Your 15 year old son comes out as gay

>Your 15 year old son comes out as gay
How do you react?

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As in Donkey Kong 64
>Get out

who cares if hes gay or straight hes still your son

Personally. I wouldn't give a shit, Rules of the house include no guests after 7pm and no going into your bedroom before 8pm. Nothing will happen under my roof.

Idk. I don’t have a son but 4 daughters. If one them came home and said they were gay I wouldn’t give a fuck

Why would I molest my own son?

Fuck him until he was straight or I was gay

It's 2019, it's ok to be gay.

Hi gay, I'm dad

he damn well better be gay. i would have been fucking for 14 years by that point.

Why you tell me that, come back when you gon get married, ion give a fuck as long as they know that there are only 2 genders

I kill him, I don’t care about his needs to suck cock all I care about is that he reproduces. I’m bisexual and I did the same, 25 years and still married with 3 kids

Still couldn't possibly be as much of a faggot as OP.

based half faggot

Omg If I was you I’d wish at least 1 was a lesbo

Rape him and see how much he likes men, then.

How old are your daughters? Any of them hot? Keep us posted if any of them turn lesbo

>I kill him, I don’t care about his needs to suck cock all I care about is that he reproduces. I’m bisexual and I did the same, 25 years and still married with 3 kids
If gay gene is a thing there’s a good chance at least 2 of your kids are gay or bi

Well theres also love and he could still habe babies with some thottie and raise them with his husband

happy he doesnt have to deal with gay ass women

On god

Tell him he needs to get a girlfriend or I'll kick him out, then bend him over every piece of furniture in the house.

Supportive. Your response can make the difference between the "just so happens to fuck dudes" type of gay, and the "cartoon hair, dildo waving, screeching mental case" type of gay. Choose wisely, m8.

Tell him, I Don't give a shit and to go back to his room

> "... How do you react? " ;
with compassionate concern and undiminished love.
I would ensure his privacy was respected, while giving whatever guidance I could regarding safe sex and the potential pitfalls of a gay life.


So we all only give a fuck about reproduction and the wellbeing of our family? Nice

holy shit how did I have a kid so young and not know

Tell him he doesnt know what he wants hes only 15. If he says he's going to anyways i'll love him but tell him be careful dealing with the real world. Dating men is a fucking joke if you're a man.

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No that lifestyle is disgustingl. Have sex with men only in private

Have sex with him

For sure kid. Use a condom, dont want my boy to die of AIDS. I’d just be sad of no grandkids LOL

>it's okay to be a faggot as long as you're pretending you're not a faggot

Parents like you raise the sneakiest sluts

>Dating men is a fucking joke if you're a man

I would still raise my son to be a real man, fucking men instead of women dont mean he gon be a fucking beta

I don't have any sons but I don't think I would care just as long as he wasn't trans. I wouldn't disown him if he was trans, I just wouldn't pay for any "treatment" towards transitioning opting to treat him for the mental illness instead.
My teenage daughter is bisexual and has had boyfriends and girlfriends, I don't think I would react any differently if it was a boy.

Don't have kids but I'd probably laugh and make fun of him until he comes to his senses. More effective than acting like a homophobe

“I knew it!, faggot...”

You missed my point. I’m bisexual And I have a wife because preferring women in public and reproducing is normal

Tell him use a condom if he engages in fuckery, otherwise stay away from junkies and republican senators.

Use an entire roll of condoms fucking him that'll teach him not to smoke cigarettes

Do you think there are gay boomer republican politicians? I’d wanna get fucked by one in the ass

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can confirm there are tons
I have been railed by a group of them

Tom? We missed you at the last young conservative of America luncheon.

My god your a lucky fuck.. can you give any pictures/names or at least describe how they act during sex? Are they vulgar and etc because that turns me on and how big are their cocks?

first beat his fucking ass and tell him hes a faggot then tell him he can only eat plain bread with water from now on untill hes 18. my hard earned money isnt going to feed good food to a fucking queer. Then put a password on the tv and his computer. no fucking faggot his gonna gave electronic privileges in my house. Never make eye contact with that freak again, if i need him to do somthing ill write him a note and hand it to him.

As soon as hes 18 he will be moving out of my house that day. cut him out of the will, remove any pictures from the walls with him on it and pretend like he never existed.

Rape him

tough but fair.

Real edgy. How old are you?

Thank God that he didn't come out as trans.

i thought i was being generous. im 35.

Why not have both?

Alright well you act like you're 12. Maybe you need to go outside more.


You have to go back.

If anyone heard that you treated your kid like that you would go to jail and he would go to a foster home.

Shut up faggot.

Then his foster parents would rape him. It's a win win

well gay women don't exist so you don't have to worry about that


Prolly ask who molested him. Homosexuals are statistically very likely to be molested as a small child. Usually a man. When molested by a woman they usually become bisexual.

You people are going about the gay question wrong. Kill the flamers, give actual caring therapy to the ones that are coming out to get them to be at least bisexual and set them up with a big tiddy gf.

Fuck him in the ass with a wooden broom stick see if the faggot indeed really does like it

Based. You should just kill him though.

Fuck yeah. Bitches Been making me miserable all my life. Sometimes wished I was gay. Find a dude who likes metal, video games and sucking dick. Sounds pretty good to me. Only I don't care for anal sex. Can you be gay and not have anal?

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"What, so you liked it all this time?"

Get fucking bloodwork done because im frome a long line of coomers who coom to females only


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tell him to go be a faggot somewhere else.
>decide to send him to live with his pedo uncle so he can both be gay and get a nice boyfriend

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I'd clench my fists and howl
'I have no son'

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tell him he has a butt ugly face and no guys would ever like him then slap his butt and say you're a faggot now get a job you fucking nigger

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Probably say ok cool bro grab me a beer on the way upstairs to suck Gary's dick?

he can kiss who he wants as long as they're not a nigger or a muzzie

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Delicious crusty chucky shit

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Lol idk

imagine the stench this one looks like it would smell the worst

By not asking Sup Forums how to raise your kid. Right now you are being a bigger faggot then your son.

Hmmm...So he was behind that!?

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You do realize most scat porn doesnt use real shit right?

Be wary of the free watch thing. Seems google has some ulterior motives behind it.

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then what's the point?

I don’t because he doesn’t exist

Second pic for reference about the weird watch fuckery

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Well that's 'shitty'

Suck his dick.

Ok, Zoomer.

I have no son

I've heard that anal isn't as common in homo life as we think

not anymore

i would mansplain how being gay is a choice etc, rat utopea experiments, i would feel sad that he was forced into this corner, and try to spend more time with him.

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