Watch this video if you have ever said anything related to there being a gap between the IQs of black people and white...

Watch this video if you have ever said anything related to there being a gap between the IQs of black people and white people
He covers everything, provides sources, and never uses any arguments based on emotions

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nogs could all be astronauts and scientists and I would still want them out of my country.

And why is that

Why does he have duck feet?

Over 95 percent of all scientific achievement between the 1500s and 1950 happened in europe how do you explain that

So you are admitting that your racism holds no water, and that you are retarded? Because that's what most intelligent people read it as.

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First of all, that's not true, look at asia and north America.
Second, that's about the time Europe started colonizing the world

>So you are admitting that your racism holds no water, and that you are retarded? Because that's what most intelligent people read it as.

my sides have gone orbital

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You didn't genuinely think that I was going to listen to some nobody drone on for two and a half hours about how blacks aren't bad, did you?
You can't be this stupid.

>here watch this propaganda, peasant

No thanks.

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>Hey guise the big powerful narrative says otherwise but every study in the world shows IQs being the same holds no water.
Yeah get killed you fucking faggot.

>2 hours 39 minutes
kys baka

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He talks about every single one of those studies
Watch the fucking video if you're so sure

It's not propaganda

>I don't want to be wrong so I just won't watch it

Communism is bad

Attached: Communist_Bungee_Jump.gif (450x231, 969K)

>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
->n contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

you are welcome OP, come back to me when you get your facts straight bigot

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you and i already know that i know, that you know watching propaganda on YT is DUMB


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You're the narrator of this steaming pile of dung, aren't you?

It's not propaganda, it's him reading the bell curve and its sources, then pointing out the flaws of it
Spoiler, some of them are pretty fucking big, such as someone using a study of exams given to african copper miners (which were low) but ignore the fact that the same study also gave the exam to a school that was close to the mine, and those students scored higher than the average white score

I'm not even British

how does it feel to have no foreskin rabbi?


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Do you have no retort to the small section of his video that I paraphrased? No wonder you won't watch the video, you'll have no answers

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Africa is an intelectual POWERHOUSE!

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>Do you have no retort to the small section of his video that I paraphrased? No wonder you won't watch the video, you'll have no answers

now you listen here, jimmy. nobody likes you here, and nobody likes you out there. just do it. kill yourself ya faggot.

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Your words have no meaning

cool, just like your life.

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That video doesn't say anything against the existence of BW IQ gap. You didn't even watch it you absolute retard.

You just saw the title and thought "hmmm Bell Curve that's about something something race and IQ"

Btw, here is the rebuttal.
He will make more parts of course.

kinda of like the guy who made the video, or OP

Ah yes, because we all know that the longer the video the more true it is. I mean this video must be true not because I wasted over 2 hours of my life watching this shit and feel I need to justify both my political opinion and the fact this shit wasted my time but also I too fucking lazy to do my own selective research

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>ethnic cleansing is ok as long as everyone has comparable IQs
the absolute state of you people

discord trannys are very real

The video is clearly true because my attention span ran out 5 minutes through and I couldn't follow it any longer

>that doesn't prove european superiority as they were busy conquering the whole world
what did he mean by this?

Shaun's got some pretty good videos but Three Arrows has the superior German genes

They stink like shit and steal everything

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Fucking kek

That pic was definitely made by someone who never interacted with a Sup Forumsfag before.

Dilate, you 60 IQ nigger

its hard to decipher, but i think OP is trying to communicate his raging homofile state of mind

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Fucking jobless trannies raiding every moment of the day. The mods are complicit, they're trannies too. In the end, your evil will return to you threefold and your miserable life will take its toll. Not long at all until you kill yourself.

>blackmailing emotionally vulnerable kids into making offerings of blood and pain, while rendering themselves infertile
imagine actually believing these people aren't evil

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All these people saying this video is fake without even watching it or saying what it is that the video got wrong

Yeah, I started watching three arrows a lot more, he's pretty good

t. brainlet

>95% of all scientific advancements
>uh, I meant they were superior

no it's just everyone has clued in that you can't or don't care

I love when little white gamerboys use this statistic and don't realize that they can get away with crime because they're white

A cop won't arrest me for J walking, but a black guy might get arrested for J walking.

