Hi anons :) I'm just really curious what you think of my dick or my body?

Hi anons :) I'm just really curious what you think of my dick or my body?

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too nigger

you'd make a good tranny

this tbh

my first thought, too. Girly lookin' figure, aside from the monster dong.

kys nigger

I hate the fact you're right.

sexy!! ( ◜◝ )
Ur skin is rly smooth and ur cock is perfect! Would suk the shit outta u uwu
U do a good job @ keeping ur bush kempt too, witch i appreciate

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Hot, but he needs to use a chastity cage. Black dicks look gross and I don't wanna see them.

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Well, you have quite a feminine frame, your cock is ok, however to post your body on 4chode you are probably a sad lonely attention whore.

That looks like a really low and tight cut. Show closeup.

very nice. I'd let you fuck my gf. We are going to strt looking for black guys to fuck her, it turns us both on quite a bit

Why do you hate it

How does it feel to have a dick that big?

Perfect body ruined by shekelsnatchers

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Amazing ngl

I knew it! I'm envious. I hope you have fun with it.

Needs more tits and more hair. Where you put the tits and where you put the hair doesnt matter to me, so long as you have them you can come over this weekend.

Measurement on that thing?

He wouldnt know how it feels ot have a small one would he?
Question is, how has it manifested in your day to day life? How many girls did you fuck? Does gossip get you laid?

You look like you fucked at least 4 gfs/wives with that

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