Thinking about becoming an electrician, Sup Forums. What do you anons think?

Thinking about becoming an electrician, Sup Forums. What do you anons think?


Do it user, the world needs more trades persons.
I’ve been doing some wiring work on my house and it’s been a great experience so far. Only been shocked 2 times.

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Turn your main off you fucking goon

no, 2 times

If you like solving problems, don't mind actual work, and are reasonably intelligent, being an electrician is potentially a very rewarding career.

It's not just sitting on your ass, which is why I like it. Office bullshit is ... bullshit. I hated office jobs and sitting down all day. I like solving problems a lot, and that's basically what the work running wires is.

Looks like you're on the right track. Electricians are pre Madonna pussies btw.

Yeah I’m not an electrician at all, I’m not well off so I’m doing some electrical work to my house myself. Being shocked from an outlet/light switch really isn’t that bad, It’s mostly just scary.

My dad said I didn’t have to do that when changing out a bad switch.
Looking back on think he just wanted me dead.

Sure. It's slightly skilled labor and pay is not terrible but also not great. Go for it.