I got this mark on my penis, it dosent hurt or anything I just noticed it today...

I got this mark on my penis, it dosent hurt or anything I just noticed it today. I haven’t had sex since last year so I’m pretty sure it ain’t an std. what is this?

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Rubbed raw from being too moist and masterbating too much

does it itch?

No not at all. It’s just there

Is it raised? Just put some Vaseline or Antibiotic ointment on it for a bit and leave it alone. You’re good.

No it’s not raised


Same thing happened to the head of my peepee, it went away after a couple days though.

I wasn't worried because I assumed this is what it was.

Go. Get. Tested.

People really dont fet testrd anymore... yknow you wouldnt have to worry an std...

ive had the same thing, doc told me it was clogged hair follicles (folliculitis), but i can pop them like a pimple. they come and go, but i was told to hold a hot washcloth on it and it should go away on its own

pop it with a needle, which will be harder than you think because dickskin is tough and sensitive
liquid inside should be pretty much clear, if it is not then see a doctor

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I think you caught Ligma. Floridian?

What’s a Floridian

Looks like a fungus my dude, dont let It get humid/wet just in case

Looks like staph my guy

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Yeah just looks like you beat your dick a lot

You chaffed you dick
Stop wanking

Zoons balanitis. You'll die with it.

friction burn bro