My Dad was right. You can't trust anybody in this world. When things got tough my best friend has failed me...

My Dad was right. You can't trust anybody in this world. When things got tough my best friend has failed me. He judges me for being a Christain and thinks I worship Trump. Whenever I try to talk to him about my problems he says "I can't help you, you need to see a therapist." Whatever happened to talking about your problems? I forgive him but fuck I don't want to be around him anymore or any of his faggot weed smoking friends.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry Yuifriend. I hope you find a way out of whatever hole you have found yourself in.

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Thanks. I have my own place and I work hard but man I can't believe my best friend would judge me like that. I don't care who you are or what you do as long as you're not killing people but I wouldn't start a cult against faggots. I just wish I had a wife or someone cool that'd be there forever.

>being an annoying christfag magapede that vents his heavy problems onto his friend so often that the friend tells you to please go to therapy
>coming online to bitch about it

Go seek therapeutic help

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You don't realize how much of a bitch this guy is. If I mention God once he goes OH MY GOD REALLY?! I don't even go like "yeah you should be christain." No i'll be like, thank you god for today, for myself not him.

he sounds like a douchebag

You know you like trump it's ok you're in the right track. I was like your friend. He's actually right but is being petty about it he will throw you under the bus. Ditch friend and find allies

He is and I hate him. I hate the way he smiles and makes me feel like its my fault. Dad was right. The only people you can trust is yourself. I have to keep working.

Athiests are the new christcucks and christcucks are the new athiests if you're

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Doesn't sound like a friend to me. Why did you think he was a friend in the first place? What things has he done that convinced you that he was a friend?

I'll like whatever the fuck I want. I'm not going to start a cult and beat faggots, I'm a good person that cares about others. I would never make someone feel bad. I'll come to this board and call someone a nigger but do I mean it? No. He is petty. I'm ditching him. I'll only use him for video game questions.

Pretty fucking much. It's hard being Christain.

Well we've been friends since 6th grade at age 12-13 I guess. We've been through girls and hes been there when I got addicted to drugs but saw me sober up. I only smoked weed. Then I started to see the world differently and got into politics and free speech as a hobby. I don't know if he's scared I'm going to group up on his beliefs or not but the way he treats me is so cringey.

Maybe you should seek therapy instead of relying on shit tier friends

No offense but maybe its for the best

You need to talk to him. You're obviously young. You have no idea how hard it is to find friends when you don't have school to funnel you into socialising. The older you get, the fewer social circles are possible to enter. If you already have someone you can rely on, then you need to do whatever you can to keep that friendship. I wasted friendship much like you. I went right (towards liberalism) when I went from my teens to my twenties, and a friend of mine went the other way. We lost contact because of it, and both were too stupid and proud to pick up the phone and keep in touch. He's the best friend I have ever had and I wasted it because I didn't do what I could to keep it.

Some people get all the shots in the world to have friends and happiness. There is absolutely no evidence you will be one of them.

Don't waste chances if it can be avoided.

Well I'm not getting therapy. They just make you feel valid and you guys already make me feel important enough. Faggots. I'm going to dump him and find a wife. Maybe someone cool will come along one day.

since you talked about your dad's advice in friendship i'm gonna go ahead and assume you're pretty young. look just because you aren't pushing your religion, doesn't mean you aren't being obnoxious about it. if he unironically talked about pleasing Santa year round, you can say you wouldn't judge him, but at a certain point you'd want to shake him and scream in his face. if you know other people your age who also believe in Santa but are content to be private about it and not throw it in your face, it might be even more frustrating that someone you care about and respect can't seem to see the same reality as you.

without hearing you actually trying to talk to your friend it's hard to judge, you might be a whiny bitch, a broken record, too depressing. you might actually need help, and while friends are generally supposed to support each other it's not their job, everyone is struggling with their own head, so if you're so fucked up it starts to affect his mental health he has an obligation to distance himself and take care of his own brain first.

and lastly but i probably should have led with this and only this. seeing as how you're a trumptard you're in all likelyhood gonna reject any reasonable advice and rational arguments, so have fun playing the victim

so you've been friends for 2 years now? also the first amendment is specifically about gov't censorship. it has nothing to do with specific platforms having their own rules and culture, and it doesn't mean anyone can say whatever they want whenever and wherever

I'd say 14 years

I'm not a fucking cuck. This has been going on for 2 years now. Maybe I have been a little harsh but I'm trying so hard to keep our relationship together without killing myself. I just want to give up.

your dad raped you and told u u cant trust people?
and u trust him?

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Therapy isnt about validation. The purpose is to help you vent & speak about your problems in a healthy way, or else your own toxicity will spill out into your everyday behaviors. You might not notice it but it does happen and those close to you will unconsciously detect a change in personality and begin to move away from that uncomfortableness

> Sup Forums makes me feel important/validated

You did exactly what user said you would.
Kill yourself, give up on purpose.

This dude needs actual help. His friend is 100% right.
Its his fault his friend is distancing himself, and it's so fucking obvious that is the case based on his response to people calling him out for it.

