I just do not understand trannies

I just do not understand trannies

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My life is a comedy, not a tragedy...

They're mentally ill. Of course sane people don't understand the lunacy that drives their fucked up compulsions.

what a hideous beast, some efeminite guys instead of accepting that they are just a sissy faggot they try to turn into a female and they are too goddamned ugly and masculine to ever pull it off and they are just totally hideous,

/r/transpositive is a gold mine

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She is beautiful

Remember when he tried to get 12 year olds to go swim with him

I don't understand people who claim to not be trannies yet spend all day desperately looking for cherrypicked stories and obvious lies to justify their irrational hatred.

You sure you're straight? It's cool if you're not, but this isn't what straight people confident in their sexuality are worried about bro.

he is a trans 'lesbian'. so definitely a sissy, but still keeps his cock and balls to fuck women.

needs to be put down.

i seriously just gagged. they are fucking hideous. ive been through these kind of subreddits before for a laugh but my memory was kind to these freaks.

He is currently trying to sue a gynecologist practice for refusing to examine him.

Naked and without adult supervision don't forget.

>looking for retarded trannies and their stories to get a laugh at makes you a tranny
I'm surprised your fat ugly ass is this good at mental gymnastics

for every 50 posts their is only 1 ok looking trap

Isn't that the one that went nuts after getting rejected after tinder and attacked two people at a gas station

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Reddit in general is a goldmine

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I mean just look it.

Holy shit, is that Gollum?

haters, sad, grow the fuck up

There are some young ones who really almost completely pull it off. But you can always tell.
And the older they get..

It’s hard to understand the mentally ill.

You don't need to OP. Leave them alone.

>this isn't what straight people confident in their sexuality are worried about bro.

How would you know? Ha

He also has this pad and tampon fetish.
In his mind, some day, a 12 yr old girl will walk up to him and asks for a pad or tampon. He will then "help" the girl.
This is just a pedo getting away with pedo shit because he's trans.

It's a delicate feminine flower, bigot.

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I do not think about these people, like ever.
Imo, you're gay if it even crosses your mind.

i literally know a single mom who looks 100% like this

Dont fucking insult Gollum.

Fukn saved. Hahahahah

I'm pretty confident about my sexuality.
Its the kids that get confused with this satanic shit is what worries me.
Degenerate piece of shit.

Why does it matter to you what someone else does with their life? Why does it trigger you so bad? Explain.

I can't wait to vote for or join the liberation army of the next Hitler.

the next Hitler will not be as kind and forgiving.


I don't have a problem with most trans people as most of them in my area arent part of the LGBTQ mob and they don't go full SJW on people. Im a gay guy in Iowa and here most of us aren't really in your face, most people are kinda shocked when I mention my husband because I pass as straight apparently. I guess it's just because it's not my whole identity. So on the whole I generally err on the side of "let people do their own thing", though I realize in more populated areas they're probably worse, like how I can't stand being around San Francisco gays. But like... This picture is physically painful with the amount of cringe it's giving me. I mean I have had customers and co-workers who are trans but not quite passing yet and not a single one looks as pathetic as that. Even if they identified as male they would be a gremlin. That's just unfortunate genetics packaged with damaged programming. If I looked like that I'd move somewhere that had legal euthanasia.

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It's ironic because snails are trans

ever notice that the only trannies that care about pronouns and rights are the ones that look like shit?

The guy's a Jew so it's dual purpose. He wanted to force these gooks to wax his ballsack and then sue them if they refused to get the shekels.
Fortunately Judge ruled in the nail salon gooks' favor.

Speaking the Hitler

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Nice blog

How can you people laugh at these poor souls? They're clearly delusional and very, very unwell. They may look freakish, but laughing at trannies is like laughing at children with cancer.

The more I learn about the trans movement, the more I pity the poor men who have fallen victim to the brainwashing and the more I hate the perpetrators who push it. Mark my words, history will look back on this in the same way that we look back on lobotomies and leeches.

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Wait, places refuse to wax your balls? I mean tranny or not.

