Just drank 17 beers, ask me anything

just drank 17 beers, ask me anything

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17 beers?

Those are rookie numbers you gotta pump those numbers up!

Have you ever fought a kangaroo

Q predicted this?

8 left to go, had a full carton this morning

yeah mangled the cunts with my grill every other week on the road to work, fuck em

Why isn't your life going the way you always hoped it would when you were a kid?

Do you get whiskey dick in Australia? Or does being on the opposite side of earth's edge change your circulation?

What do you think of Aussie who live outside of the country (asking for a friend)

enjoy erectile dysfunction an liver problems retard

Those are rookie numbers in this racket.

I myself, I drink at least 20 beers a day. 10 in the morning for breakfast and 10 after dinner.

What are you doing tomorrow?

Chug all 8 that remain

Do it, do it now!

Why is President Trump such a pussy that refuses to rock the boat?

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Idk were u the guy saying yesterday u have a drink problem n wanna quit?

how much Liters has a beer in ausiland? and how much % of alc?

What's your plan to get rid of muslims and chinks from your country?

Its only a problem when he runs out

Does the world feel upside down?

kangaroos arent real dumbass

what type of burger do you like?

What are you going to do about that spider next to your leg?

Are you truly living the Outback freedom in Australia getting shitfaced in a Mad Max styled wasteland in your backyard, or are you coping with contemporary urban modern society like the rest of Sup Forums

The real question is who would win?
10000 Kangaroos or 10000 Emus?
>inb4 jews

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why stop at 17?

Drink the rest on livestream

How many of your friends died of alcoholism?


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they get it if they don't drink.

Why not switch to liquor It would be faster and you wouldn't have to piss so much

Go find a Roo and do this. Rolling

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Takes a lot to live off the land, usually involved in mining when you get that rural, if not industrial construction of most fundamental resources like chemicals and alloy products

Weak faggot

I think probably a bottle and a half of spirits

An angus burger topped with fried onions and mushroom with melted swiss - that's hot stuff, you can get it at a number of different places

if you wake up its hell

what's your pet drop bear's name?

but I'm wondering why didn't the doggo bit the roo?

Recommend me some decent rock music to get plastered to lads

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answer me first

I remember. Does someone has the full vid. It was epic



You didn't drink such amount of beer and you know it. Stop larping.

I'm at 20 beers rn.
maybe he has kraut ancestors

Have you always been a degenerate or is it something you've had to work at?

Friendly doggo, doesnt think hes in real danger

im drunk as shit. feels comfy.
im so used to getting stoned, weed feels psychedelic

vodka feels omg

Want to take shots of Jägermeister out of my foreskin at FurDU?

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Sometimes a man deserves to drink the jewish dystopia away and be happy

germanbro asking all the right questions

Nah Scottish / Norman.

Pic related my clan tag - Sinclar / St. Clair

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I am down a thirty rack in an evening no problem

Kino, thanks lads

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i like the VATS version better

Stacy, she's the appertizer before the croc has a knaw at ya goolies, and yest ya forget they swim in most rivers local to anywhere not a city

If my urine contains chunks of gelatinous red that looks and tastes similar to salsa; am I eating too much dirt or not enough vasolene?

Did the feds stage the Port Arthur shooting so they could ban guns?

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maybe Sup Forums can answer your question.
if true and not gay something is really wrong

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4 pints and im KO. I think im getting older. Feels bad man.

sounds like not enough gravel in your dirt

OP here, I am sucking this man's dick right now. I think he is my dad lol

>4 pints and im KO

also the first time I saw mods moving a Sup Forums thread to Sup Forums.

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Yeah fuck off faggot I'm the actual OP, pic related is how much grog I have left
>lmao not banned for off topic
Based mods, finally respecting Ozzie posts

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375 ml a 4.5% alc. No wonder that you lost against Emus....

>not VB

why are you talking to yourself?

is this a fucking xbox controller?
I think I spotted your problem

Oi yeah i'd love to see you top one of these long bois, lest ya forget they can run as fast as a car and can cave your chest in with one wallop

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I actually would love to have some as pets. 100% protection against aussies

Ye playing the recent port of the Master Chief collection to steam, shit is lit. Used to played 3 and Reach way back 10 years ago, having fun

It's 4X where I come from in QLD, shit the factory is only 10km from where I live, but pale ale takes my fancy

Anyone in Sup Forums want to step up to the plate and suck some liquor out of my cock?

Fuck you nigger kill yourself

Oh and checked

Please no racism, this is a family friendly website!

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trips of gay

I just ran a hundred in fifteen

..... but who cares what the units are ?

this dude his so lucky he didnt get disemboweled

Oh I thought this was Facebook. My apologies.

wtf is that thing?

: nice dubs

> "... this is a family friendly website! " ;
No it isn't :
even 4channel is totally non-family-friendly, despite being (ostensibly) "safe for work".
It routinely bans minors for daring to post even the most trivial and inoccuous opinion, or cute inspiring image.
But This site ( Sup Forums[ ̶n̶e̶l̶ ] ) is even worse:
huge proportions of it are totally cancerous mind-rotting degeneracy that even warns users about the fact that it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK in an all-adult environment let alone in a family setting with innocent children that would probably be encouraged & goaded to participate in all sorts of illegal debauchery and criminal foul mouthed hatred of normal members of society.

just a normal black girl from the looks of it

..... and that's just the good things that I can say about it.