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If you’re doing a thick burger, Sear for looks then wrap the bitch in tinfoil, stick a slice of onion and a pat of butter on it and let it roast to the side until done.
Ezpz way to make cheap basic burgers taste fancier than they are.

Preheat the grill before putting meat on it.

Dont light the grill while its closed. Bout burned off my eyebrows one time. All the fumes built up and I stuck a match in the air intake. Top flew off and a bit fire ball bursted out. Shit was crazy lol

Chicken is always 5 minutes each side. Typically flipping twice.

Also invest in a cast iron skillet for your grill. As well as a small cast iron sauce pot and a wok + wok grate + grill fryer cone if you want to try stir frying.
It’s way cheaper than buying a shitty stovetop wok stand and you get to play with much more fire.

I grill meat fast and I flip the meat frequently because I like it bloody and not well cooked.
Salt, pepper and and herbs are a welcome addition

Take out and don't eat anything that's burnt black as that has many cancerigenous compounds in there. Idk much on tips but I love grilling


Trips of fire safety

For a standard my steak: let rest out of fridge 10 minutes. Pat dry thoroughly, until no moisture present. apply butter or Olive oil .Salt and pepper to taste. Apply steak to grill. Let sit for 4 minutes. Flip. Reapply oil of choice to cooked side. Let sit for 4 minutes. At this point you have a rare steak (or kid rare depending on your heat level). Enjoy.

For burgers, I get 20-25% ground chuck and form the patty myself, let's me match the buns. One trick I have is to press my thumb into the center so that the patty holds its shape. I season the patty with SALT AND PEPPER ONLY, and I use alot of it on all side of the burger after forming. When grilling, I flip only once and never press down on the burger with my spatula, as that gets rid of the juices.

You gotta sear it to lock in the juices user!

Get a treager grill. smoke at 180 degrees for 30 min to an hour. Take off grill and heat grill to high then cook till finished. unbelievable flavor

roll some garlic into it, salt the top before putting it on the grill, slap an ice cube on the top

you have the most heavenly burger you've ever had in your life, you're welcome fag

There are no tips for grilling hot dogs because hot dogs are mediocre by nature.

then put a sausage on a bun faggot

lol carcino-genic my dude. generative of carcinomas

on the grill, stab your steak with the fork. when the juice begin to run clear it's medium

use the grill to cook the tofu sausages until tyrone is done with your wife

It's funny because you know this exact scenario has happened many times.

Soo...he was behind that!?

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not really a technique but a recipe tip, but when you form patties mix a heaping tablespoon of mayo, then a dash each of salt, pepper, dried onion, and garlic powder into each patty. keeps your meat super juicy and the flavor is unreal. especially with cheddar and bacon

>Not sipping an extra strength IPA while having the game grumps on your switch via the youtube app next to the grill

What the fuck dude?

I’ll pan fry a steak over grilling it any day