This fucking faggot lol

This fucking faggot lol
genuinely autistic

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i dont care for that faggot but you come off as a step more autistic than him since you felt the need to post this on an anime inspired porn forum to have other anonymous losers validate your opinion

nothing you said was good or correct
silence, fool

He's not autistic, he was molesterbated by his mother now he has issues with women. It's also why he gets a free pass to abuse women non stop because sex abuse victims are to libtards what holy cows are to hindus.

i was correct saying you're a bottom feeding loser for posting a tweet of someone you don't like. genuinely pathetic.

>breeder mentality

that's not a good criteria. you're very stupid and it comes off gay how you talk.

just lmao at all the normies getting hurt by facts

Not sure how saying women should have children and not ride the cock carousel is abuse.

2019: Facts are offensive.

Eh ok that's true you pedantic fuck. Point is if you try saying any of those things without the molesterbation victimhood shield you won't last very long.

he's right you know
you should think about changing your life OP

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Are you fucking kidding me? Having a kid is similar to squeezing out a baseball out of your cockhole and then being saddled with a retarded and needy untrainable dog for 20 some years. How the fuck is that in any meaningful way better than riding dick?

>being this selfish

What board does it belong

This is dead on
The only amendment that needs to be added is that in modern times 30 years is not uncommon for these parasites to live at home

Your life must be very shallow.

The family unit is the corner of any health society.

With the break down of the family unit, you will see the break down in society. We already are.

You actually have to replace the next generation. For society to continue you need the next generation to take over and take care of the previous one.

If this is your out look on life. It is extremely pathetic.

>you're more autistic, let me detail why by showing how autistic I am

You need to work on your fucking arguments McPreachy. You and your crotch spawn are included in society, and you're asking me to perpetuate it? Nah. How about YOU do some fucking labour and go adopt a few orphans? There's certainly a lot of them. But nah, nah. You're going to make some argument about genes or whatever.

No, this society needs to die.

Regularly, Monyneux is just an asshat that habitually makes fallacious arguments, but in this capacity, he's the special kind of asshat that copes with their dissatisfaction of their own life by trying to lower the standard of happiness around them.

Molymeme is a massive faggot

t. Molymeme

sounds like you're the faggot giving him a pass, faggot

And you’re dirt for taking the bait, faggot.

Op is faggot nobody wants his seed.

lol ur like 12 r something kid idk nice bait tho

She had a baby 2 years ago.

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I would like to impregnate her

Stephen Molynuex is a complete fucking retard and i genuinely feel sorry for those who are brainwashed by him.

look at these autistic faggots

Protip: Eat regularly Sup Forumstards

Eating a variety of foods, regularly, and in the right amounts is the best formula for a healthy diet.

Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in helpless overeating. Snacking between meals can help control hunger, but snacking should not replace proper meals. For snacks, we could choose yoghurt, a handful of fresh or dried fruits or vegetables (like carrot sticks), unsalted nuts, or perhaps some bread with cheese.

Paying attention to portion size will help us not to consume too much calories, and will allow us to eat all the foods we enjoy, without having to eliminate any.

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user i dont think u can use deadly force in situations like that

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Losing your eggs is mostly caused by environment factors such as stress and chemical additives to hygiene products and foods.

A healthier lifestyle will lead to more fertility. She rich and has one.

Menopause can and may happen though which will kill her ability to have kids. And it can happen as early as the early 40s in some cases.

She has a greater chance of sporadic menopause than running out of eggs.

She seems like the adoptee type anyways she can't hold a relationship to save her life.