Another day, another wh*Te mass shooting. I finally understand the problem, Sup Forums...

Another day, another wh*Te mass shooting. I finally understand the problem, Sup Forums. America doesn't have a gun problem, it doesn't have a mental health problem, it has a wh*Te problem. All wh*Toids are violent savages who can't stop murdering innocent superior BLACK men. We need to round up all wh*Tes and put them into labor camps before they kill again.

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Implying that there are white people in New Jersey

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Italians and hispanics arent white. Just because they have jobs and are more appealing than pavement gibbons doesnt make them our equal.
And guns arent the problem, criminal culture is. England has worse crimes than us in the same areas even though guns are outlawed. Its the chav culture, foreigers who wont assimilate, and criminalizing the victims that make this happen. You cant stop violence when the media sensationalize it.
Its unfortunate people die, but until laws change in favor of keeping citizens safe this will become more common

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>long gun


Italians are the niggers of europe

Italy has more cultural value in 100 square meters in any of it's cities than you have in all america.
Our food is objectively the best in the world, and is imitated everywhere, with scarce results.
Our history traces to romans which (together with the greeks) are the base of the western civilisation, from philosophy to laws.
You americans are just a bunch of ignorant retards that think that because you're many and have money you are the center of the world, but it's not so. You don't have a history. You're pathetic

Did you just assume his nationality? Nowhere did he say something referring to US citizenship, nor implied it.

Can I get a large pepperoni with extra cheese? And hurry the fuck up Luigi. Go make some more delicious moldy meats.

Imagine the US building their whole country based on niggers. Congress and every other institution full of Greco-Roman iconography. Meds clearly kickstarted the superior western civilization so you are the actual niggers.

fucking retards

Vikings have more of a cultural impact than Romans did, and Italian food sucks nuts.

>white guy shoots people.
It’s a mass shooting take the guns, his mental health, is it terrorist.
>nigger shoots people.
It’s just hood life homie, nothing to see.

>Jersey City
pick one


Nigger, please.

Imagine thinking white people live in jersey city

LOL what cultural impact did Vikings leave us? Loose concepts of language? LOL....oh no...oh no no no...oh no no no...omg no....ha...h...oh no...ha...omg no...ha....haha....hahahahaha....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

kys liberal niggerfaggot. porn has been reinstated go back to posting bbc threads you discord tranny

They were pretty cool, plus the mythos they left behind created great works of art and wonderful novels. Example: a good portion of 40k is based on Norse mythology.


Hmmm...So he was behind that!?

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Go dilate.

Don't forget that your cars are over priced pieces of shit that break down all the time.

go to Sup Forums or /bant/ stupid spic

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America has the mass media problem. More black people die from constipation than from white people but that doesn't fit the narrative.

And yet they are still some of the most sought after cars in the world, cope

When you consider the fact that zoomers are the only one in schools does it really matter that much? They're all half brain dead anyway, there hasn't been a single sports banner hung in my high school since my class (millenials) graduated

Anyone else looking forward to the boogerlube?

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you just had to ban porn mods...

Wrong. Romanians are the niggers of Europe. They commit burglaries of rural and city homes alike, they don't even give a fuck if people are home. Last year, one guy robbed a home and bashed the owner's head in with a shovel he picked up in the yard. Stole the TV, the guy's car, money, some food, paintings and the shovel. They drive through rural areas during grape harvest season, looking for unlocked doors and whatnot. The only thing they don't do as frequently as the original niggers is rape. Not gonna count on it, though.

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>banning porn on a pink board
I missed whatever happened, what's going on?

If 23 more dead kids let's me keep my guns, so be it.

Lol nice troll but yes we do have a colored problem. People keep acting like niggers and end up being shot by the awkward kid who can no longer handle it.

This. Reporting in from New Jersey.

All Americans are mutts.
There is no such thing a "pure blood" whites anywhere in America.
During the melting pot days of the 1800s and early 1900s DNA was so mixed around that there is nothing but a homogenized European hybrid, with no pedigree. Just a slosh pot of genetic material.
You can only be anglo-ish, not pure anglo.

Yet we're the #1 country in the world and we kick your ass at sports

>hurrdurr not best bcuz shootings
>hurrdurr soccer