My Dad was right. You can't trust anybody in this world. When things got tough my best friend has failed me...

My Dad was right. You can't trust anybody in this world. When things got tough my best friend has failed me. He judges me for being a Christain and thinks I worship Trump. Whenever I try to talk to him about my problems he says "I can't help you, you need to see a therapist." Whatever happened to talking about your problems? I forgive him but fuck I don't want to be around him anymore or any of his faggot weed smoking friends.

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Sorry Yuifriend. I hope you find a way out of whatever hole you have found yourself in.

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Thanks. I have my own place and I work hard but man I can't believe my best friend would judge me like that. I don't care who you are or what you do as long as you're not killing people but I wouldn't start a cult against faggots. I just wish I had a wife or someone cool that'd be there forever.

>being an annoying christfag magapede that vents his heavy problems onto his friend so often that the friend tells you to please go to therapy
>coming online to bitch about it

Go seek therapeutic help

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You don't realize how much of a bitch this guy is. If I mention God once he goes OH MY GOD REALLY?! I don't even go like "yeah you should be christain." No i'll be like, thank you god for today, for myself not him.

he sounds like a douchebag

You know you like trump it's ok you're in the right track. I was like your friend. He's actually right but is being petty about it he will throw you under the bus. Ditch friend and find allies

He is and I hate him. I hate the way he smiles and makes me feel like its my fault. Dad was right. The only people you can trust is yourself. I have to keep working.

Athiests are the new christcucks and christcucks are the new athiests if you're

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Doesn't sound like a friend to me. Why did you think he was a friend in the first place? What things has he done that convinced you that he was a friend?