>I'm not a fucking cuck
if this is really OP talking, you've been brainwashed HARD by the right if that's you're reflexing response, but i'm leaning bait since you've felt the need to dangle politics a few times now
>without killing myself. I just want to give up
yeah you need to talk to a professional. even if you're being hyperbolic that's really emo and dramatic, you got some shit to work through/ work on whether you want to believe it or not

Instead of God, how about Elohim, Moloch, Theos, or any of the other names? Be clear about what you're talking about, and maybe he won't shut you down. God is a very overloaded term.

I'm not killing myself.

if you talk and act like this and you're supposedly 28, you might need 2 therapists. this has to be a troll thread

He sounds like an absolute idiot. I bet if you said Allah isn't real and Islam is stupid, he'd look at you like you had two heads. Not even for a second realising the sheer staggering scale of his own hypocrisy. You dodged a bullet user, good friends are hard to come by these days. I hope you find some.

fuck you are stupid.

>without killing myself
It's so obvious how you're the problem.

No, oops. Without killing myself as in its hard work. I wanna give up on the relationship.

I want same drugs please.

This doesnt make any sense.
You haven't read this thread. Lurk more so you know why everyone else is against op.

>feels a constant need to support a failing friendship
Sounds healthy and in no need of therapy user, dont believe anyone who says you need help, you're totally fine on your own.

yeah no that's not how atheism works, you sound like some fox news watching shill. tell us more about the war on christmas

Then don't. But understand that if you're not willing to put effort into what you want, then you can't complain when not getting it. All of life works this way. Want a strong body? Exercise it. Want to be knowledgeable? Read up on a lot of subjects. Want to be funny? Joke a lot. Want a lot of money? Work a lot. Want a GF? Become someone who can be liked.

No one owes you anything. Your friend doesn't owe you anything. Go through life kicking and screaming that you're not a cuck if you want to. But I have never heard of anyone neither starting or keeping a friendship by that method. You reap what you sow. Be proud and non-forgiving, and you will get loneliness in return.

And by the way. You are NOT a good christian. A good christian strives first and foremost to understand his fellow man. That is what Jesus YOUR saviour taught you. He was friends with whores and beggars, precisely because he took the time to understand who they are, and why they are who they are.

What you are doing here is the devils work, not gods work. Go read about the seven virtues, and the seven sins. I'll even post the link to the wikipedia article for you. Because what you are doing right this moment is engaging in pride, and anger. Both are excellent ways to get a one way ticket to barbecue town.

>ops friend judges him for liking Trump
>Ops friend openly ridicules his religious beliefs
>Ops friend ditches him because he's going through a rough patch.

OP may be mixed up and maybe even would benefit from therapy legitimately; but I stand by my opinion on his friend (based on what he told us)

You may be right..

It's how libtards work user. You know it and I know it. Regardless of whether either of us agrees with it or hates it.

OP sounds emotionally abusive.
Citation; just got out of an abusive relationship, and he is parroting all her talking points.

dubs have spoken, and quite sensibly might i add

You get used to it. There are good people out there - but they're mostly being killed, raped, and enslaved by the bad people.

>It's hard being christian.

I'm sure that because he doesnt believe one thing he must automatically be the other.
There is totally no political spectrum at all.
Oh wait no there is and your post doesnt make sense.

Maybe I should be forgiving and give him space and I take mine and we will meet again. If so then great! If not then I have to accept it.

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Kekd when I read that too.

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I'm likely right though. And this is besides the point, as ops friend sounds like an absolute shit stain regardless of whether or not he'd defend Muslims or not lol

I like how in all the culture/counterculture perspective you don't even stop for a second to think about wether you have reasons or not to believe in god

How did you people miss this?
>drug addiction
>only addicted to weed

Undrageband this fag

Where the fuck did it say that in his post?

and you pigeonholing everyone who doesn't agree with you as a "libtard" is how cuckservatives work, you know it and i know it. you can be conservative without being a republican, either without liking trump. you can be actually athiest and not buy into any organized religion. i know you just see them as christian hating bullies bc they don't tell you everything you do is perfect, but it doesn't mean they support islam and it says an awful lot about you that that's where you go reflexively. how very well trained you are, all that social engineering really paid off

you sound like a massive faggot I'd take his advice

Holy shit op is a low willed faggot if he got hooked on fucking weed of all things.

this is the first mature sounding thing you've said, i'm not trying to be a dick, but you've been in an angsty teen headspace and you need to set aside misconceptions about therapy and give it a try

I'm gonna give him space and love him no matter what he is. It's what Jesus would do. But I'm not living with him unless he can accept me. Imma do this! Thanks Sup Forumsros for the "epiphany."

>casually calls black person a nigger
well forget i said nigger he's probably still a bad person

>I'm likely right though
Statistically you're so far from right it's not actually believable that you even said that.
Out of the 2 political positions you believe are possible, there are 4 primary political quadrants.
In of those 4 quadrants is a grid, 5 by 5, which indicates a level of leaning toward each individuals political views.
This means there are 100 different combinations of points that can be mapped on this political map, all of which have distinct features that help identify you from someone who believes very similar things to you.
This idea that the political spectrum is so black and white is why the country is broken, you're the problem.

