Porn ruined my life. Has this happened to anyone else?

Porn ruined my life. Has this happened to anyone else?

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You aren't putting a chemical into your brain. You are getting addicted to the feeling you correlate with ejaculating which is what you do while watching porn. You aren't addicted to anything you just use it as an escape. Stop masturbating so much. Go outside and talk to people.

>Has this happened to anyone else?
No. I have self-control

What a loser

Stop doing it, and makes you feel wonderful. I’m never going back to fapping.

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As far as the brain goes, it does not know the difference between masturbating and actually sex.
It releases the same chemicals during both.

Porn isn't ruining your life, your lack of discipline is.
Same thing with No Faps. Your body does not change, you just have adopted discipline, and through discipline do you gain confidence.

TL:DR porn isn't to blame for your fuck ups, you are, dumbass

Go back to your asylum Sup Forumsack

I quit fapping to porn and cut it down to once a week. Unfortunately I feel like I've already wasted too much of my life doing it.

You just need weirder porn that’s all. Have you tried vomiting and scat?
Just raise the bar until you need a 12x4” buttplugg and genital mutilation to nutt.

trips of truth

This x10. I'm waiting for the internet to catch on and everybody start to go
>"Oh, wow. Those monks really knew some stuff. I'm going full celibate"
Oh...wait....celibate...Sup Forums....yeah, forget that.

>As far as the brain goes, it does not know the difference between masturbating and actually sex.
Which is how we know all this nofap comes from fundamentalists like Kellogg and repressive religious beliefs

no, your mother ruined my life, and several others

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Or your wasting your life by not having as many orgasms as possible.

it's not that porn has ruined you

it's that you're not allowed to act like a man, slap girl's asses and generally strive towards getting laid the way our ancestors has done it for thousands of years. meanwhile girls act more like men AND porn provides you the relief you realize you won't get in real life due to how society is.

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Just chop that "magic wand" right off, thank me later :)

Hit me right in the feels user....

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Let me guess
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

Because it's always the Joos

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People think being born with a big dick instantly guarantees you success with women but it really doesnt. I’d say Ive been with the average amount of women but every woman who has seen my dick thinks its massive. Trouble is how is any girl gonna know or even care how big your Dick is if your personality is boring. Work on your personality anons!

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