time when brony posters were the biggest blights around. back to your endless celeb, tributes, loli, kik and cuck threads you slimes. anyone that isn't a child or has been on Sup Forums for longer than 2 years has left this husk of a board a long time ago.

Attached: 1360896187170.jpg (400x505, 133K)

Somehow that's actually worse.

Or groups on discord,
"Special interest groups"
You name it, there's a group for it
Acting like a cult, spamming out propaganda, trying to convert people.
The two main group is
And the largest group being the trannies.
Aka CuteRoom or CuteHouse
They have total control over r9k, some are even mods.

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I agree. I have seen the same threads posted with the same picture and the first couple of responses are all the exact same as before. Forget about the captcha , I think this site uses bots to simulate traffic, higher traffic=more ad revenue, or stimulate traffic, reposts threads that generate lots of responses, for the same goal, ad revenue. The sites bots would not go thru captcha.

And if you remember billy eilish threads didn't exist until after /b had a day or two of rumor posts saying she was responsible for andy six log posts. After that there is a continual stream of eilish posts. Some threads I swear are by PR companies. eg "I want to date genine garofalo" threads.

It's totally Hiroshimoot doing this. Fuck him and how little he cares about this place.

The garafalo one I think is some stalker. What the fuck us she doing that she needs PR. It's not her because that flabby arm pick they use. Gross.

Exactly. That's the point. It's not at all interesting and earning creedence as some part of a far reaching conspiracy is actually the point lol and there are a lot of Sup Forumstards with broken bullshit detectors falling for it.

They're all this.

This is the kind of shit Sup Forums does best.

>the cancer's totally organic guys!
>it's just NEETs haha
I don't give a fuck if it's bots, shills, glowniggers, or literal porn addicted cumbrains, it's got to stop. There are so many boards specifically dedicated to "rate my dick/fuck my wife" posts, you don't need a constant general thread here

Attached: 1561164128738.png (630x620, 155K)

This is definitely a possibility, but who cares.

>They have total control over r9k
oh yeah i remembered reading about that thinking it was retarded but i checked out /r9k/ and it just confirmed the story and now there's an inordinate amount of tranny posters even right now. /r9gay/ is a consistent thing. it almost makes all the retarded knee jerk "tranny, dilate" comments worth it because you the dipshits randomly firing off those insults will get one eventually. every consistent user of those tranny discords deserve death.

pastebin dot com slash MycE0vKK

the people astroturfing coomer are like this too. It could have been funny, making the coomer a superpowered jizzard. but then Sup Forums shit it up

It's not going to stop and nobody cares how you feel about it because you have zero control over it. Get used to it, buy the site or leave. That's capitalism.

It has gotten to absurd levels.

>but then Sup Forums shit it up
what are you saying nigger

Look at this shit.
The reposted propaganda they use

You have people posting 'glownigger' itt as if anyone is supposed to know what that means. It's retards being retards and trying to push agendas. It doesn't take a lot to make a bunch of noise here. The board is effectively dead. Boring no content threads stick around for 5 hours.

Go back

Jesus that's sick

Yeah wow people keep their perpetual dump going by posting the same OP image. Have you ever seen /soc/? They have threads that are continuations since the inception of the board.

The Greta threads also come in waves. Trump threads are all over the place tho

Look at the amount of posts they make
Here's a thread where they get exposed
I almost feel like we cant win.

It's a reference to the late, great Terry A. Davis and how he referred to CIA agents... It's since been expanded to allow referring to multiple letter agencies. Mostly Sup Forums shit that bled out of the board.
Look at how they are pretending to be oldfags

I really don't. I still come here. I am fascinated by the Dynamics sometimes. I filtered out logposts a long time ago and find myself scrolling past more and more threads of the same old shit. I will admit to getting drunk at night and shitposting in threads just to trigger people.

A couple pictures from a thread i was on. Pt 1

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Attached: Capture+_2019-12-10-00-52-48-1.png (720x995, 254K)

Attached: Capture+_2019-12-10-01-04-30.png (720x1196, 306K)

Attached: image.jpg (1145x170, 30K)

If it wasn't for Sup Forums I wouldn't have a clue who this bitch was. I think the Greta posters do it for the lols . They know the mass triggering from both sides will keep it going.

So, anyone they don't like is a newfag
They apperently are "oldfags"

I don't know what to do anymore.
We cant win
Every time we get close,
We slip away