Sup Forums obsesses over trannys, niggers, and kikes and yet 99% of people here rarely run into much less interact with these people on a daily basis. Yet Sup Forums obsesses over them, digs up random buzzfeed articles to read about them, and all kinds of other cringe shit to go out of their way disparage or talk about them. These groups live RENT FREE in their head. It's crazy.

because the passing ones go under the radar and live the sweet life
ugly trannies get shit on so hard i can almost empathize with them
then again, why in the ever loving fucking would a hulkish 50 year old man transition

Because it is obscene deviant filth that goes against the natural order that we should all protect and hold in high regard. Their is right and wrong, good and evil whether your mad about it or not.

Tranny haters, no it doesn't mean you're secretly a tranny / gay / etc, but it does mean you waste your mental energy on bullshit that has 0% relevance to your life. Just get over it lol

tbh you should at least look good as trans in order to transition properly, just my opinion though

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grow up


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That dude's a sick fuck.
I remember he tried to do this "trans kids pool party" or some shit along those lines, but inside the doc said that PARENTS WEREN'T ALLOWED
It would be him and some tranny children
In a pool
also there's proof that he was being a fucking predator

Link if you want to see more of that:

Again. How’s does that affect you in your life.

religion is true evil, made up by satan to controle the masses
female hormone pills is what you need to break free from satans grip

Neither do they, hence the 40% thing.

Legit looks like my sister-in-law. I laugh myself to fucking sleep some nights when I think about my fucking idiot brother and the way he chained himself to that fucking were-hog. Top notch.

That just proves its some sort of fetish under the guise of trans.

Trannys are the ultimate conclusion to masturbation. Think about this the next time you watch some jewish pornography.

Absolutely disgusting.
Do they actually believe people think they are a woman?

Hmm, try not looking like Kurt Russell in a wig?

It’s not about projection, it’s just really fun to make fun of these spergs

They have to because no one will ever buy their bullshit.

That is... an unfortunate face. Gender doesn't even come into it, 100 years ago that motherfucker would be in a travelling show. Christ on a bike.

The problem isn't with people who have gender dysphoria, especially in severe cases. The problem is currently with the support in both PC culture and the medical field they get to follow the culture. It's like agree with a schizophrenic that they're god.

nicee, but it is satanic?

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So edgy you must be so fun and hip at parties

>is it satanic?
You fucking tell me.

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Leeches can sometimes help.

no, most people just like to jerk off to them

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Because the judeo-satanic elites are forcing it down normal people throat.

The real joke in all of this is, that we have to believe that these men are women or else we literal psychopaths.

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This is fucking brilliant. Where would one find pics that don't show up on a reverse image search.

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how is that satanic? that's just weird

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>trap fetish
>latex fetish
that image ruins me in a good way

I was a wal mart with a friend not to long ago and there was this fucking hideous 6 ft something tranny working there. (Reminds me almost exactly of the gamestop tranny savage dude). He had on makeup with girl jeans a 5 oclock shadow and a walmart vest working in cosmetics. My friend looked and him and gave him a dirty disgusted look right in front of him. I was like oh shit and pulled her and walked away before he whooped both our asses.

Whos this??


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But that's what they are. Butterflies is not what they are.

best pic ive seen in a while man

This could have been you

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Because i live here to and your corrupting my human race and home with your filth.

Then what's an intersex person?
What's a person born with xxy chromosomes?
What's a guy born with an internal womb that allows him to menstruate (1in100k males)?
Human biology is far from as black and white as most brainlets would like to believe.


When it's a business that deal exclusively with women then yes.

Wake up.

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>but still keeps his cock and balls to fuck women.
Really? Yer mum mebbe

>cherry picked
These pictures are pretty average as far as trannies go. It’s not hard to find pictures of ugly trannies.

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Are you really this stupid?

Aren't they herm, though?

why the fuck you would cut your fucking penis, you can live like a "woman" and still have your dick

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Thats a fake trannie that is just trying to get into little girls changing rooms. Search Blaire White on Youtube, he shows there can be a less retarded side to trannies

This could be your children

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That's correct. Herm =/= tranny.

Trannys are a fraction of a percent of the population and yet you seethe and obsess over it. Maybe that has something to do with you going out of your way to find tranny shit online? Who knows, maybe you're the source of your own "suffering." RENT FREE.

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Ya know, the mental illness is sad though. We are all victims of satan.