Ex gf vs new gf

Ex gf vs new gf.
Be brutal, I'm an idiot.
Left is ex.
Right is current.

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Left ex
Right current

Attached: 20191210_104920-COLLAGE.jpg (1024x1024, 130K)

Top ex
Bottom current

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Left is smoother looking, but right has a fat ass. Lets see titties OP

Yes Sir.

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Left current, right ex.

New GF is pretty cute, titties are fatter too. Not bad user

Left ex
Right current

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You are an idiot user. Did you choose cos you needed to fuck desperately? why did you break up with your ex anyway. imo your ex is 8/10 your new gf 4/10

More of ex

Its a pretty massive downgrade but you still get to fuck so theres that

Dude, just enjoy what you got. It's nice to have different flavors. Enjoy smashing that thicc pussy.

Yes sir....

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I cheated on her with the fat one cause she had a bigger ass...

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ex is hot as fuck and she knew it, but new gf is still pretty hot and probably has self esteem issues so she treats you like a king, plus she got a fat ass and big titties so no real loss there

Meh... so you went from a Kia to a Geo... you havent really downgraded as much a pulled a lateral move here...

All you are doing is trading one pain in the ass for another. Replacing chicks solves nothing.

more pics

Your new gf looks like a fucking man, OP you're an idiot

What's your exs name

More pics bro