>thinks I worship Trump.
do you?
or are you one of the type who thinks (or claims) they don't worship him even though they talk about him all the fucking time as if they did?

>its what jesus would do
Yeah I know why your friend hates you.

You should be judged for being a christcuck. All religion is stupid and backwards. All of it. No exceptions. Some, like islam, are evil on top of being stupid.

damn OP was a fag this whole time

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Good luck user. May time make you less of a faggot.
>I'm going to dump him and find a wife.
Like I said, may time make you less of a faggot.

The problem is your friend not you. Hes just lazy and self centered. Maybe kind of a douche ego. A real friend is always there for you.

not limited to talking about him all the time, more troubling are the ones that literally think he can do no wrong, will do amazing mental gymnastics to justify or forgive any action on his part despite being quick to condemn obama and clintons for imaginary crimes

Poor crybaby

Thanks. I'm not gay but you're a faggot too. Bye fren.

He really was. See

It is hard being christlike, it is easy AF to be a Christian. Most Christians aren't very christlike.

Happy Holidays

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Adios fellow mentally disturbed bud.

Happy Holidays! :)

That's the only thing you can do. You cannot force people into being what they're not. Maybe he won't understand you. Maybe he will never understand you. But you cannot be responsible for what he does. You can only be responsible for what you do. So, in my opinion, you should choose to be forgiving. You should choose to talk to him. You should choose to explain what is important to you, and why it is important to you.

And if that is not good enough for him, then you have done all you can. Your hands are clean. He has to make the same choice as you do.

Islam and Catholicism have the same base pairs, it's basically looking at 2 of the same religion, one in near east ideology, and one in european ideology.
Even some of the mantras are the exact same
"Peace be with you", "and with you"
"Al Salaam alaikum"
"Wa Alaykumu s-salam" (literal translations; peace be upon you, and peace with you)

Don’t fight the misanthropic mentality. You’ve been wronged by a filthy human being, which was predictable. Only ever forgive someone IF they ask for forgiveness and sincerely mean it. Otherwise, you’re doing yourself an injustice. Never completely trust anyone, with anything, even if you can’t find a reason why they would screw you over in a particular scenario. Always give your paranoia the benefit of the doubt, never shrug it off. Besides all of this, just remember that human beings are vicious, disgusting creatures that betray without thought and crack under the pressure of self-interest. They should all be killed.

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Probably a troll thread everyone, just sayin.

Get off of the internet occasionally. I'm an aspie and this reads like my thoughts when I'm having an autistic shitfit.

Maybe you don't share enough interests. Have you tried smoking weed?

You should go outside user

those are the obvious type who have and will openly admit they're on the trump train.
after reading more in the thread I'm gonna say that OP is precisely that and just larping for reasons (don't they call it a false flag?) like a big faggot.

OP here. What a faggot.

It's a good thing you learned this lesson before you got married.

You can't prove I'm wrong, anymore than I can prove you're wrong. Neither of us knows ops friend, but I'll chose to believe what I will and you can fuck off ;) how's that sound?

>1 person is shit to me
>cant trust anybody in the whole world now

So why are you this friend?? Learn to cut people out of your life who tip the scale with misery and problems. Stick with nice great friends and family cut all the toxic out.

>despite evidence to the contrary I'm gonna continue believing what I want
Sounds about right.

The only ones who need therapy are the billions who have the same imaginary friend. Yes the world is crazy

>I know you just see them as Christ hating bullies because they don't tell you everything you do is perfect.
Wow, you got me good, except you didn't. I'm an atheist.
>Pigeonholing everyone who doesn't agree with you as a librard.
That's not what I did, ops friend simply sounds like he's a libtard. You about pigeonholing and then make a post blatantly trying to pigeonhole me. Looks like we're both biased user.

Idk fam

No evidence at all, just you disagreeing with me without any more proof than I have lol.

The threads over. I've already made my decision on what to do. I'm going to play WoW now goodbye peeps.

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the only person who is going to be with your whole life is yourself
make yourself cool and maybe something good will follow

>someone else gave a good example
I dont even need to tell you that you're wrong.

We knew you played wow.

>He judges me for being a Christain
You deserve to be judged for that. Hell, you can’t even spell the word, you’re so stupid.

Are you talking about
Because I legitimately can't see how that post in anyway validates your argument.

You cant see how mentally broken from that one post the OP is?
You dont even have the qualifications to talk about this subject.
The fact that didnt scream red flag at you that OP is a shit friend indicates that you are a shit friend.

>Hell, you can’t even spell the word
bet you that isn't misspelled so much as he missed the autocompleted word he normally uses when posting shit.

>Friend judged me
>Judging is wrong
>Also weed is bad and if you do it you're a faggot
Your friend was smart for not wanting to deal with you.