Godtards: snakes can’t talk. Books which contain talking snakes are works of fiction

Godtards: snakes can’t talk. Books which contain talking snakes are works of fiction.

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snakes can’t talk
You mean the Harry Potter books are all a lie?

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You should really take this kind of trolling elsewhere, its kind of a waste of time. What percentage of people on this board do you think are non ironic god fags?

Maybe 1 in 1000?

Call it a creative reinterpretation.

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>atheists vs. christfags thread
Unless you have something incendiary to say about Jews and their evil schemes, I suggest you take this to Reddit.

take it metaphorically. I was raised christian and no longer believe in a traditional sense of religion or a god but I still kept those strong morals. I see digusting shit from getto people everyday at my job im glad i was raised how i was

I doubt they meant that it was your run of the mill ordinary snake that talked. It was a demon who shape-shifted into a snake probably.

Nigger, please. A big %age of 4chinners are amerifats, and that usually means godtards.

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It's been proven already that religious people have a harder time telling fact from fiction.

Also fiction. But if you state that obvious fact, no-one will ask you to prove it. And agnostics are not “open-minded” about Harry Potter. They know it’s fiction. They should reflect on why they can’t reach the same conclusion about the holy babble.

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>but I still kept those strong morals
So I take it that you intend to bash your son to death with rocks if he is ever disobedient?

Saw some stupid god page on FB talking about how all they want for Christmas is all kids with cancer healed. In the comments they said something along the lines of

>with Christ all is possible

Everyone was all like “AHMEN PRAISE JESUS HALLEUJAH!”

I’m sitting there thinking... Why are there still kids with cancer then? Stupid fucks.

t. Buttshattered godtard

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Exactly. These mongs see their prayers go unanswered time after time and still they learn nothing. Absolute chimpanzees.

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Hes spamming that image in like every thread friendo.

Do you see? Its just an echo chamber. If thats what you want cool, but if you are trying to rustle jimmies, its just not working.

It's okay champ, it'll always be real in your mind

you see things that "arent there" when you exist in a higher level of consciousness. you dont believe in Gods or faries or ghosts or serpents because you are on a dangerously low level of consciousness, closer to Hell than humanity has ever been before. It's up to you to save yourself, now is the time for spiritual awakening, the kali yuga has ended and we're about to enter a great Golden Age of humanity.

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about prayer: God cannot help those who cannot help themselves. God and prayer help guide Man's hand, they do not have physical powers of their own. Humanity and your consciousness is the thing that connects this world to God. Besides your mind and soul, everything works according to rules, physics, science, alchemy,
when atheists expect le bearded man, or prayer to be magic, you must understand that this is a jewish psyop to make you not believe in anything.

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the Earth is like a cell of God, the elements its DNA, and we are making structures from these elements, like a cell makes proteins. Like your subconsciousness guides your health when given the proper materials, God will help humanity guide us to our proper collective health, so long as we do our work and follow the rules. There are people who act like viruses and will do anything to subvert our health and make us ill. they are in direct opposition to God and your health.

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His might is not dependent on us. We are His creation just like everything else. We depend on Him and not vice versa.

Everyone more powerful than you has faith in something. Stop being told not to be religious by jews.

Kek, you faggots still think being an atheist is cool and edgy, or even somehow better? You're all just as stupid and brainwashed as the christfags.

What a retarded post. Do you believe in Zeus? No? Is that because you’re so cool and edgy? See what a stupid premise that is? As for being better, yes, we are better than godtards. We don’t want people set on fire for disagreeing with us. That, and many other things makes us better.

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yes, but not entirely. Everything has a purpose, being in service to God of course helps Him. Your health is His health, at least partially. If you have a cancer tumor, your whole body is effected. being in homeostasis is expected, is the norm, but of great import to the whole.

everyone powerful is Gnostic
look into nazi VRIL, it is european high pagan practice
nazis were actually very into occult, they knew the jude is as well.

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yes i believe in Zeus

You missed the point, retard. Nice try though.

Your favourite god is fake, champ. Doesn’t exist. You got scammed.

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The thing is that Creator does not equal creation as you Hindus are inclined to think it does.

