I'd love to kick Greta Thunber in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch her with the full force of my steel capped toe under her chin, send that little potato flying through the air.
As she lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on her own blood, her jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of her skull, I stand over her and laugh wickedly. She looks up at me in fear and pain, her eyes searching, begging me for mercy. She finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting her skull like a melon and finally ending her pathetic life.
That just makes her even more of a victim. I know you want her dead. Even I want her dead. But she's much more powerful as a martyr.
Remember that a liberal's entire mind revolves around emotions. We can't end their lying. We can't kill her. This is a clown world now, user. They won.
why you want her dead? she is a girl, who is shouting that the world is on fire.. is the world on fire user? why you afraid of her?
Parker Torres
I would add on taking her corpse to a vegan sausage factory where she is ground up and added to the mixture.
Elijah Morris
The world is not on fire. Liberals keep trying to start fires, but continuously fail.
I want her dead because I hate liars. She's a huge lying cunt.
In a sense, I think fear is the right word. I'm afraid of her actually turning this world into what she says it is. It's a pathetic move from the left.
I don't get why people hate her. She's just a kid. You should get mad at her followers
Hudson Nguyen
the world truly is burning tho. I hear today on MAINSTREAM MEDIA that greenland ice melting 7x faster than 20yrs ago. Think the rising sea level will put out the fire user?
I think there are too many people here and we fucked it all up. There is going to be a reckoning and when the night of darkness comes, many will suffer.
Ian Barnes
why 'Liberals' rather than 'lefties' or 'facists' or some other perjorative name ? how do these liberals try to start the fire user? I mean, what I hear is that greta is shouting that the fires have been burning for a long time and the capitalists are trying to suppress that because they are just making some money
vegans don't eat greta, you make no sense. why would you force somebody to eat something they don't want.. do you like broccoli user? do you like it shoved up your ass?
Grayson Hughes
Yup, and you people call transfaggots "mentally ill".
Jonathan Murphy
anyway this is misrepresentation, Greta is saying that the people in charge should listen to the scientists who have been saying there is a problem for a long time. She is offering no practical solutions because she recognises that she is a schoolgirl with little experience, but that other people are better qualified to create those solutions. A true leader!
Nathan Thompson
Her actual response would be "how dare you"
Brody Richardson
>when the night of darkness comes, many will suffer
i lost. the fact you can post shit like that and still take yourself seriously shows just how little you know about anything. cheers.
Jeremiah Garcia
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Elijah Wright
Man you right wingers are fucking idiots! So willing to show off your manliness by beating up on a 16 year old autistic girl. Can you POSSIBLY get any more triggered. Fucking snowflakes need to suck it up and dry those tears.
Jacob Sanders
Nah fam. Thank the Capitalists which made a generation poorer because fuck them.