Rekt webms thread

Rekt webms thread.

Attached: 1573165725022.webm (458x430, 794K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1573165673514.webm (426x320, 805K)


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HAHAHA death! pain! torment! sadness! insanity!

HAHAHAAAAAA die die die die!1!

Fuck you,,, FUCK YOUUU! HAHAHA!!!!!!!

Attached: waspwang.jpg (1200x900, 258K)

Holy fuck did not see this coming.

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Please no black on white rekts anymore. Its making blacks looking as the stereotype racists wants them to be. BLACKS ARE THE MOST BASED AND HONEST PEOPLE ON EARTH

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Seems to be going well, how can this go wrong aaand there it is.

i used to look forward to rekt threads but if it's just going to be black people going wild from now on i'm out. i'm more than capable of finding my own rekt on liveleak. enjoy your pathetic circlejerk


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This tbh. Its like pol hijacked rekt threads to push their agenda. I enjoy the chink rekt much more

Tell Tyrone i said hello

>Why are race relations deteriorating? Must be Trump's fault.

Boyfriend or pimp?

I don't dislike it, you faggot. You WILL be forced to have sex against your will, up the ass. Consider yourself raped.

Die die fucking die die, bitch
Die die fucking die die, slut

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Well yes
Do tell why there is such a focus on the petty crimes and not the crimes of the kike

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>assaults, rapes, and murders are pretty crimes
unironically kys


never understand wy white
middle class dont carry every day

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You must be 18 to be here you little retard.

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I gibs circle of lyfe.rex

Attached: circle of life rex.webm (640x640, 1.91M)

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user i dont think u can use deadly force in situations like that

prosthetic leg whore reminds me of non weed capable brainless porn cunts

now this, this is worthy of a mu/sic video

>Why do you call them monkeys ?

shure.i am white,deputy prosecutor in my gunclub and a nignag will rob me

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Thats so sad. You know that kid was trying to be a man and make some money. Tired wimpy frame back hurting like fuck the day just started gotta get through this shit... then suddenly death by door.

A fair percentage of black people are uneducated, which leads to criminality.

You can say that a date percentage of black people are uneducated criminals.

Perhaps you should see what is good for the armed forces

Wow that guy grounded them through the truck. That reminds me of the sisteen chapel painting were theyre touching hands but with third worlders passing a power of electricity so great their weak mortal bodies couldnt handle it and dropped sequentially like dominoes.

who the fuck fills balloons with hydrogen?

I almost wasn't sure who to side with here until the nigger stole a bike. He may have won this in court if all he did was rekt a cyclist, but getting on the bicycle makes him a cyclist too now.

Ah man I saw it a mile away. But exected it to surge and run over a guy before falling not hit a grate and tip. Looking at it now it makes sense.

I thought the fatass was a girl at first

Does this guy even lift I would have stopped that thing from falling

Germans prior to 1937

its hairspray
A lot of them warn against so much as farting while wearing

Oh man finally someone makes me laugh. God I hate cyclists


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>Seems to be going well
chinese text, moving it with forks raised, rekt thread

c'mon user


most german image in existance

>es dat ein gahn?
>herr merkel halp!!
>this est ein gahn frei zone!!

> Be so autistic that you can't tell that the person
>referenced is actually just laughing their ass off. Nice, I wish i could live like you

nerve gas

it was almost like the forklift wanted to finish the job

hero cops

almost caught it

yeah. fuck him. beeping like that


>being this diverse

Eye for an eye, basically.

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The savage is probably mad that they ran out of bumpers.

Why are they in a shipping container

>>Does this guy even lift

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I knew who that creature was going to strike before anything happened :(

Can't tell what's worse: pretending to be retarded, or admitting to typing like a retard.

Sir, step back, I will not hesitate to unload this firearm into you.
"Well... sheeeit muh nigguh, i dun ordered dat chickin like tree minnuts ago, muhhfukka..."
"aiiigh nigguh be coo' buh like sheeeeit you dun can't finna be runnin a restrawnt like dis, damn cuz"

lol dumbass nigger

Fear for one's life is cause to use deadly force.

well placed joke i see there

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Finally, some good carnage

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Of course it's the black cop who hits the chick

Gents... These are niggers

Lel this happened 10 mins away from me. A bus stop in Victorville California.

that gyt sacrificed his life all for a bit of chinese plastic toys

dude blacks are so cool. we need more of them

nope. just a nigger

The truck was not grounded. Tires. The current traveled through the people to ground.

am hard

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black on black violence gives me a warm feeling of happiness

Fuckin niggers

Or helium

They're not all bad

It was in Christchurch though

thank god she had a gun, nig probably would have kept going

this is like a horror scene. the forklift just circles around smearing his blood on the ground

Niggers at their habitual behavior

nah dude that was the retard in Germany who got stopped by a door

of course, where else

he held his own against a horde if niggers and his girl wasn't a pussy either, respecc, hope the cops used their guns that nite

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This happened in Milwaukee WI.

bitch shut the fuck up

Nerve gas claims more people. Thanks CIA

Can any deaf people read his lips and tell me what he said?