Haven't slept in 36 hours, walked in the mist listening to Russian doomer music all night. How y'all doomers doing

Haven't slept in 36 hours, walked in the mist listening to Russian doomer music all night. How y'all doomers doing

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just jumping from one failure to another

I feel im failing out of college today. No way im passing any of my finals

Is this supposed to be funny?

this doomer shit is the worst meme since desu

been there, try the trades

Can I have that Playlist too?

Volume 3,4,9 are my favs

Its not a meme, people are unironically listening to doomer wave and liking the feeling of being depressed.

Im gonna gap year it to think it over, wageslave it from my mom's house, and hopefully not kill myself, but I will keep this in mind. Might be worth learninh a job robots can't do

Better to embrace the void than to let it embrace you. At least this we way have control, you can't fail if you succeed at feeling bad

day drinking and listening to witch house and 911 calls. my roommates think i'm weird as fuck and won't bring their parents around me when they visit.

Hoping for doomie day everyday.

Now this is doom. Easier to get weed than alc at my school, I've been high 80% of the time for like 5 days instead of studying. I think my roommate hates me too, because I have such little motivation to even hang out anymore

>liking the feeling
chances are, some mopy fucks like the cuddles they get once in a while

doing good. shitting on zoom zooms and their cringy sjw movements. having a blast.

Am I the only one that finds doomer culture so fucking corny

Failure doesn't make for a culture. It's like rationalizing your shortcomings through memes. Pretty much as sad as 2019

Think what you like, won't make our lifes any better, what do we care

Why do you give up on life so easily?

A chain of bad events that destroyed my motivation, girl trouble, friends broke up, turn to weed, turn to nicotine, come home from college to find my parents divorcing and noone told me, go back to school, roomates break up, girl trouble again, and throughout this events pervasive depression. Not much to live for in my eyes, just gotta scrape by

Have you gotten help at all for this feeling? The only real way you'll get better is being able to talk about it

You still enjoy music? Lucky you.

What help could some jewish psyop-artist give me that introspection and getting wasted cant

An outsider perspective that you're too blind to see yourself. You can only introspect so much cause you're biased to your own situation. Someone else who can assess your situation who knows your situation can give you insight you never will be able to come to.

based only you can fix this user we are all in this together, dont take meds

this was a long time ago, but whenever i heard slutty weekend stories about my female classmates, i'd type up the synopsis and leave it in their family mailbox. i kind of enjoyed seeing them in school on monday, knowing that their dad read it.

the truth I know is that change must come from within, as it did to get me to this state. So I will wait, and ill smoke some swishers and think, one day it will change, but not today

drank way too much last night for like the third night in a row, ate a ton of garbage as well. probably gonna fail my finals. got dental filling to receive later today that im not looking forward to as I havent had one in ages, but I guess thats no biggie.

Just forget about it all, grab a cig or a swisher, pop in your earbuds, and just let it slide off you

Faggots I suggest you read this and get out of your rut

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Stoicism dont work when your future is bleak

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stop listening to our music

Neck yourself coomer

can I have a kissy?

If you like Soviet 80s music then check this out


You can have a cig, free of charge

This is good, got any more darker stuff?

Personally I like a lot of the Afgan War songs, that stuff can get dark some times but generally just has a good vibe

Itt: a load of pathetic edgy faggots. Grow up kids.

Good video on it, you should post a playlist

Фy блядь, пиздyй нa хapкaч пoд хвocт к cpaнoмy хaчy, любитeль oбoccaный мepзких чepнoжoпых мycлимcких твapeй, гнoй.

We move through a world you created boomerfag. Why dont you pay a Mexican to mow your lawn, crack a bud lite and shut the fuck up

>russian doomer music
Gib examples please, I need new Russian material. Also, try this to lift your spirit a bit, тoвapищ

Selling my mtg cards so I can buy meth I can overdose, my dealer always want me to pay up front.

хaхa иди нaхyй

Absolutely nothing compares to the beauty of Na Zare and this video that was made for a future that we did have

I know life can be troublesome sometimes, trust me, I've been a doomed myself. Until recently, I thought I wouldn't make it, but something happened and now I just feel at ease;
>a future that might have
Stop thinking what could've been and better yourself, anons. Get a garden, look for a better paid job and support your families and communities. You'll make it if you want to.

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Post links to soviet doomer music plox

Read the thread I posted a link to a guy who has 9 playlists of doomer Russian music

Have seen it, apologies.