>favorite god
my God is everything, the beginning and the end, alpha and omega. Saying my God doesnt exist is akin to saying nothing exists, which is something you can argue for and I'm willing to hear you out on that. But I'm assuming you're just here to antagonize people and not actually learn anything.

im gnostic
the Vedas was written by white people
Hindu is a recent term and is bastardized vedicism

Another buttshattered godtard. Sperging at me is futile, champ. You should be mad at the person who planted the god lies into your brain when you were a child.

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Plenty of atheist regimes have put people to death over "disagreements". Do you honestly believe the bullshit your typing, or are you just on autopilot?

You're bad at this, user.

God trolls aethiests hard af. If He was not real how could He do that?

>my God is everything, the beginning and the end, alpha and omega. Saying my God doesnt exist is akin to saying nothing exists
Great! It should then be very easy for you to provide evidence for your favourite god (the talking-snake book is not evidence).

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So what was that statement about the Kali Yuga all about? You are not Hindu but you believe in that nonsense?

You ass would not have gone full Krakatoa were you not a godtard. Lying about this makes you dishonest as well as stupid (in other words a textbook godtard).

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gnosis is about wisdom through experience, i can lead you towards experience but cannot post proof.
the story of Adam-eve was about ayy lmaos not God. the word used is el/elohim in hebrew, which is not properly defined. i believe is a race of aliens, genetic engineers who produced humans to be mindless slaves to mine Gold in africa. The elohim that is surprised when it realizes man achieved consciousness cannot be my God, because he is surprised, because he is not omnipotent, because he has physical form.

Which god?

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also, ricky gervais is a midwit cuck. Karl Pilkington is miles smarter than ricky, no one is smart enough to realize. karl has a philosophers soul, and lives stoic philosophy without even realizing.

>but cannot post proof
I’m shocked!
Fictitious god remains fictitious.

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Krakatoa? Seriously? Kek! You flipped your nipps because I poked fun at your little thread. Atheists are so damn predictable, and unable to cope with being made fun of. Now tell me again how I'm a "godtard". Try to supply some shred of proof while you're at it.

proof is a midwit's game

>Now tell me again how I'm a "godtard
You’re a godtard.

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How do you know you don't get out your mother's basement to see snakes

Just as predictable as I thought.

That’s original, champ.

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I gave you what you asked for and you’re still dissatisfied?

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The devil rapping you boy


yes, like your heart works in cycles, so do the days, the moon, the planets, your hormones, your mood, as well as our collective consciousness. there are more rapes and murders during the full moon etc. The stars, planets and their energies effect us. The ancients knew this, wrote about it as scientific fact, and yet with infinite knowledge at our fingertips (the internet) we still consider it nonsense.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1444800/ (effect of moon)
ananda.org/yogapedia/kali-yuga/ (kali yuga)

inb4 websites look like shit, wat, do u want jew corporate fashion website for esoteric knowledge? lol

Where did I show dissatisfaction? I'm glad you're as dumb as I thought.

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>watching two retards get triggered by other retards.

This is why I come here on my lunch break.

>godtard continues to ragesperge for jesus
You poor kid. It’s just too humiliating to face the fact that you got scammed, isn’t it. Cheer up champ. Here, have a hotdog.

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Ancients danced around fire naked like a bunch of rabid monkeys celebrating human sacrifice they just performed by raping a virgin and tearing his heart out you fucking Pagan.
>scientific fact
For those two words and meaning behind it we can only thank the followers of Abraham and not some Pagan filth.

>when you out yourself as a logposter
If Jesus was real, you'd definitely need him for that level of autism.

>Ancients danced around fire naked like a bunch of rabid monkeys
not very true. priest caste was obviously always so far removed from peasant caste. Think of african warlords pretending to be christian. They do not represent christian faith, and stick to their tribal war tradition. Ancient religious caste does not come from indigenous stock, they come from great lands and use natives as workers and sacrafice
>celebrating human sacrifice they just performed by raping a virgin and tearing his heart out you fucking Pagan.
jews still do this behind closed doors. ritual pedophilia as well.
>For those two words and meaning behind it we can only thank the followers of Abraham and not some Pagan filth.
wat is khem

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I don't even know why I waste my time with you. I think I will rather go ground some beef you pray to and make a patty and fry it.

i pray for the safe passage of the soul for any of my animals i slaughter, before i hunt, etc.
if nothing else it makes me feel good.

t. buttshattered shitshamer

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t. t50

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picture of average pagan

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