This is why blacks "do more crime" it's because we arrest them more for doing the same shit that white people do, too

but this defeats the 13/50 narrative and facts are scary so I understand if cognitive dissonance treats you better

The smartest and wealthiest blacks are statistically more likely to commit crimes than the poorest and dumbest whites. That’s what it gets wrong

Have you considered just not J walking?

That's fundamentally untrue

>he doesn’t know

That is absolutely true my dear redditor.

Welcome to Sup Forums.

Most cops can't wait to fuck you up any time they have an excuse. Especially a little bitch boy like you. You wouldn't know because you never leave your room.

Yet you can't source it

complete bullshit. how does your narrative fit into a scandinavian model (being some of the least "racist" countries on earth)
your whole premise is based on non-fact. its not science. niggers and shitskins being criminals is however a very well proven fact, and so is IQ difference it just doesnt fit into the globalist world view.

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Perfect trilogies don't exist....

The absolute state of redditretards and twittertrannies

13/50 (at least originally) referred to murders dumbass, not loitering or other petty crime. And it's not just the USA either, you'll find pretty much anywhere you look that about 13% is the share of the population they need to get to to make up the majority of violent crime.

sage this shit thread

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>D-Doesn’t count

So im not sitting thru 2+hrs of that vid, can someone summarize it please? I guess its niggers r dumb correct?


What? You've never been minding your own business crossing the street, just committing some casual first degree. You just full of hate whiteboi.

Did you even read those studies? They do not back up what you're claiming

hi, dumb faggot here. what is first degree?

Scroll further my man

The overall crime rate in View Park-Windsor Hills is 45% lower than the national average. For every 100,000 people, there are 4.13 daily crimes that occur in View Park-Windsor Hills. View Park-Windsor Hills is safer than 56% of the cities in the United States.

Really? No i think the vid is jew propaganda sayin nigs are equivalent. Physically they have the potential to be better, but IQ they dont.

I've noticed a lack of "how dis make u feel whiteboi" threads every since I annihilated you the other day and called you out for being a low-i.q. chimp. Now you're on a mission to prove that niggers don't have a naturally lower i.q. lmfao.

Stupid fucking nigger. Tell me a story about wen u wuz a kang.

Who are you even talking to?

>shamelessly promoting your shitty youtube channel
Fuck off

They colonized the earth because they were intellectually superior and had better technology,

well thats just great, if it wasnt full of niggers maybe i would move there!

but seriously what is your point? the richest white area is safer. are you retarded or black?
>pic related

Attached: Screenshot 2019-12-10 at 21.32.07.png (1004x663, 87K)

>this place with 10x the population with a much higher density has slightly more crimes than this other place
Also, I could not find a single source on beattyville being the poorest white town

you are right!

They try and say crime is a result of poverty all the time so why does it occur so often in such a wealthy city?

They also try and blame whitey for crime cuz he be keepin the black man down and oppreshin him n sheet n he kaint git a job cuz dey racis as hewll yet... In this RICH AS FUCK BLACK COMMUNITY... They still have higher crime than the poorest white city is the point.

>A cop won't arrest me for J walking, but a black guy might get arrested for J walking.
>circumstantial bullshit
Post evidence of this statement or go back.

That's a lie though, the Chinese had the greatest technology at the time

It's not my channel

All murders are investigated, you stupid cuntnugget. Murder rates shows a certain race committing more crimes.

>Go back

To Africa

seealso, fuck niggers hehe

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>so often
It's not often
Higher population density will lead to more crime per capita

Fucking kek


I don't really care what a filthy commie has to say.

>It's not propaganda
Sterilize yourself

Oh wow, one school. Compare a top white school and a top black school, then tel me the results.

4 times a day? That's quite often.

Alright, anyone that tried watching the video should be about half way through right now if they started as soon as I made this thread, thoughts so far?
Also, people still haven't brought up any actual counter points, the closest being a dead link to a removed YouTube video

I googled it and it was the first thing that came up.

4 crimes are committed a day
How many crimes a day do you think occurs in your hometown? Smoking weed, underage drinking, texting and driving, all those