Help me Sup Forumsros wtf is wrong with my cock?! This is not smegma...

Help me Sup Forumsros wtf is wrong with my cock?! This is not smegma, 2 days ago my girlfriend sucked my dick with Mcdonald’s applesauce, i’ll give context if u interested, and now this shit appeared. I swear to god i have the cleanest dick in the world i even wipe after i piss and whenever possible i rinse it. It hurst at the base and it’s starting to get itchy

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Nothing is wrong with your dick.
It is the thing attached to it that's causing the problems.


You have a yeast infection.

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your gf is a pig

>2 days ago my girlfriend sucked my dick with Mcdonald’s applesauce

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I had some of that the other day. It wasn’t that much though. I just went in tu wan shower and scrubbed it good. Kept it clean. Also my gf has had a yeast infection and we fucked the day before I found that shit on my dick.

That's not good user

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my fukken sides

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Bump for context x

Wipe it with steel wool, 2-3 times a day. Takes a week and it´s gone.

yeast infection
fill a glass with vinnegar and soak your weewee in it for 5mins every day until its gone , no fucking before it is healed
not even kidding

it will sting a bit and cock will look bit like it is abused , but it will help eventually

mic drop *out

Home remedy or docs?

That's cancer bauss.

Try some oil on it, see if it gets better

yeast infection. very likely your girlfriend has been sucking dicks around town. Percentage wise yeast infections appear mostly around niggers.congratulations you now have a ruined dick and probably aids as well

nasty infection, that will lead to, if not treatet immediately, to your penis being amputate in the worst case.
you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, before your deeper cells dying off.

Just go buy the stuff for women at your local pharmacy. It comes with an applicator for women, but you don't need that. Just smear the stuff all over your dick twice a day intil it goes away. As a man, it shouldnt take very long. A few days probably. I've been there, dude. It sucks. Also, no sex until it is gone.

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yeast infection

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that will be the last blowjob you will ever get. It is a flesh eating infetion. Your skinncells die off first. then these little fucks go for the meaty part. I truly feel for you bro

Thanks user.

>i’ll give context if u interested,


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Def a yeast infection
In the future try to keep food off your and your GFs genitalia, also good to rinse your mouth before oral.
They are annoying af but surprisingly common and don’t take long to heal for guys because it’s external.
They are easy to avoid if you keep food off your peepee and wash it.

> Just smear random stuff on your cock and see if it help

Sup Forumsro what are you trying to do to user

Get some canesten on that shit

you need to rub propanolol on it with a high alcohol %. The dead skinn wil come off and ur dick will be healed. just give it a rest after for a few days

I had that regularly when using strange lube - you can peel the stuff off and that is very fun

how did the appllesauce feel on your disgusting peepee?

medfag here, looks like your tissue has already been infiltrated, you need antibiotics, first thing to do is to buy a disinfectant with a high alcohol percentage. Ask your local pharmacist, you need to scrub it hard. Yes it will hurt. Then see a doctor who will likely prescribe you antibiotics. thats a serious infection son...

Op here,
I guess i’m a medfag two, third year, wasn’t a fan of dermatology.
It’s flaky and dry which makes me wonder about yeast...
You want me to scrub a mucosae with alcohol? Not only will it scar my dick but it will also be heaven for opportunist bacterias
I’ll just go see a real doc

MacDonaldsium. Bad case, too. Stop eating shit you nigger and your body may eventually recover

No problem, man. Us men who have experienced the shame of a yeast infection have to stick together.

If you want a one and done fix, go to your doc and get a single dose of Diflucan. Otherwise, get a good antifungal and use it as directed. Either way, no sex until shit resolves.

Oh shut up you fucking twit.

That sucks. Yeast infection. Get some fungal cream and you'll be good. Wash you dick man. Lol.

One time I jacked off bella good while it was healing and it was one of the best cums of my life.

Applesauce is full of sugar. Sugar feeds yeast. You have a fungal infestation user. Probably smells gross. You need to lick it off, so that the violent, Nazi bacteria in your mouth can defeat the yeast Jew, and restore your dick to it's destined, Aryan glory.

If you have some cooking oil just spread a little bit of that around the affected area and maybe a bit beyond. If you don't, get some. Do that once a day for 2 or 3 days and it should be better. Also, please explain the dick sucking with applesauce.

Ex GF was a superwhore, literally fucked guys compulsively when drinking, and it sucked a lot. However, she knew how to take care of her pussy, which is all she had going for her.

When she got a yeast infection, she would get plain yoghurt and slather it all over her coochy. We (I got to watch and help) did it inna tub and fucked too. Kinda gross with all the white stuff smeared all around, but it was fun anyway.

You and your GF should cure her yeast infection with yoghurt, which out competes the yeast. As your doctor if you don't believe me. Shit works.

Fucking shit bad trying to get OP to hurt himself. Go back to beating your 2 inche dick incel

Eczema. Wear only cotton underwear that breathes, sleep nude, and moisturize.

Works for pink eye too. It's probiotics instead of antibiotics. Miracle cure.

Definitely a yeast infection op.
Easily treatable and not long lasting but that shits going to get REALLY itchy if you don't treat it. Go to a pharmacy/doctor when possible and for now look up some at home fungal cock cures.

>replying to yourself

OP here

Okay this makes the most sense, ima go to a pharmacist right now and show a picture of my cock and ask for something

You fucked some applesauce didnt you

Use plain yoghurt. Smear it all over GF's coochy and fuck the yeast away. Srsly, the bacteria in yoghurt fucks the yeast off, and doesn't grow on your dick or in pussy at all.

Cheap, completely non-toxic, actually decent lube, and as fun as fun gets.


Gf is your typical fitness girl, works at Mcdonald for some reason because it pays well. I suspect she kept the job cus she gets hit on left and right, but i’m her first and i have many reasons to think she would never cheat, and even more to know she would never go for a nigger.
Anyway i go pick her up and head home. Before we go she brings some applesauce from the happy meal shit and some napkins.
On the motorcycle, she starts jerking me off and it’s really hard to concentrate, almost hit a car in the back cus i forgot to brake.
We finally get to her apartment, both horny af. We go downstairs to this room where everyone keeps their bike, there’s a lot of space and it’s not the first time. Start face fuck and fingering.
Mfw she asks if i can put the applesauce on my dick to lube it and make it go deeper in her throat. I agree cus i thought it was funny. Felt the same as a normal lube only with that shitty mcdonald smell mixed with some precum.
She sucks it dry then i fuck her pretty fast with no condom cus she her dad was waiting for her at the apartment upstairs.
One day later on the evening, i start jerking off and it kinda hurts on the base of the head but i keep going. Next morning i see this shit and think it’s smegma or dried cum. I probably rinsed it 20 times but it comes back after drying. Now it only hurts if i touch but it’s so fucking itchy, i’m about to go to a pharmacy and show em my cock cus yeast seems to be the most plausible.
Thank you for having my back Sup Forumsros

dry pp or allergy causing that from applesauce

You dont need to show them. Just buy some monistat and smear it on there.