I did not care for the return of porn to this board.
I did not care for the return of porn to this board
People still come to this board?
Yeah, the place was way better for a while.
Just heard about it on /bant/, I'm fucking mad I missed it.
How was it ? Did the mod had a similar meltdown to the one in August 2015 ?
This entire site would be vastly better off if all porn were purged, but it makes money so that'll never happen. Sad.
>I did not care for the return of porn to this board.
It insists upon itself.
it was amazing.
there was quality restored to the board. actual random shit
i actually saved the thread. i'll post it tomorrow or soemthing. i'm getting a little tired, faggot
shame it showed that Sup Forums is probably a janny wank bank.
>implying it was ever anything but that
we've been had
I do not care for the porn spam. The regular porn thread here and there is fine.
it was refreshing. it proved that banning (non-drawn) porn is all it takes to restore Sup Forums to quality. non-drawn because all the back and forth bitching between the furries, lolicons and nazis was gay and annoying.
absolute meltdown. people were getting banned left right and center pretty much at random.
fuck off and die, i guess.
Left this board 5 years ago because it became over saturated, becoming a 2nd gif. I thought there was hope.
the problem is these fucking spambot/general threads.
It's starting to become more and more likely our dear leader himself is responsible.
Imagine being mad that there is porn on a NSFW board.
90% of it was retards sperging out because they thought it was going to last more than a few hours.
only for furry porn
it says a lot when spergs sperging is higher quality than endless fucking "pics youre not supposed to share" "fb fap thread" "any more of her?" "ask me anything heres my pussy teehee" "what do you x?" "celebs" "trap" "if trips i show more of her" threads
its literally just them posting repeatedly repeatedly with nothing new to add, no desire to do anything except share naked or semi naked people and to datamine
But dad, how can you even say that if you never even finished the thread?!
What happens when they're done sperging out though. Place will just go stale and then die.
3D is the bane of all soul and creativity on the internet
>spergs sperging is higher quality
it really wasnt
>its literally just them posting repeatedly repeatedly with nothing new to add
oh the irony
people need to learn Sup Forums or Sup Forums as a whole will never be the same, or ever has been for many many years, I don't Sup Forums every night for hours on end like years back, but I'm still here from time to time.
Gotta move on user. The internet world as a whole has gotten alot more shitter past 10 years.
I think we should take any victory we can get against the coomers. The fact that the meme spread in the first place is a sign that ppl who want to get rid of porno have momentum. Push the coomers out lads! Force them to question their life choices and bring them back to the light!
This post genuinely made me laugh today, especially with the reaction image.
Be the change you want to see.
Remove all the cumbrains.
you haven't seen the whole thing
How can you say you don't like porn if you haven't even given it a chance?
I came cause anons said the porn was gone, the board was actually interesting for a few hours, guess that's over
I missed it too. Very angery now.
>Return of
Fuck off newfag. The problem here is the type. It's gay porn, cock rate and trannies for days not to mentor the black porn.
Tumblr shut down, we banned more edgy content harder and now this place is open to all the mental illness posters
have some integrity faggot
giving up is the worst thing you can do
Post what you want to see, niggerfaggot.
IoT Fundamentals: Big Data & Analytics
1488 brother
Very rarely are there both red and green wires, only on 220 with an extra ground. How can even color blindness keep you from telling black from white wire?
Not buying your excuse user. Sounds to me like you're just a lazy nigger who wants to live off baby momma's welfare.
Missed the 2015 meltdown
What was that about
thanks user
>sure is hot today
It was fun. I'm 2005 fag and it made me spend more time on the board than I have in almost a decade. Dragged me away from /lit/. Only bad part was the amount of faggots complaining about censorship but everyone made fun of them (Probably 20 people making fun of them for every 1 whiny faggot).
Made it a lot easier to find funny rheads and shitposts, you saw a lot of old memes but also a lot of new content.
Gave me hope that Sup Forums could improve and gave me comfort knowing I'm not alone in hating the constant VBSCO/INSTA cock rate pic you should share threads. Certain mods clearly hate those threads, a lot of users hate it.
The repetitive porn is stale. If you allow more discussions, shitposting and trolling to occur big events will flourish. Remember MarbleCake Porn spamming on youtube? Something like that would be impossible now, and not because of increase youtube security.
The board hasn't died and never will, porn or not. It's just a better/funnier place without the constant porn threads.
Joke about NK supreme leader, because board owner is asian.
Moot was testing the traffic numbers if porn was removed. was shocked by the 75 percent drop and quickly bought back the porn.
the end.
Anybody have a no-porn filter list they don't mind sharing?