Whats your top 5 SNES games?

Whats your top 5 SNES games?
2)Chrono Trigger
3)Super Metroid
4)Killer Instinct

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There was this monster truck racing game. I forget the name, but I remember that you could purchase nitro boost, and same them between races. used to save 99 nitro boosts just to spam nitrous from start to finish and dominate a single race.

Chrono Trigger
Tales of Phantasia
Final Fantasy VI
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Can't believe I forgot about DKC2. Every single one after that was dildos.

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Was it Rock 'n Roll Racing by any chance?

Super Metroid
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Mega Man X
Zombies Ate My Neigbors

1) Pac-Man 2
2) Pac-Man 2
3) Pac-Man 2
4) Pac-Man 2
5) Pac-Man 2

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This motherfucker has fine taste

Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario World
Super Mario RPG
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Kart

Final fantasy 6, super gouls and ghosts, zombies ate my neighbors, gradius 3, Zelda.

I gotta say though. 5 is really limiting

No, the view was more zoomed out - you could see the entire circuit all the time.

OP here.
10 it is!
6)Donkey Kong Country 2
7)Secret of Mana
9)Tetris Attack
10)Sim City

Kirby Superstar
Donkey Kong Country 3 (like the vibe, look and overworld)
Link to the Past
Mario Kart
Super Mario All Stars + World

Street Fighter
Super Punchout
DK Country
Madden 96
NHL 94

Very similar to what my list would be. I try to keep it to one per genre so CT/FF6 is a tough choice for me.

Super Off Road.

1.mario kart
3.secret of evermore
4.zombies ate my neighbors
5.peobably legend of zelda

Holy shit, yes! Thank you, this is one of my dear childhood memories.

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>Secret of Evermore

I fucking loved this game back in the 90s. Tried it out the other day and turns out it is mostly due to nostalgia. So I stopped playing to not spoil my memories.

Link to the past
Donkey Kong country
Mega Man x

1) Secret of Evermore
2) Street Fighter 2 turbo
3) Super Mario
4) Liberty or Death
5) E.V.O.: Search for Eden
I loved these games, but they were all stolen on my 18th birthday along with my cake, my presents, and my birthday diner, so thanks for reminding me of that

Deciding wiether to revisit the past or to preserve it in memory alone is the most difficult part of nostalgia.

>no puzzle fighter
Wtf, man?

2.yoshis island
4.ghoul patrol (underrated)
5.pacman 2
6.darius twins
7.sm allstars/sm world
8.illusion of gaia
9.zelda link to the past
10. Sm time machine

A link to the past
Mario Kart
Mega Man X
Super mario world

I'm sad now

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1. A Link to the Past
2. Super Metroid
3. Chrono Trigger
4. Earthbound
5. Yoshi’s Island

1.Gunstar Heroes
2. Thunderforce 4
3. Alien Soldier
4. Streets of Rage 2

My list is very similar to yours except no Donkey Kong. Earthbound takes that spot.

1) Super Metroid
2) Super Metroid
3) Super Metroid
4) Super Metroid
5) A Link to the Past

Mortal Kombat 1
Mortal Kombat 2
Super Mario Kart
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

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1. Super Mario World
2. Super Mario Kart
3. DKC
4. Uniracers
5. Star Fox


in no particular order:

illusion of gaia
super mario rpg: legend of the seven stars
legend of zelda: a link to the past
megaman x

1)Megaman X
2)Super Castlevania 4
3)Super Ghouls n Ghosts
4)Super Metroid
5)Final Fantasy 5

Super Mario rpg

Where my genesis boys at?

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Over here

a man of taste

nes and snes games overall probably age the best among retro games. after that like ps1 and n64, things that were great at the time are just unacceptable by modern standards. awkward controls, load times. shit 3d doesn't have the same charm as 2d sprites either

Oh god ff3 was horrible

How can people forget a link to the past?

>Super Metroid
>Kileer Instinct
>Donkey-Kong Country 2
>A link to the Past
>Final Fantasy Vl

in constantly shifting order
megaman x
chrono trigger
super metroid
ff6 (with ff4 getting a most honorable mention)

also editing to make the exception for Castlevania SOTN being one of the greatest games of all time

super off road

Yoshis island

there's cuck threads all over Sup Forums bro

Super Mario: RPG
Lufia 2
Secret of Evermore
Illusion of Gaia
Link to the Past

So many good games on the console.

I was trying to come up with a witty comeback but that shit made me laugh too much to do it. Good burn my dude.

i really miss the obscure titles you'd find at video stores. before the internet was really a thing and you were limited to what your game magazine promoted and your friends had, the world was bigger and more exciting, you could find hidden gems that maybe weren't the greatest, but it was something you had no idea existed and was fresh material at a time when your imagination was eager to explore those new worlds. it was kinda the same with anime too, i know part of it is just getting older, but market saturation and constant availability of like all the media makes it feel less...like less of an adventure

don't think it would land on my list, but i spent countless hours on mario paint and the music is stuck in your head now

If all I had were these forever, that's all I'd need.
1. Mario All Stars + World
2. Super Metroid
3. Chrono Trigger
4. FF3
5. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

If I was allowed more than 5:
Zelda, DKC2, Mario RPG

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FF 4
FF 6
Secret of Mana
Super castlevania

Total squaresoft whore...

1) SF Alpha 2
2) Super Mario World
3) Killer Instinct
4) Lufia
5) F-Zero