Was the porn ban past night just a rogue mod? I thought Sup Forums would be permanently fixed...

Was the porn ban past night just a rogue mod? I thought Sup Forums would be permanently fixed, but I am now disappointed.

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Do your part, shitpost in the general threads that we see over and over

Only us real oldfags remember that one night porn was banned on Sup Forums

>I thought Sup Forums would be permanently fixed
Because you're fucking retarded

It was too good to be true

wish I waz there :(

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All of you idiots keep calling it a "ban".
It was never banned.
Mods do shit like this occasionally bc newfags don't know how to fucking use Sup Forums.

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>wants old Sup Forums back
>gets butthurt when trolled by a mod

Fuck me, its supposed to be winter.


This, keep going anons. Make /our/mod proud

>i thought Sup Forums would be fixed

Stop pretending to be an oldfag, it's boring and pathetic.

The internet as a whole has been shit for the past decade, Sup Forums and Sup Forums for that matter are no different.

Only a newfag would say there is such a thing that is “how to use Sup Forums“

Why are you gatekeeping the asshole of the internet lol

>We need to spam stupid bullshit to fight the people spamming stupid bullshit!

God the autism never ends

Just make the threads you actually want to see you downsy fucks.
Oh wait you're too retarded to do that you want other people to do it for you.

Cool thanks for confirming you're butthurt so we can lol at u

Did you figure out that there's more porn than ever right now? Lol nice win.

So here's a contrarian take for you: Sup Forums was never bad. We've always had periods where something, be it anontalk, various colored boxes using newfags to generate spam, porn, logposting, etc., that constantly takes up a large portion of threads. It used to be more of a problem prior to having the catalog, but regardless the effect still has a degree of annoyance. However, I've always just tuned it out as background noise and accepted that it's a byproduct of all the chaos.
However, when someone starts a quality thread on Sup Forums, it usually gets plenty of hits. People are starved for quality and will generally flock to it when it appears.

I agree things have been stagnating and am happy with the temporary porn ban. Mods here don't have rules to play by either and I'm happy to see them starting to fuck around again. They're still total faggots, but Sup Forums was more fun when they'd get involved with the shenanigans.

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Nice to see you posting again BigMike72

This. Or add a post that contributes to a good existing thread to keep it bumped rather than create a dumb ass "protest" thread that drives good threads off the board. Take last night, I had 7 mid-range page (4-7) threads get pushed off in mid-post because of the barrage of single post "Porn is gone" threads. You want a better board? Post on quality, ignore crap.

Literally all it would take to prevent massive amounts of faggotry is disallowing samefagging/self replies but it's too much work to implement for zero gain for hiroshimoot

Also you're 100% correct.

Should go to r9k

Unironically Sup Forums was great last night. There was no porn, funny and interesting threads were thriving, the content was of higher quality. Whoever that mod was, he was a hero in a wasteland of faggots.

Wasteland of Faggots would be a killer band name

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Dank. Also checked

Fixed? Like Sup Forums was always shit. Shit is all that is posted on Sup Forums

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That beautiful image reminds me of an old flash video that I quite enjoyed in my middle school years. I will gladly share it with you.

We need nudes OP and you know it

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we have a "fix," but it's dead

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Last night was fun


I hope so..

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Blessed post

We could always kick up the trend of internet pranks again. Society has been getting rather humorless and I'd like to see more people have some lulz injected into their lives.

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I agree. (I Came in 2005 from YTMND) I wish the board wasn't constant porn threads and more quality content existent. I'm happy if the mods do more experiments like last night, I saw an instant increase in quality even with the retarded "this is censorship" noise.

Last night was first time I was on Sup Forums for more than ten minutes in probably 8 years.

Any ideas? Any good contest going on asking the internet for something? Or maybe get a fake whistleblower to come out and say something retarded on CNN or fox?

Me on the right.

The Shia Lebouf trolling was some of the greatest I've ever seen. Could we somehow troll Greta and the climate change movement?

Dunno, but I do know our old buddies in Scientology have been trying to team up with the Nation of Islam and use them to expand into black communities. They've also been buying up a fuck ton of property in Florida using their tax exempt status to effectively store all their cash in property at no cost. If we could find a way to spark a lulzy schism between them and NoI (possibly by trolling Farrakhan and his mooks), it might spark a chain reaction of lulz to put them back in the spotlight in order to kill their tax exempt status. I remember one of Trump's aides mentioning interest in doing so, and more public eye on them would definitely expedite the process.

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plus yonkers left, so it's dead AND pointless

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I think this thread could use a little freshening up.

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